200字范文 > 哲学教育观念 educational idea of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

哲学教育观念 educational idea of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-03 13:13:58


哲学教育观念 educational idea of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

哲学教育观念,educational idea of philosophy

1)educational idea of philosophy哲学教育观念

1.The wrongeducational idea of philosophy is the prime cause that restricts the Marxist education of philosophy.不正确的哲学教育观念是制约马克思主义哲学教育的根本原因。


1.Transferring conception of philosophy education,deepening the evaluation reformation of Marxist Philosophy education;转变哲学教育观念 深化马克思主义哲学教育评价的改革

2.Transforming the Educational Idea of Philosophy and Building the Marxist Educational System of Philosophy;转变哲学教育观念与构建马克思主义哲学教育体系

3.Change Philosophical Conception of Education and Deepen the Marxist Philosophy Understanding in Education Aims转变哲学教育观念深化对马克思主义哲学教育目的的认识

4.On Three Changes in the Educational Concepts of Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学教育观念的三大转变

5.On Transformation of Educational Idea of Marxism Philosophy in Contemporary;论当代马克思主义哲学教育观念的更新

6.The Contemporary Philosophy Idea Transforms to the University Philosophy Education Influence当代哲学观念变革对大学哲学教育的影响

7.The Educational Philosophy in the Western Linguistic Teaching;论西方语言学教学中的教育哲学理念

8.Theory of Universitymeansrationalrecognation, ideal pursue, educational conceptand philosophical conceptpeople holdtowards university.大学理念”是人们对大学的理性认识、想追求及所持的教育思想观念和哲学观点。

9.On the Concepts of "Education Philosophy","Education Science"and "Education Technology;“教育哲学”、“教育科学”与“教育技术”概念辨析

10.The Concepts of Real Existence and Unreal Existence in Ancient Indian Religious Philosophy;古印度宗教哲学中的实有与空无观念

11.Educating Ideology of Maslom s Humanism Philosophy;《马斯洛人本哲学》蕴涵的教育理念

12.Changing Education Concepts and Blending Quality Education into Teaching;转变教育观念 融素质教育于教学中

13.Changing Education Modes of Thought Promoting Education and Teaching Reform;转变教育观念 促进教育教学改革

14.Teaching Reform of Physical Education in Concept of Education for All-around Development;素质教育观念下的中学体育教学改革

15.The Concept Renovation of Health Education and P·E·;健康教育与学校体育教学观念的变革

16.Philosophical Interpretation of Enhancement of Education on the Concept of Honors and Dishonors for College Students;对大学生加强荣辱观教育的哲学解读

17.Adult Educational Philosophy Schools View of Self-directed Learning;成人教育哲学流派的自我导向学习观

18.On the Pholosophicla Basis of the concept of Scientific Humanism Education;略论科学人文主义教育观的哲学基础


Educational Philosophy教育哲学观

1.TheEducational Philosophy in Horkheime s Critical Theory;霍克海默批判理论背后的教育哲学观

3)philosophic view of higher education高等教育哲学观

4)philosophy of educational technology教育技术哲学观

5)philosophical concepts哲学观念

1.The study of different mode of thinking,philosophical concepts,cultural psychology and moral concepts reflected in advertisement language will help the better understanding and appreciation of the ad.1]探讨中西方思维模式、哲学观念、文化心理和道德观念反映在广告语言中的差异,对于更好的理解和赏析广告语言,设计既符合广告表达基本原则,又适合民族文化特征的广告语言具有十分重要的作用。

6)philosophical concept哲学观念

1.From the angles ofphilosophical concept,manifestation of body,criterion of health,method of exercise etc.从哲学观念、身体表现形式、健康标准及锻炼方法等角度,追溯中西健康观念的历史形态及中西两种身体文化对健康的不同诉求:西方张扬身体之权力;中国以和谐身体之情境诠释对身体完美的内在追求。

2.Chinese ink and water painting and western water color are respectively from their own national cultures:each has its own traditionalphilosophical concept and esthetic sense;each shows its characteristics while both are closely related.水墨画与水彩画各自扎根于东西方民族文化的根基 ,受其传统哲学观念、审美意识的影响很深。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
