200字范文 > 甜瓜属 Cucumis英语短句 例句大全

甜瓜属 Cucumis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-08 12:42:13


甜瓜属 Cucumis英语短句 例句大全



1.Preliminary Studies on Early Genomic Changes of a Synthetic Allotetraploid inCucumis;甜瓜属人工异源四倍体早期基因组变化的初步研究

2.Cytological and Molecular Studies on Genomic Exchange and Reconstitution in the Synthetic AllotetraploidCucumis hytivus;甜瓜属人工异源四倍体(Cucumis hytivus)染色体组间重组的细胞学及分子标记研究

3.Progress in Interspecific Hybridization in GenusCucumis;甜瓜属植物种间杂交研究进展


1.Cloning of 6-phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase Gene (6PGDH) and Molecular Confirmation of Allotetraploid in Cucumis6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶基因(6PGDH)的克隆与甜瓜属异源四倍体的分子验证

2.Any of several varieties of the melon Cucumis melo, such as the cantaloupe, having fruit characterized by a netted rind and edible flesh with a musky aroma.香瓜一种香瓜属甜瓜种类,如罗马甜瓜,果实有网纹、可食用并且有麝香香味

3.Progresses in Fusarium wilt study of watermelon,cucumber and melon西瓜、黄瓜、甜瓜等瓜类枯萎病研究进展

4."Plants resembling true melons include the watermelon, the Chinese watermelon, the melon tree (see papaya), and the melon shrub, or pear melon (Solanum muricatum)."像甜瓜的植物包括西瓜、冬瓜、番木瓜和茄瓜。

5.the fruit of a muskmelon vine; any of several sweet melons related to cucumbers.甜瓜蔓生植物的果实;与黄瓜相关的几种甜瓜。

6.any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers.任何葫芦科藤蔓植物结的果实;甜瓜;西瓜;罗马甜瓜;黄瓜。

7.We garnished the melon with strawberries.我们给甜瓜配上草莓。

8.buff-colored squash with a long usually straight neck and sweet orange flesh.浅黄色南瓜,颈长且直,瓜肉橙色发甜。

9.Water melons with clear stripes are ripe and sweet.条纹清晰的西瓜,瓜熟味甜。

10.Effects of CPPU on Double-fertilization and Fruit-set in Melon(Cucumis Melom L);CPPU对甜瓜双受精和坐瓜的影响

11.Identification of Squash Mosaic Virus in Xinjiang;感染新疆甜瓜的南瓜花叶病毒的鉴定

12.Progress of Fruit Quality and Control in Watermelon and Melon西瓜、甜瓜果实品质及调控研究进展

13.The fruit of any of these plants, having a hard rind and juicy flesh.甜瓜,西瓜上述两种瓜蔓所结之果实,具有坚硬的瓜皮和多汁的瓤

14.A globose watermelon(Citrullus lanatus var.citroides)having white flesh that is candied or pickled.甜瓜一种球形的西瓜(西瓜变体甜瓜),有可制成蜜饯和腌制的白色果肉

15.Random Primers Selected for Constructing Molecular Genetic Map of C.melon and the Genetic Diversity of C.melon Studied;甜瓜分子遗传图谱构建的随机引物筛选及甜瓜遗传多样性研究

16.A New Hybrid between Thin Skin and Thick Skin Melon ‘Kaitian No. 2’优质厚、薄皮甜瓜中间型新品种开甜2号的选育

17.It is engage to watermelon, melon and vegetable breeding and spreading.主要从事西瓜、甜瓜及蔬菜品种选育与推广。

18.Study on Appraisal of Seed Purity Test of F1 Hybrid of Watermelon and Melon;西瓜、甜瓜杂种一代种子纯度鉴定的研究


Cucumis melo L甜瓜

1.Analysis of genetic diversity ofCucumis melo L.(melon) by using minisatellite DNA core sequence primer;小卫星DNA核心序列引物分析甜瓜遗传多样性

2.Genetic purity test ofCucumis melo L.seeds by RAPD markers;RAPD分子标记鉴定甜瓜种子纯度试验

3.Effect of Genotypes on Haploid Plant Induced by Pollination with Irradiated Pollens in Melon(Cucumis melo L.);甜瓜不同基因型对辐射花粉诱导单倍体的影响


1.Effect of BTH Treatment on Latent Infection Rate of Certain Fungus in Muskmelon;BTH处理网纹甜瓜对两种真菌潜伏侵染率的影响

2.Study on ion absorption ofmuskmelon seedlings under NaCl stress;NaCl胁迫下甜瓜幼苗离子吸收特性研究

3.Study of vigorousmuskmelon seedling index model driven by temperature and radiation;温光驱动甜瓜壮苗指数模型研究


1.Fresh-keeping ofmelon by coating with film under normal temperature;甜瓜涂膜常温保鲜效果研究

2.Application of 6% Ascorbic Acid WA in Watermelon and Melon;6%抗坏血酸水剂在西瓜和甜瓜上的施用

3.Grey relational grade analysis on yield characteristics of inbredmelons;甜瓜产量相关性状的灰关联综合分析研究

5)melon (Cucumis melo L.)甜瓜

1.Factors to Affect Induction of Haploid Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Plants by Pollination with Irradiated Pollens;甜瓜辐射花粉诱导单倍体的影响因素研究

2.Genetic Engineering for Improving the Storage Capacity of Melon (Cucumis melo L.);甜瓜耐贮藏基因工程研究

3.The hybrid purity of melon (Cucumis melo L.以甜瓜(Cucumis melo L。

6)Cucumis melo甜瓜

1.Effects of source-sink relationship between leaves and fruits on fruit characteristics ofCucumis melo;源库关系对甜瓜果实特性的影响

2.Seedling Vitrification in in Vitro Regenerative Secondary Culture ofCucumis melo;甜瓜离体再生继代培养中玻璃化现象的研究

3.DAMD reaction system optimization and analysis of fringerprint map in melon (Cucumis melo L.);甜瓜DAMD反应体系优化及指纹图谱分析


甜瓜花【通用名称】甜瓜花【其他名称】甜瓜花 (《本草图经》) 【来源】为葫芦科植物甜瓜的花,植物形态详"甜瓜"条。 【采集】6~7月,开花时采取。 【功用主治】①《别录》:"主心痛咳逆。" ②《滇南本草》:"敷疮散毒。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1~3钱。外用:捣敷。
