200字范文 > 灭火救援装备标准 standards for fire fighting and rescuing equipment英语短句 例句大全

灭火救援装备标准 standards for fire fighting and rescuing equipment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-16 19:45:21


灭火救援装备标准 standards for fire fighting and rescuing equipment英语短句 例句大全

灭火救援装备标准,standards for fire fighting and rescuing equipment

1)standards for fire fighting and rescuing equipment灭火救援装备标准

2)standards for fire fighting and rescuing management灭火救援管理标准

3)fire-fighting and rescue灭火救援

1.The calculation and optimizing for the loop offire-fighting and rescue based to the important dangerous source of fire fight;基于重大危险源的灭火救援圈计算模型及其优化

2.Application of digital image synthesis technology infire-fighting and rescue simulation training数字图像合成技术在灭火救援模拟训练中的应用

3.This paper construct the computation model to estimatefire-fighting and rescue capability, using the method of AHP.通过对区域灭火救援能力中人员素质、装备配置、通讯设备、供水能力、道路状况等方面的研究 ,提出了灭火救援能力的评估方法 ,并利用层次分析法 (AHP)设计计算模型 ,对灭火救援能力给出较为精确的计



2.The Application of High-pressure Water Extinguishing Equipment高压细水雾灭火装置在灭火救援中的应用

3.Lessons from Dehui International Plaza Fire Disaster;德汇国际广场火灾扑救对灭火救援工作的启示

4.A Discussion of Putting out Fires on Roll-on/Roll-off Ships Based on ‘Ying-hua’ Ship从“英华轮”火灾扑救谈滚装船货舱灭火救援对策

5.Research and Implementation of Dynamic Fire Prevention Operation and Rescue Preplan;动态消防灭火救援预案的研究与实现

6.The Problem with Current Fire Rescue and the Necessity of Establishing Practical Training a System析健全灭火救援勤务实战化的必要性

7.Research on "13510" fire fighting and rescue emergency plan“13510”灭火救援应急预案研究

8.Research on fire fighting and rescue system of fire fighting force公安消防部队灭火救援预案体系预研

9.The Fire-Fighting and Rescue (Loop) Research on the Fire Accident of Petrochemical Storage Tank Area;石油化工储罐区火灾事故灭火救援(圈)研究

10.Utility Model Study on Optimizing Operational Proposal of Firefighting & Rescue Command and Decision;消防灭火救援指挥中优选方案的效用模型

11.The Practice and Reflection on Regional Fire Rescuing Cooperation System;建立区域灭火救援协作机制的实践与思考

12.On the Construction of Fire Rescuing Information System of Leading Units;论消防重点保卫单位灭火救援信息系统的构建

13.The Reflection on the Training of Fire Fighting Squads;提高小远散消防中队灭火救援能力的思考

14.The Discussion about Prevention the Law Dispute from Residents during Rescue Work Proceeding by Fire Protection Army;论消防部队灭火救援中法律责任的规避

15.The Study on the Relations between Security and Fire Fighting Rescue in Emergency;试论突发情况下安全与灭火救援的关系

16.Design of Fire Fighting and Rescue Scheme of Guiyang Oil Storage贵阳石油库油罐灭火救援方案设计研究

17.On Application of Mao Zedong’s Military Thoughts in Fire-fighting and Rescue Combat浅析毛泽东军事思想在灭火救援中的运用

18.Analysis and research on timeliness of first force in fire fighting and rescue in city城市灭火救援首战力量时效性分析与研究


standards for fire fighting and rescuing management灭火救援管理标准

3)fire-fighting and rescue灭火救援

1.The calculation and optimizing for the loop offire-fighting and rescue based to the important dangerous source of fire fight;基于重大危险源的灭火救援圈计算模型及其优化

2.Application of digital image synthesis technology infire-fighting and rescue simulation training数字图像合成技术在灭火救援模拟训练中的应用

3.This paper construct the computation model to estimatefire-fighting and rescue capability, using the method of AHP.通过对区域灭火救援能力中人员素质、装备配置、通讯设备、供水能力、道路状况等方面的研究 ,提出了灭火救援能力的评估方法 ,并利用层次分析法 (AHP)设计计算模型 ,对灭火救援能力给出较为精确的计

4)fire fighting and rescue灭火救援

1.Dicussion on the establishment offire fighting and rescue area for the fire troops;建立公安消防部队灭火救援战区的探讨

2.Study on the general evaluation index system of thefire fighting and rescue capability of the fire troop;灭火救援战斗力综合评估指标体系研究

3.Deepen service system renovation on the basis of scientific development concept-strategic consideration of establishingfire fighting and rescue service system;立足科学发展理念 深化勤务制度改革——关于建立灭火救援勤务实战化体系的战略思考

5)fire suppression and rescue灭火救援

1.Case study on fire protection optimization in the theory offire suppression and rescue ring;实例解析灭火救援圈理论中消防最优化问题

2.Application of fixed fire protection system infire suppression and rescue;固定消防设施在灭火救援中的应用

6)fire fighting rescue灭火救援


豹式坦克救援车(救援豹)(sd.kfz.179)Image:1173451085646707.jpg 豹式坦克救援车(救援豹)(sd.kfz.179)

技术数据:名称:坦克救援车(救援豹)panzerbergewagen (bergepanther) (sd.kfz. 179)型号: vk.3002(man)制造商:man,henschel(亨舍尔),demag制造时间:1943-1945发动机:maybach "hl 230 p30"功率:600/700(ps)单位功率:14/16.3(ps/t)最高速度:55km/h(公路),45.7km/h(丘陵)正常速度:33km/h(公路),25km/h(丘陵)车长:8860mm车宽:3270mm车高:2700mm车重:43吨(战斗状态)燃料箱容量:1075l耗油量(l/100km):280(公路),700(丘陵)行程:320km(公路),160km(丘陵)最大爬坡:35度乘员:3装甲:前部:80mm 35度两侧:40mm 50度后部:40mm 90度底部:15mm 0度车载主武器:1门 2 cm kwk 38车载副武器:1挺7,92 mm mg 34
