200字范文 > 现代冰川 modern glacier英语短句 例句大全

现代冰川 modern glacier英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-01 20:47:03


现代冰川 modern glacier英语短句 例句大全

现代冰川,modern glacier

1)modern glacier现代冰川

1.With the uplift and Quaternary climate change, the Yulong mountain engendered four plaeoglaciations and has grownmodern glaciers.在山体上升和第四纪气候变化的背景下,玉龙山产生了四次更新世冰川作用,并发育有现代冰

2.This paper summarized the characteristics of the tourist resources at Yulong snow mountain withmodern glacier and ancient glacial traces in Yunnan province,and discussed modern ice snow and ancient glacial traces,tourist view and admire value.本文总结了云南省玉龙雪山以现代冰川和古冰川遗迹为主的旅游资源特色,探讨了现代冰川和古冰川遗迹的旅游观赏价值,并结合全球气候变化的趋势,提出了保护冰雪旅游资源和建立国家冰川公园的建


1.Analysis about the Landforms and Change in Glacier and Lake in the Mapam Yumco Basin on Tibetan Plateau;玛旁雍错流域冰川地貌及现代冰川湖泊变化研究

2.The End of Glacier Age--Analysis and Prospect of the Status of the Relationship between America and Europe;冰川时代的终结——对美欧关系现状的浅析与展望

3.AFTER THE ICE came the deluge.冰川之后出现了洪水。

4.tributary glacier冰川支流, 支冰川

5.Glacial Period Divisions and Palaeoglacial Problems of Late Cenozoic Age in Guizhou贵州晚新生代冰期划分与古冰川问题

6.It is a rare modern monsoon marine glacier that has a low latitude but a high elevation .这是一个难得的低纬度、高海拔的现代季风海洋冰川。

7.Application of Molecular Biological Techniques in Studying Glacier Microbial Ecology现代分子生物学技术在冰川微生物生态研究中的应用

8.He discovered a fragment of a long-vanished glacier that appears to be at least 8 million years old.他发现了一段久已消失的冰川的断片,该冰川看似至少有800万岁了。

9.relating to or derived from a glacier.属于冰川,与冰川有关,或源自冰川。

10.Of, relating to, or derived from a glacier.冰的冰川的,与冰川有关的,或源自冰川的

11.till (glacial till)冰川沉积物, 冰碛物

12.Alluvial soil were found to be more likely to show a greater deficiency of magnesium than glacial till soils.冲积土比冰川土更容易呈现较严重的缺镁。

13.The existing snow-line of the glaciers varies from 3700 to 4200 m. above sea-level.这些冰川现在的雪线由海拔3700至4200的米不等。

14.total net ablation rate(冰川) 总净消融量

15.On the Technical Elements and Objectives of Modern Speed Skating Rink Management论现代速度滑冰冰场管理技术要素与目标

16.The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers, ice caps, piedmont glaciers and medium- to small-scale valley glaciers.各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。

17.the glacial period [ age, era, epoch ]冰河时代, 冰河期

18.To set loose(a mass of ice). Used of a glacier or an iceberg.裂开裂开(一块冰)。用于冰川或冰山


Characteristic of glacial development现代冰川发育特征

3)ice age冰川时代

4)glacial chronology冰川年代学

5)modern rink现代冰场

1.The paper discusses the technical requirements ofmodern rink management elements,such as water quality control,ice freezing control,ice resurfacing control,environmental control,rink training guidelines,and referee equipment technique influencing sports performance.讨论分析了现代冰场管理技术所需要素如水质控制工艺、冷冻控制工艺、浇冰控制工艺、环境控制、场地训练引导、比赛裁判设备技术影响运动成绩的机理,揭示运动成绩飞跃与冰场技术革命的关系,目的是进一步探索我国现代化冰场管理及技术创新理念,推进国际高水平速滑场馆的创建,承担更多的世界大赛,促进速滑运动水平与成绩的突破,在中国诞生新的世界记录。

6)Recent glacial remains近代冰川遗迹




