200字范文 > 荣辱思想 thoughts on honor and shame英语短句 例句大全

荣辱思想 thoughts on honor and shame英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-15 04:48:00


荣辱思想 thoughts on honor and shame英语短句 例句大全

荣辱思想,thoughts on "honor and shame

1)thoughts on "honor and shame荣辱思想

2)An Inquiry into Xunzi s Thoughts of Honor or Disgrace荀子荣辱思想探析

3)honor or disgrace荣辱

1.Xunzi inherited and developed predecessor shonor or disgrace thought, proposed regarding thehonor or disgrace view of himself, and gave a systematic and comprehensive exposition to the question ofhonor or disgrace thought.荣辱思想在我国思想史上源远流长,知荣明耻也是对人的一个基本要求。

2.The thinkers of pre-Qin Dynasty faced the era problem and launched an in-depth discussion about thehonor or disgrace in the process of reconstructing the moral order of the whole society.荣辱观问题一直是我国古代哲学的一个重要论题。


1.Analysis of Xun Zi s outlook about honor or disgrace and socialist outlook about honor or disgrace;荀子荣辱观与社会主义荣辱观的比较

2.A Study on Comparison of the Traditional and Contemporary Concept of Honor and Disgrace in China;我国传统荣辱观与当代荣辱观之比较

3.We treat each other with all sincerity, and share weal and woe.我们肝胆相照荣辱与共。

4.treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe肝胆相照,荣辱与共

5.The Heteronomy Mechanism of Knowing Honor and Disgrace--Research on Ways of Rewards and Punishments of Honor and Disgrace;知荣明辱的他律机制——荣辱奖惩方式探究

6.Characteristics and Development of the Chinese Concept of Honor and Disgrace;荣辱观一般特点及我国荣辱观发展现状简析

7.Shame Evil Honor Good--The View of Honor and Shame from the Perspective of Ethical Psychology;耻恶荣善——道德心理学视野中的荣辱观

8.The Influence of the Principles of the "Eight Dos and eight Don ts" on the View of Honor of the University Students;“八荣八耻”与大学生荣辱观的知与行

9.The Analysis of the Relation between the Outlook on "Eight Honor and Eight Shame" and "Rule a Nation by Virtue";“八荣八耻”荣辱观与“以德治国”关系辨析

10.On the "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" and the Cultivation of Honor and Disgrace Concept to the Youth;“八荣八耻”与青少年荣辱观的培养

11.Knowing Honor and Disgrace, Setting up New Air and Upholding Three Glory Traditions;知荣辱 树新风 弘扬“三光荣”

12.Eight honors and eight shames--the intrinsic sense of socialistic views of honor and shame;“八荣八耻”——社会主义荣辱观的内核

13."Eight Dos and Eight don’ts":New Embodiment of Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace;“八荣八耻”:社会主义荣辱观的新体现

14.Take“Eight Do’s and Eight Don’ts”as range pole raise TV University fresh outlook for honor and dishonor;以“八荣八耻”为标杆 树立电大生荣辱观

15.The Integration of the Concept of Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces into the Construction of School Culture;把“八荣八耻”荣辱观融入学校文化建设

16.Eight Graces and Eight Disgraces:Value Characteristics of the Socialist Outlook of Grace and Disgraces“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观的价值特征

17.The Viewpoint of Honor and Shame:from Worship of Military Exploit to an Existentialist Interpretation;荣辱观:从战功崇拜到生存论阐释——西方荣辱观的历史演进

18.View on Honors and Disgraces: On the balance of Reason and Interests--the Current Situation of Minor s Knowing and Doing on Honors and Disgraces;荣辱观:在理性与利益的天平上——当代未成年人荣辱知行现状


An Inquiry into Xunzi s Thoughts of Honor or Disgrace荀子荣辱思想探析

3)honor or disgrace荣辱

1.Xunzi inherited and developed predecessor shonor or disgrace thought, proposed regarding thehonor or disgrace view of himself, and gave a systematic and comprehensive exposition to the question ofhonor or disgrace thought.荣辱思想在我国思想史上源远流长,知荣明耻也是对人的一个基本要求。

2.The thinkers of pre-Qin Dynasty faced the era problem and launched an in-depth discussion about thehonor or disgrace in the process of reconstructing the moral order of the whole society.荣辱观问题一直是我国古代哲学的一个重要论题。

4)Honor and disgrace荣辱

1.The idea of honor and disgrace as a key element in the traditional Chinese ethics has noble and rich connotations.荣辱思想在我国伦理思想史中,内容丰厚,境界高尚。

2.The traditional idea of integrity and disgrace contains three contents: public and private,integrity and greedy;honor and disgrace,which is an important content of official ethics in old China,and it has the profound cultural foundation.在现代法治社会的视角之下,重新辨析“廉耻”观,对于加强新时期公民的荣辱意识,有重要的理论与现实意义。

3.To make a correct judgement on honor and disgrace necessitates a thorough understanding of their nature and origin on the basis of the good or evil behavior of people.荣辱作为一对基本的道德范畴 ,内含社会和个人对特定事件与人物的价值判断 ,反映人的道德价值、生存价值和社会价值 ,是一种特殊的道德情感。

5)view of honor and disgrace荣辱观

1.On shame-awareness education and establishment of correctview of honor and disgrace among university students;论大学生知耻教育与正确荣辱观的树立

2.The socialistview of honor and disgrace with "eight graces and disgraces" as the main content is a banner to unite the citizen s morality and social moral fashion, and to guide the excellent social fashion.以"八荣八耻"为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观,是公民道德规范和社会道德风尚的统一,是引领良好社会风尚的一面旗帜。

3.Benevolence is the core and soul of Confucianview of honor and disgrace.仁义是儒家荣辱观的核心、灵魂,建立在人性论基础上以仁义为本的儒家荣辱观既是以修身为本的伦理道德思想的起点,也是儒家以德治国伦理政治思想的基点。

6)Outlook for honor and dishonor荣辱观

1.Research on the Dialectical Relationship between Chinese Traditional Ritual and the Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor中国传统礼仪和社会主义荣辱观辩证关系的研究

2.In view of the key point and the difficulty of the moral construction,we want to take the construction of civic virtues and the outlook for honor and dishonor as the base line,attach importance to the construction of work ethics and anti-corruption so as to enhance the effectiveness in the moral construction.新时期我们必须深入研究和剖析我国道德建设面临的复杂局面,针对道德建设的重点和难点,以公民道德建设和荣辱观教育为底线,着眼于职业道德建设和反腐倡廉建设,从而增强道德建设的实效性。

3.Xunzi is the earliest Chinese philosopher that sets forth the outlook for honor and dishonor.荀子是中国历史上最早系统阐述荣辱观的人,在如何践行荣辱观上,他提出了四点主张,即遵循礼法,重视师教,树立榜样,重视社会环境的影响。


人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people"s army, thought ofrenmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j
