200字范文 > 逆商 Adversity Quotient英语短句 例句大全

逆商 Adversity Quotient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-10 02:31:49


逆商 Adversity Quotient英语短句 例句大全

逆商,Adversity Quotient

1)Adversity Quotient逆商

1.Outside Factors Analysis on Influencing theAdversity Quotient of the College Students;影响大学生逆商的外部因素分析

2.The adversity quotient is beneficial to help undergraduates to achieve success.对大学生进行逆商教育,教育学生正确认识人生的挫折和逆境,树立战胜逆境的信心和决心,促进大学生心理全面发展,对其在逆境中成才具有重要的意义。

3.Aiming at the managers of the enterprises, this paper discusses the capabilities that a manager should have from a new angle of view, including such factors as intelligence quotient, emotional quotient, adversity quotient and mental quotient.针对企业部门的管理者,从商数角度讨论部门管理者应具有的能力,包括智商、情商、逆商和心商4个方面。


1.From the Psychological Adversity and Network Addiction to Analyze the Adversity Intelligence Quotient Education of College Student;从心理逆境和网络成瘾看大学生逆商教育

2.Research on Developing Adversity Quotient Education in University Physical Education Teaching;高校体育教学中进行“逆商”教育的研究

3.Importance of Adversity Quotient in College students Growth;逆商在大学生成长成才中的重要作用

4.Adversity Quotient Education and the Improvement of Education and Management of College Students;逆商教育与高校学生教育管理工作的改进

5.Study on the Adverse Selection of Experience Goods in E-Commerce;经验商品电子商务逆向选择问题研究

6.Research on Optimization Model of Commercial Returns Reverse Logistics Networks;商业退回逆向物流网络优化模型研究

7.Study on the correlation among AQ,Anxiety and Depression in Students;学生的逆境商、焦虑和抑郁的关系研究

8.Study on the Cooperated Development of E-commerce and Reverse Logistics;电子商务与逆向物流的协同发展研究

9.How to Select the Reverse Logistics Mode under E-commerce;电子商务环境下逆向物流的模式选择

10.Reverse Logistics Management in B2C E-business;B2C电子商务模式中逆向物流的管理

11.Analysis on Reverse Logistic in B2C Electronic Commerce Market;B2C电子商务市场的逆向物流分析

12.Reverse Logistics of E-business Using Analytical Network Process Method;基于ANP方法的电子商务逆向物流研究

13.Adverse selection of buying out one s working years in state-owned banks;国有商业银行买断工龄中的逆向选择

14.《Lao Zi》5000 Words Was a Reaction against Shang Yang Bian Fa;《老子》五千言是对商鞅变法的逆动(下)

15.Research on the Third Party Reverse Logistics Provider Selection Issues第三方逆向物流供应商选择问题研究

16.Research in the Correlation between AQ and Coping Style/Depress逆境商与应对方式和抑郁的相关研究

17.Crazy English "Must Be Too Crazy "Counter Direction "Can t Go Too Far--Discussion with Li Yang and Zhong Daolong;“疯狂英语”不要太疯狂 “逆向英语”不能太逆向——与李阳、钟道隆先生商榷

18.Research on the Strategy of Constructing Reverse Logistics System based on the Third Party Reverse Logistics Provider基于第三方逆向物流服务商的逆向物流系统构建策略探究


adverse circumstance IQ逆境智商

1.Objective:To understand theadverse circumstance IQ (AQ) of nurse students and improve the quality of psychological health.目的:了解高护专业大学生逆境智商水准,提高心理健康素质。

3)partial inverted differences偏逆差商

1.In the univariate and bivariate cases, divided differences andpartial inverted differences play important roles in constructing linear and nonlinear interpolants respectively.在一元、二元情形中 ,差商和偏逆差商分别在构造线性和非线性插值中扮演重要角色。

4)adversity quotient(AQ)逆境商

1.Objective:To explore the correlation of adversity quotient(AQ),anxiety and depression in school students.目的:探讨学生逆境商(adversity quotient,AQ)、焦虑与抑郁的关系。

5)adversity quotient education逆商教育

1.Considering the current situation inadversity quotient education of college students and the actual and the social circumstances of the university,measures should be taken to promote the development of theadversity quotient education.逆商教育不仅对个人成功具有重要意义,无论从心理学还是社会学的角度对当代大学生更是具有特殊意义。

2.The paper by introducing the concept——Adversity Quotient,expressing the significance of undergraduates accepting theadversity quotient education,how to know the frustration and adversity of life,how to build up the belief and decision to conquer the adversity,keeping the mentality healthy.对大学生进行逆商教育,教育学生正确认识人生的挫折和逆境,树立战胜逆境的信心和决心,促进大学生心理全面发展,对其在逆境中成才具有重要的意义。


1.Chiefly Analyzing EQ、AQ and IQ;浅析情感智商、逆境商数和智商


