200字范文 > 转义 transferred meaning英语短句 例句大全

转义 transferred meaning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 17:40:47


转义 transferred meaning英语短句 例句大全

转义,transferred meaning

1)transferred meaning转义

1.Pun in English is widely used because of the characteristics that one word has so many meanings in English itself, phrases have their original meanings andtransferred meanings and the British people are implicit and humorous.由于英语本身的一词多义 ,短语的本义和转义的用法和英国民族具有的含蓄性格和幽默感等特点 ,英语中双关语的使用非常广泛。

2.The double-syllable words of "body+body" mostly does not denote the human body in Chinese,this special kind words are mainly coordinate construction,both the morpheme s enterning word and thetransferred meaning s producing are influenced by the outer cognitive factors of language.汉语“人体+人体”构成的双音人体词语多表示非人体的意义,这类特殊人体词语群的结构表现出以联合式为主的特点,其入词语素的选择和转义的产生则都受语言外部认知因素的影响。


1.A Cognitive-semantic Analysis ofSemantic Transfer of Polysemous Words in Russian;俄语多义词转义过程的认知语义分析

2.Both Default Escape Character and Default Escape Character Type properties must be set.必须设置默认转义符属性和默认转义符类型属性。

3.The Verbal Transfer Meanings and Variation of Theta Structure--A study on the verbal cognitive trope论动词转义的题元结构变异机制——动词语义的认知转喻研究

4.Meaning and Structure:The Double-syllabic Words of "Body + Body" in Metaphorical Use;汉语“人体+人体”双音转义词语的意义和结构

5.Transformation flags define how source data is converted.转换标记可以定义转换源数据的方式。

6.The Changing Process of Directors Fiduciary Duty Based on Social Responsibility;基于社会责任的董事信义义务的转变

7.Transition from Market Socialism to Neo-liberalism;从“市场社会主义”转变为“新自由主义”

8."Anti-Americanism" and Its Meanings in Transitional World System;世界体系转型中的“反美主义”及其意义

9.Historical Romance and Historical Novels--Modernization of Historical Romance;演义与历史小说——传统演义的现代转化

10.On the socialistic standpoint of justice and benefit during the social transformation period;略论社会转型时期社会主义的义利观

11.From Feminism to Post-Feminism: The Theoretical Transformation of Western Feminism;从女权主义到后女权主义——西方女性主义/女权主义的理论转型

12.The reaction is catalysed by a transaminase or an amino transferase(the terms are synonymous).反应是由转氨酶或氨基转移酶?(同义名词)催化的。

13.Transcription Factor Associated with Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Its Role in Antiangiogenesis Activity of Interferon Alpha;肝癌转移相关转录因子的研究及其意义

14.Survival Theory Turning and Humanism Turning;论马克思哲学的生存论转向与人本主义转向

15.Obtaining Transgenic Cotton Plants with Sense and Antisense Sequence of β-Mannosidase Gene via Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation;农杆菌介导遗传转化获得转β-甘露糖苷酶正义、反义基因的棉花

16.From Existential Turn to Humanism Turn--On Marx s Existence Understood in Terms of Humanism;从生存论转向到人本主义转向——马克思的生存论人本主义解读

17.We were particularly successful during the period of transition from new-democratic revolution to socialist revolution.特别是从新民主主义革命转变到社会主义革命,

18."When the upright man, turning away from his righteousness, does evil, death will overtake him in it."义人转离他的义而作罪孽,就必因此死亡。



1.From the definition of connotation,this article clarifies its category,analyses the linguistic and cognitive bases for the prevalent studies of connotations in English.文章从定义入手,界定了转义的范畴,分析了英语转义盛行的语言学与认知心理学基础,辨析了中文比喻义与英语转义的异同,探讨了英语转义的审美意义,提出了汉英翻译中运用转义可使译文美不胜收。

2.Verbal personification connotation is so called because in English there are some sentences whose subjects are subjective things or abstract nouns, but whose verbs are those generally used to describe human beings actions or feelings.由于中英文的思维方法、表达方式和具体语境的不同 ,英语动词拟人转义在翻译时要注意使用不同的方法。

3.Connotation is a relatively special type of meaning in polysemous words: it is recognized through associations or comparisons to convert directly related thing or concept into another.多义现象是语言中的普遍现象,转义是多义词中较为特别的意义类型,是通过联想,对比,由直接指称事物或现象转而指称另一事物或现象而产生的意义。


4)escape character转义符、转义字符

5)Transfection of anti-sense oligonucleotide反义转染

6)semantic lift语义跳转


