200字范文 > 体系化 Systematization英语短句 例句大全

体系化 Systematization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-27 12:17:35


体系化 Systematization英语短句 例句大全



1.Systematization and Modernization of the Practice Education Process——On Building the State Demonstration Centre of Chemistry Experiment Teaching;实践教育环节体系化、现代化,建好国家级基础课示范实验中心

2.The Study onSystematization of Police Affairs Supervision and Restraint System;警务监督制约机制的体系化建设研究

3.Investigation on seismic damage in Wenchuan earthquake and reflection on systematization of earthquake research汶川地震震害考察与震害研究体系化思考


1.The paper discusses the developing process of the weaponry mobilization completely in the viewpoint of the history,analyzes the requirement presented to the weaponry mobilization from the character of systematic antagonism of the modern war,and raises a horizonal system for the weaponry mobilization in terms of thesystematism.现代战争体系化对抗和一体化作战的发展趋势,对武器装备动员提出了新的要求。

2.For carrying out the full compensation doctrine,the research should set about from the angle ofsystematism.侵害生命权所造成的损害是一个有着多个受害人的多种损害的体系,对侵害生命权的损害赔偿问题应从体系化的角度来予以研究,才能真正贯彻全面赔偿的原则。

3.however, there are many discussion between word s construction, logic relationship,systematism of subject, value tendency of student, society and culture value, practice and concept.然而 ,理念与其构词、逻辑关系、体育学科体系化、学生体育价值取向、体育社会文化价值以及体育实践操作上都存在值得商榷之处 ,这对于中学体育课程改革和落实“健康第一”的教育思想是极为不利


1.On Improving the Systemization of High-school Students Mathematical Cognitive Structure;关于促进高中生数学认知结构体系化的研究

2.The paper centers on the legalization characteristics andsystemization of political civilization.本文围绕政治文明法制化、特色化和体系化进行了论述。

4)systems incorporation体系一体化


1.Research on the Combination of Quality Management and Level Evaluation of Colleges;高职院校质量体系与水平评估体系一体化探讨

2.Right to Defense--Analysis of Carrying out the Integration of Constitutional System of Crime;辩护权——实现犯罪构成体系一体化谈

3.The preliminar envisage on the composition of physical education university unific move system;构建高校体育活动体系一体化的初步设想

4.Research of Chinese Integrative System of PE Teacher s Education;我国体育教师教育的一体化体系研究

5.integrated system of industrial statistics产业统计一体化系统

6.Research on QHSE Integrated Management System for PetroChina Daqing Oilfield Company Limited;大庆油田公司QHSE一体化管理体系研究

7.Study on the SQEOHS Integrated Management System of Shipping Company;航运公司SQEOHS一体化管理体系研究

8.Investigation of building up intcgrated management system for power generation enterprisc;发电企业建立一体化管理体系的探讨

9.Research on the Architectures of Forestry-Paper Integration from Several Angles of View;多视角下的林纸一体化体系结构研究

10.Trading System, Debt, Foreign Aid and Western African Regional Integration;贸易体系、债务、外援与西非区域一体化

11.How to make sure of the effective operation of integrative system;如何才能确保一体化体系的有效运行

12.Seting Up a Mechatronic Training System Facing the Future;建立面向未来的机电一体化培训体系

13.The Economy Globalization and the Urban System Development in China;全球经济一体化与城市体系发展趋势

14.The Study on the Urban- rural Integration of Service System for the Disabled Person残疾人事业城乡一体化服务体系研究

15.A Reflection on the Effectiveness of Integration Management System in Enterprises企业一体化管理体系运行有效性思考

16.Research on the Integration and Quasi-integration Decision-making of Production System;生产系统一体化与准一体化集成决策问题研究

17.Change of International Relations System in East Asia and Regional Integration东亚国际关系体系的演变与地区一体化

18.Research on the Design of Integrated Technology Architecture to Military Information System军事信息系统技术体系的一体化设计研究



1.The paper discusses the developing process of the weaponry mobilization completely in the viewpoint of the history,analyzes the requirement presented to the weaponry mobilization from the character of systematic antagonism of the modern war,and raises a horizonal system for the weaponry mobilization in terms of thesystematism.现代战争体系化对抗和一体化作战的发展趋势,对武器装备动员提出了新的要求。

2.For carrying out the full compensation doctrine,the research should set about from the angle ofsystematism.侵害生命权所造成的损害是一个有着多个受害人的多种损害的体系,对侵害生命权的损害赔偿问题应从体系化的角度来予以研究,才能真正贯彻全面赔偿的原则。

3.however, there are many discussion between word s construction, logic relationship,systematism of subject, value tendency of student, society and culture value, practice and concept.然而 ,理念与其构词、逻辑关系、体育学科体系化、学生体育价值取向、体育社会文化价值以及体育实践操作上都存在值得商榷之处 ,这对于中学体育课程改革和落实“健康第一”的教育思想是极为不利


1.On Improving the Systemization of High-school Students Mathematical Cognitive Structure;关于促进高中生数学认知结构体系化的研究

2.The paper centers on the legalization characteristics andsystemization of political civilization.本文围绕政治文明法制化、特色化和体系化进行了论述。

4)systems incorporation体系一体化

5)catalyst system催化体系

1.Progress incatalyst system of atom transfer radical polymerization;原子转移自由基聚合催化体系的研究进展

2.Development oncatalyst systems for hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline;硝基苯加氢制备苯胺的催化体系研究进展

3.Thecatalyst system and molding methods of polydicyclopentadiene聚双环戊二烯催化体系及成型方法

6)vulcanization system硫化体系

1.Effect of vulcanization time andvulcanization system on thermal ageing property of clay-rubber masterbatch;硫化时间及硫化体系对粘土胶热氧老化性能的影响

2.With regard to mechanical properties,heat resistance,fuel resistance and shelf life of ECO-compounds as well as material cost,the lead free and ETU freevulcanization system for ECO was developed and improved by means of comb.由于健康和环境方面的原因,在欧洲,氯醚橡胶是不允许使用含铅和乙基硫脲的硫化体系的。

3.Carboxylated nitrile rubber (XNBR) were vulcanizated with sulphur-freevulcanization system,low-sulphur high-accelerantvulcanization system, general sulphurvulcanization system,peroxidevulcanization system,metal oxidevulcanization system and sulphur/metal oxidevulcanization system.用无硫硫化体系、低硫高促进剂硫化体系、普通硫黄硫化体系、过氧化物硫化体系、金属氧化物硫化体系和硫黄/金属氧化物硫化体系对羧基丁腈橡胶(XNBR)进行了硫化,研究了XNBR的硫化性能、物理机械性能、耐老化性能、压缩永久变形和耐油性能。


个人化教学体系个人化教学体系personalized system of instruction个人化教学体系(personalized systemof instruetion)见“凯勒计划,,。
