200字范文 > 外语课堂焦虑量表 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale英语短句 例句大全

外语课堂焦虑量表 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-29 06:59:54


外语课堂焦虑量表 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale英语短句 例句大全

外语课堂焦虑量表,Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale

1)Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale外语课堂焦虑量表

1.This paper reports on a survey conducted to a subject sample of 119 college students using questionnaires based on Horwitz s "Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale".运用定量研究的方法,采用Horwitz等的"外语课堂焦虑量表",对浙江科技学院119名大学英语新生的英语课堂焦虑状况作了统计分析。


1.Examination of the Psychometric Properties of FLCAS-The Case of Adolescent Students in China;外语课堂焦虑量表(FLCAS)在部分中小学生中的检验

2.The Effect of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety on Higher Vocational College Students Oral Performance;外语课堂焦虑对高职学生口语表达的影响

3.Foreign Language Anxiety and Students Achievements of College-English;外语课堂焦虑与大学英语学习的关系

4.Study on Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety in High Schools and Related Teaching Strategies;高中课堂外语学习焦虑研究及其对策

5.Options in Coping with Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety;解决外语课堂上焦虑问题的可选对策

6.The Influence of Foreign Language Anxiety on Students Classroom Communication;外语学习焦虑对学生课堂交际的影响

7.Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and the Development of the Middle School Students Oral Communicative Ability;外语课堂焦虑与中学生口语交际能力的培养

8.A Study on Oral Participation Related Classroom Anxiety of College Students;大学生外语课堂焦虑和口语参与意愿实证研究

9.On Language Anxiety Sources and Implications for Foreign Language Teaching;语言焦虑产生的原因及对外语课堂教学的启示

10.A Study on Foreign Language Anxiety and Interactive Learning in University English Classes;大学英语课堂的外语焦虑与合作学习研究

11.Study of Correlations between the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Oral Communicative Participation外语课堂焦虑与口语交际参与的相关性研究

12.The Application of Cooperative Learning in Task-based Classrooms in Reducing Students Foreign Language Anxiety;通过任务型课堂合作学习降低外语学习焦虑

13.The Effect of Teachers Classroom Action on the Students Anxiety of Learning Foreign Languages;教师的课堂行为对学生外语学习焦虑的影响

14.Study on Information Technology and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety新教学模式下的外语课堂学习焦虑研究

15.Language Anxiety and Classroom Environment:from their Relationship to Teaching Implications;外语学习课堂焦虑与课堂气氛的相关研究及其教学意义

16.A Study on How to Reduce Students" Language Anxiety in College English Class as a Teacher英语课堂中降低学生语言焦虑的策略

17.An Investigation on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety of Non-English Science Majors理工类非英语专业学生外语课堂学习焦虑调查研究

18.A Case Study of Correlation between English Learners" Anxiety and Their Oral Performance in the Language Classroom英语学习者焦虑与其课堂口语学习表现的相关性个案研究



1.Adopting theFLCAS, the present writer investigates 200 non-English major sophomores from Nanjing University of Technology in the form of questionnaires and interviews.本研究运用外语课堂焦虑量表(FLCAS),采取问卷调查、访谈等形式对南京工业大学两百名非英语专业大二学生进行外语课堂焦虑的调查研究,参照这些同学的CET-4成绩,数据分析的结果证实:大学英语课堂中焦虑普遍存在;外语课堂焦虑与学习者成绩呈负相关,外语焦虑水平低的学生成绩相对更好,焦虑水平高的学生成绩则较低。

3)foreign language anxiety外语课堂焦虑

1.The present study examined the construct of FLCAS,and explored the state offoreign language anxiety among adolescent students in China.检验了修订后FLCAS中文版的信效度,调查了江西某地青少年学生外语课堂焦虑现状。

4)foreign language classroom anxiety外语课堂焦虑

1.This study presents the results of the empirical examination of the effect offoreign language classroom anxiety(FLCA) and foreign language reading anxiety(FLRA) on college students English proficiency.实验采用"外语课堂焦虑量表"(FLCAS)和"外语阅读焦虑量表"(FLRAS)对随机抽取的135名非英语专业二年级学生的英语课堂焦虑度和阅读焦虑度进行测试,并且收集了他们所取得的英语四级总成绩和阅读成绩等有关数据。

2.This thesis is a project onforeign language classroom anxiety.Tsui所作的《第二语言学习中的沉默与外语课堂焦虑》的调查。

5)Foreign language classroom anxiety外语课堂学习焦虑

6)English classroom anxiety英语课堂焦虑

1.This paper investigates 86 college non-English majors forEnglish classroom anxiety,and finds out that anxiety does exist among the non-English majors and negatively influences their English learning.使用英语课堂焦虑量表,调查了86名非英语专业大学生的英语课堂焦虑状况。

2.Therefore, discussions onEnglish classroom anxiety possess both theoretical significance and practical value.如今我国英语学习者越来越多,因此,对于英语课堂焦虑的研究具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。

3.Learning strategies andEnglish classroom anxiety, the two important learner factors in English learning have received increasing interest among researchers in recent years.近年来,英语学习策略和英语课堂焦虑这两个重要的学习者因素,正受到越来越多的研究者的关注。


测验焦虑量表测验焦虑量表test anxiety scale$l]验焦虑t表(test anxiety:eale)测定在测验情境下焦虑水平的一种问卷式量表。影响较大的有美国斯皮尔伯格(spielberger,c.D.)1974年编制的测验焦虑调查表(T Al),共20题,测量担忧和情绪反应两个因素,对每个题目的回答分“从不,,、“有时,,、“经常”、‘·总是”四个等级。此外,还有耶鲁大学曼德勒(Mandler,G.)和萨拉松(sarrason,I.G.)于1952年编制的测验焦虑问卷(T AQ),萨拉松1978年发表的测验焦虑量表(T As)及其稍后制定的测验焦虑调查表(T Al)等。(郑日昌撰林传燕审)
