200字范文 > 瑞香狼毒 Stellera chamaejasme L英语短句 例句大全

瑞香狼毒 Stellera chamaejasme L英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 12:57:15


瑞香狼毒 Stellera chamaejasme L英语短句 例句大全

瑞香狼毒,Stellera chamaejasme L

1)Stellera chamaejasme L瑞香狼毒

1.New Compounds Against Aphides fromStellera chamaejasme L.;瑞香狼毒中灭蚜活性物质的结构鉴定

2.Herbalogical Study on the Traditional Chinese Herb Langduas RedifineStellera chamaejasme L.;中药狼毒的本草考证——为“瑞香狼毒”正名

3.Antitumor activities in vitro of total-lignan fromStellera chamaejasme L.in vitro;瑞香狼毒总木脂素的体外抗肿瘤活性


1.Study on the antifungal components in the root of Stellera chamaejasme(Ⅱ)瑞香狼毒根的抑菌活性成分研究(Ⅱ)

2.The Bioactivity of Killing-Aphis and Studies on the Mechanism of Toxicity of the Daphneantoxin;瑞香狼毒素灭蚜活性及作用机理研究

parison on the Three Methods of Extracting Total Flavone from Stellera chamaejasme瑞香狼毒总黄酮3种提取方法的比较

4.Objective To study the anti-tumor mechanisms of the methanol extract of Stellera chamaejasme L.目的研究瑞香狼毒甲醇提取物的抗瘤机理。

5.Bioactive Constituents of Stellera Chamaejasme, Zanthoxylum Nitidum and Geranium Strictipes;瑞香狼毒等三种药用植物的生物活性成分

6.Research on the Anti-epilepsy Constituents of Stellera Chamaejasme L. and Citrus Grandis Osbeck;瑞香狼毒和柚皮抗癫痫活性成分的研究

7.The Study on the Antifungal Mechanism of Stellera Chamaejasme L. Against Trichophyton Mentagrophyte;瑞香狼毒对石膏样毛癣菌抑制机理的初步研究

8.The Extract and Purifying of the Stellera Chamaejasme Polysaccharide and the Study of Its Molecule Structure;瑞香狼毒多糖的提取纯化及其结构研究

9.The Antibiotic Activities of the Extracts of the Root of the Stellera Chamaejasme L. and the Preliminary Studies on the Mechanism;瑞香狼毒抑菌活性及其作用机制的初步研究

10.Bioactivity of Stellera Chamaejasme L. Against the Rice Disease and Pests;瑞香狼毒对水稻病虫害的生物活性初步研究

11.A Study on Extraction、Isolation、Identification and Toxicology of Killing-Peries Rapae Components of Stellera Chamaejasme L.;瑞香狼毒抗菜青虫活性成份分离与结构鉴定

12.The Antitumor Activities of Different Radix Extracts from Stellera Chamaejasmel L.不同瑞香狼毒提取物对肝癌细胞的抑制作用

13.Antifungal Activity and Toxicity of Antimicrobial Components from Root of Stellera chamaejasme L.瑞香狼毒提取物对试验动物急性毒性及活性的初步研究

14.Isolation and Identification of Effective Components from Stellera Chamaejasme L. and Their Antibacterial and Louse-killing Activity Test;瑞香狼毒有效成分分离鉴定及其抗菌、灭虱活性测定

15.Studies on the Inhibitory Activity and Mechanism of Stellera Chamaejasme Against Pyricularia Grisea;瑞香狼毒对稻瘟病菌的抑制活性及其机理的初步研究

16.Lead Optimization and Insecticidal Activity of Aphicides Isolated from Stellera Chamaejasme L.;瑞香狼毒灭蚜活性物质的结构优化和杀虫活性研究

17.Studies on the Activity Effect and Mechanism for Bioactive Compound from Stellera Chamaejasme L. Against Larvae of Pieris Rapae L.;瑞香狼毒素对菜粉蝶幼虫的生物活性及其作用机制初步研究

18.The Bioactivity of the Extract from the Root of Stellera Chamaejasme L. Against Pieris Rapae L. and the Preliminary Studies on the Mechanism;瑞香狼毒对菜粉蝶的生物杀虫活性及其作用机制初步研究


Stellera chamaejasme瑞香狼毒

1.Methods for extracting antifungal ingredients fromStellera chamaejasme roots;瑞香狼毒根中抑菌成分提取工艺

2.Isolation and Identification of Extraction ofStellera chamaejasme (Ⅰ);瑞香狼毒杀虫活性成分的提取与分离(Ⅰ)

3.Isolation and Identification of Extraction ofStellera chamaejasme;瑞香狼毒杀虫活性成分的提取与分离(Ⅱ)

3)Stellera chameajasme瑞香狼毒

1.Trials of Extraction ofStellera chameajasme Against Pieris rapae;瑞香狼毒防治菜粉蝶的研究

2.Separation and Identification of Insecticidal Extracts ofStellera chameajasme;瑞香狼毒根提取物杀虫活性成分的分离与鉴定

3.Oviposition Deterrent Effect and Killing Egg Activity of Extract fromStellera chameajasmeAgainstPieris rapaeL.;瑞香狼毒提取物对菜粉蝶的产卵忌避与杀卵作用

4)leaves of Stellera chamaejasme L瑞香狼毒叶


1.The Bioactivity of Killing-Aphis and Studies on the Mechanism of Toxicity of theDaphneantoxin;瑞香狼毒素灭蚜活性及作用机理研究

6)root of Stellera chamaejasme瑞香狼毒根



【药品名称】 瑞香狼毒 【藏药名】 热甲巴 【拼音名】 Ruixiang Langdu 【英文名】 RADIX STELLERAE CHAMAEJASMES 【标准编号】 WS3-BC-011 【来源/处方】 本品为瑞香科植物瑞香狼毒Stellera chamaejasma L. 的干燥根。秋季采挖,除去杂质、晒干。 【性状】 本品呈纺锤形、圆锥形或长圆柱形,稍弯曲,单一或有分枝,长短不等,根头部有地上茎残迹,表面棕色至棕褐色,有扭曲的纵沟及横生隆起的皮孔和侧根痕,栓皮剥落处露出白色柔软纤维。体轻,质韧,不易折断,断面呈纤维状。皮部类白色,木部淡黄色。气微,味微辛。 【鉴别】 (1)本品粉末黄白色。在紫外光灯(365nm)下显淡蓝色荧光。木栓细胞黄棕色,韧皮部薄壁细胞圆形或不规则形,有细胞间隙。以网纹导管为主,直径30~50μm,偶见具缘纹孔导管。纤维无色,直径7~15μm。淀粉粒多为单粒,类圆形、盔帽形,层纹不明显,脐点点状或裂缝状,直径3~15μm。 (2)取本品粗粉5g,加乙醇20ml,置水浴上回流1小时。将提取液浓缩至5ml,滤过,取滤液1ml,加镁粉少许,盐酸数滴,置水浴中加热数分钟,放置显品红色。 (3)取上述滤液1ml,置蒸发皿中蒸干,加硼酸的饱和丙酮溶液及10%枸橼酸丙酮试液各1ml,徐徐蒸干,置紫外光灯(365nm)下观察,显黄色荧光。 【炮制】 除去杂质,入牛奶中煮1~2小时,取出,晒干。 【性味】 辛,温;有毒。 【功能与主治】 清热解毒,消肿,泻炎症,止溃疡,祛腐生肌,熬膏内服用于疠病,疖痈,瘰疠;外用治顽癣,溃疡。 【注意】 本品为三毒药之一,内服宜慎;孕妇禁用。 【用法与用量】 0.5~1g。通常外用。 【贮藏】 置通风干燥处。
