200字范文 > 道德伦理 ethics英语短句 例句大全

道德伦理 ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-19 06:45:31


道德伦理 ethics英语短句 例句大全



1.Confucius humanity study contains eastern humanism and Chineseethics system in feudal society and its methodology.孔子仁学包含着东方人文主义和中国封建社会道德伦理体系及其建构的方法论。

2.Theethics of corporation management is a key factor of modern corporation management,and a necessary tendency along with the modern corporation management theory,which has developed from scientific management,behavior management toethics management.公司经营管理的道德伦理是现代公司管理的关键环节,是公司管理从科学管理、行为管理到伦理管理阶段发展的必然趋势。


1.not adhering to ethical or moral principles.不遵守道德伦理规则的。

2.Moral Education in Ethics:Ethical Regression in School Moralism;道德的道德教育:学校德育的伦理回归

3.Unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.与道德或伦理无关的

4.ethical experience of moral feeling伦理的道德情感体验

5.Distinguish morality from ethics and give examples of their difference.区分道德和伦理并举例。

6.Ethics deals with moral conduct.伦理学研讨道德行为。

7.On the Differences Between Traditional Chinese Ethics and Modern Ethics浅议中国传统伦理道德与现代伦理道德之区别

8.A set of principles of right conduct.伦理,伦理观一套道德原则

9.Between Religion and Ethics: Religious Ethics and Secular Morals;宗教与伦理之间:宗教伦理与世俗道德

10.Ethics: Social Resources and Construction of Moral System;伦理道德:社会资源与道德制度建构

11.Ethical Sentiment, Moral Sentiment and the Cultivation of the Practical Moral Spirit;伦理感、道德感与“实践道德精神”的培育

12.Having no moral or ethical standards; lacking a moral sense.无道德的无道德或伦理标准的;缺乏道德感的

13.Between Ethics and Morality:a Perspective of the Interpretation of "Dao" and "Li";伦理与道德之间——以“道理”说文为视角

14.Kant s Warning and our Ethical Time of Non-morality;康德的警告与我们非道德的伦理时代

15.Discussion on Ethical Morality of Enterprises from Open Invoice of Metro;从麦德龙“透明发票”看企业伦理道德

16.On Liang Shu-ming s Method in Studying Ethics;基于心理事实 探究伦理道德——试论梁漱溟研究伦理道德的方法

17.Moral Reason and Ethical Spirit:Hegel"s Transcendence of Ethics over Morality道德理性与伦理精神——论黑格尔伦理对道德的超越

18.The Traditional Taoist Ethical Thoughts and Moral Construction传统道家伦理对当代道德建构的启思



3)moral ethics道德伦理


1.Millennial Spiritual Tie——Ethical Relationship between Liang Shiqiu and Marcus Aurelius;跨越千年的精神血缘——梁实秋与奥勒留的伦理道德联系

2.Study on Ethical Modulation of Network Publishing;网络出版的伦理道德调控研究

3.Research of Balance Development between High-Tech and Ethic;高科技与伦理道德的平衡发展研究


1.Market economy system andethics;市场经济制度与伦理道德

2.Requirement of Ethics and Learners Ethics Cultivation in Modern Distance Education;论现代远程教育的伦理道德要求及学习者的伦理道德培养

3.Analyzing the necessity of strengtheningethics development in the competition sports.;浅析竞技体育中加强伦理道德建设的必要性

6)Ethics and Morality伦理道德

1.Strengthen the education of ethics and morality in hospice;加强临终护理的伦理道德教育

2.The article discusses the reason and the effect of the family-contract system of the countryside, from the informal aspect, that is, from the aspect of the cultural tradition,ideology,ethics and morality,custom etc,by making use of combining the history with the reality.本文结合党的十六大报告精神,运用历史和现实相结合的方法,从非正式制度的角度即从文化传统、意识形态、伦理道德、风俗习惯等方面探讨农村家庭承包制的原因和作用,揭示农村家庭承包制中的非正式制度约束,指出在深化农村经济体制改革中必须重视非正式制度的作用,要在文化传统和现代体制之间找到一个结合点。

3.The traditional ethics and morality are the core of traditional Chinese culture.传统伦理道德乃中国传统文化的核心主题。


