200字范文 > 启发 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

启发 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-04 23:29:52


启发 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全



1.Onenlightenments of the Confucian benevolence idea upon the enterprise management;论儒家“仁本”思想对企业管理的启发和借鉴

2.The investigation thoughts andenlightenment of DengXiaoping;邓小平的调查研究思想及其启发

3.Intel Teach to the Future is a system of integrality and strictness,which hasenlightenment and can be used as reference for teachers daily teaching.英特尔未来教育是一个完整、严密的系统,对教师日常教学有很好的借鉴和启发意义。


1.heuristic evaluation"启发式评价, [台]启发式评估, 捷思评估法 "

2.heuristic approach启发式近似法,启发[探索]式求解

3.I want to be the person who can inspire people.我只是想要启发那些能够被启发的人!

4.Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment.启示精神或智力上的启发

5.suggestive or persuasive advertising.启发或说服性的广告。

6.Great books are the most instructive.名著最有启发教益。

7.stimulating approach启发思考的教学方法

8.thought provoking instruction启发学生思考的教学

9.This is thought-provoking.这是颇有启发性的。

10.This child needs enlightenment.这个孩子需要启发。

11.mental understanding as an enlightening experience.智力受到启发的理解。

12.A real inspiration for me.他给我很大的启发。

13.an unenlightened state.一种未受启发的状态。

14.Incapable of being educated.不堪造就的难以启发的

15.an illuminating analysis, talk, etc很有启发的分析、 谈话等.

16.heuristic graph-search control strategy启发式图搜索控制策略

17.effect of errors in heuristic search启发式搜索错误效果

18.consistency in heuristic search启发式搜索中的一致性



1.By illustrating theinspiration improvement exploration and interest in experimental teaching of Chemistry,the paper aims to improve the teaching effect in order to meet with the new trend of quality education.本文通过化学教学中实验教学内容如何增强启发性、探究性和趣味性进行了论述,从而提高了教学效果,符合素质教育的最新要求。

2.This article has,from three respects,expounded how to cultivate students thinking ability in chemistry teaching and apply induction,inspiration,stimulation and cultivation of thinking in every link of teaching.文章从三个方面阐述了在化学教学中如何培养学生的思维能力,将思维的诱导、启发、激发和培养落实在教学的各个环节。

3.The status quo of Chinese toy industry also bring reflection andinspiration to a certain innovative education and they also have inextricable link.中国玩具产业的现状也给创新教育带来了一定的思考和启发,两者有着密不可分的联系,希望在探究两者的关系中提供一些有益于我国未来玩具产业发展的思路,也为教育的发展方向带来一些新的思考。


1.This paper simply discussed the concept, constitute elements, characteristics and functions of the teaching mode, and it mainly analyzed the effective scenario-elicitation methods of teaching mode in middle school physics teaching practice of China from three angles: theoretical frame work, operation procedure and applied examples.简要地论述了教学模式的概念、构成要素、特点和功能,并侧重从理论依据、操作程序、应用举例3个角度分析了我国现行中学物理教学实践中卓有成效的情境———启发教学模式。

2.The essence of the teaching method ofelicitation initiated by Confucius stresses the combination of students active learning and teacher s timely tutoring.孔子的启发教育思想强调学生主动求知与教师适时点拨的结合。


1.In this paper, the teaching materials and teaching methods in advanced mathematics are explored to enlighten students in intuitional thought.本文对高等数学教材与教法进行了探索与改进 ,注重直觉思维 ,帮助、启发学生理解 ,改进了教材的一些繁琐证明 ,并且总结出一套属于自己的思想方法和解题思路用于教学 ,取得了良好的效果。


1.Application of Heuristic Teaching in〈Word Tab〉;启发式教学法在《Word制表》中的运用

2.In this paper, We probe teaching in interest andheuristic method in probability statistics course , and culture student’s ability in every aspect .文章结合作者多年从事概率统计的教学实践,提出了在教学中探索兴趣与启发式教学,培养学生各方面的能力,取得良好教学效果。

3.We probe teaching in interest andheuristic method in probability statistics course,and culture students ability in every aspect.在概率统计课程教学中 ,探索兴趣与启发式教学 ,培养学生各方面的能力 ,取得了良好的效

6)heuristic algorithm启发算法

1.Aheuristic algorithm for dynamic identify bottleneck machine;一种动态识别瓶颈机床的启发算法

2.Using theheuristic algorithm and neural networks to solve the two-dimensional irregular nesting problems;用启发算法和神经网络法解决二维不规则零件排样问题


