200字范文 > 靶向 targeting英语短句 例句大全

靶向 targeting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 18:39:09


靶向 targeting英语短句 例句大全



1.Application of nano-targeting material in gene therapy;纳米靶向材料在基因治疗中的应用

2.Major categories of drug delivery system for braintargeting and their applications;脑靶向给药的主要方式及其应用

3.Design and Synthesis of Tumor-targeting Doxorubicinprodrugs and Research on Their Activity肿瘤靶向阿霉素前体药物的设计合成及其活性研究


1.Preparation and in Vitro Assay of Microbubbles Targeting Solid Carcinoma by KDR with Biotin-avidin System以KDR为靶点的靶向脂质体超声造影剂的制备及体外靶向实验研究

2.The Preparation and Targeting Analysis of Tumor Targeting SOD-liposome;肿瘤靶向性脂质体SOD的制备和靶向分析

3.Molecular targeted therapies:targeting receptor tyrosine kinases in the treatment of gastric cancer靶向于受体酪氨酸激酶的胃癌分子靶向治疗

4.Study on membrane-forming effect and colon-targeting property of colon-specific microporous membrane结肠靶向微孔膜的成膜效果和结肠靶向性研究

5.Preparation and in vitro Targeting of a Targeted Ultrasound Contrast Agent靶向超声造影微泡的制备及体外靶向性研究

6.Research of Cognitive System Model in Tumor Targeted Therapy肿瘤靶向治疗精确靶向定位认知系统的研究

7.Molecular targeted therapy of breast cancer乳腺癌治疗靶点及靶向治疗研究新进展

8.The Research of the Synthesis and the Targeting of the Liver-target Prodrug;肝靶向前体药物胆酸拉米夫定酰胺的合成及其靶向性研究

9.Study on the Preparation and Tumor Cell Targetability of Glucose-Receptor Targeting Long-circulating Gd-DTPA Liposomes;葡萄糖受体靶向的Gd-DTPA长循环脂质体的制备及肿瘤细胞靶向研究

10.Study on Polymer of Targeted Gentamicin Sulfate in Preparation and Targeting靶向硫酸庆大霉素聚合物的制备及靶向作用的研究

11.Preparation of Folate Targeted Pullulan Acetate Nanoparticles and Cell Uptake in vitro叶酸靶向乙酰普鲁兰纳米粒的制备及其靶向作用

12.It led to a new technology, Gene Targeting.这也引出一项新的技术——基因靶向技术。

13.The Experimental Study on the Treatment of Cervical Cancer with the HPV16-E6-Targeted siRNA;靶向HPV16 E6的siRNA治疗宫颈癌的实验研究

14.If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it.要向射中靶,必须瞄准比靶略微高些。

15.What are the targets in trap and skeet shooting?抛靶和双向飞碟射击用什么靶?

16.target used in skeet or trapshooting.双向飞碟或飞靶射击中使用的靶子。

17.An arrow zinging toward its target.箭“嗖”的一声射向靶子

18.Concentrate, take aim at the target and shoot the narrow part.注意力集中, 瞄准目标, 向靶心射击。



1.Research of Targeted Drug-polymer Conjugates;高分子偶联靶向药物的研究进展

2.Gene-targeted photodynamic therapy on tumors;基因靶向光动力治疗肿瘤

3.Advances in the study of small peptides intargeted drug delivery system;短肽在靶向药物递送系统中的研究进展


1.Targeted microbubbles and ultrasonic molecular imaging;靶向超声微泡造影剂与超声分子显像

2.Experimental studies on occlusive vascular disease gene therapy targeted by magnetic nanosphere;纳米磁粒靶向VEGF基因治疗闭塞性血管病的实验研究

3.Biodegradable macromolecule carried controlled drug releasing and biodegradable macromolecule carried targeted drug delivery are the focus of recent investigation in macromolecular medicine.生物可降解型高分子载体控制释放药物和生物可降解型高分子载体靶向药物是近年来高分子药物研究的重点。

4)targeting ability靶向性

1.Preparation of cardiomyocyte-targeting liposomes and theirtargeting ability in vitro;心肌细胞靶向脂质体的制备及体外靶向性研究

2.Fusion expression andtargeting ability of the single-chain Fv antibody against the anti-fecundity immunity molecule,soluble immature egg antigen SIEA26-28kDa from Schistosoma japonica;抗日本血吸虫生殖功能分子SIEA26~28kDa单链抗体与EGFP的融合表达及靶向性研究

3.Polymeric micelles possess several advantages as compared with other drug carriers,such as high loading capacity,small particle size,long-circulation time,targeting ability and so on.聚合物胶束作为药物载体具有许多优势,如载药能力强、粒径小、体内循环时间长、具有主动和被动靶向性等特点。

5)target therapy靶向治疗

1.New drug for non-small cell lung cancertarget therapy-erlotinib;非小细胞肺癌靶向治疗新药——厄洛替尼

2.Target therapy of gefitinib in advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung;吉非替尼(Iressa)在晚期肺腺癌的靶向治疗疗效观察

3.The study progress on moleculartarget therapy to aim directly at signal transduction pathway of human epidermal growth factor receptors;针对人表皮生长因子受体信号传导途径的乳腺癌分子靶向治疗新进展

6)Directional damage靶向损毁


