200字范文 > 历年托业考试TOEIC部分选择真题


时间:2024-06-29 09:18:01



Part V

Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.

121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.

(A) or (B) on

(C) both (D) either

122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.

(A) Since (B) Despite

(C) For (D) Although

123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.

(A) too (B) a so

(C) very (D) such a

124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.

(A) What (B) That

(C) So (D) While

125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.

(A) because (B) so that

(C) so long as (D) as

126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.

(A) unless(B) excepting

(C) maybe (D) otherwise

127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.

(A) such (B) very

(C) so (D) despite

128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.

(A) so (B) such

(C) much (D) too

129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery

(A) Except that (B) According to

(C) Since (D) Aside from

130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.

(A) these (B) if

(C) them (D) so

131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.

(A) any (B) or

(C) nor (D) but

132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.

(A) much (B) most

(C) more (D) many

133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.

(A) than (B) as

(C) that (D) or

134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.

(A) much (B) a lot of

(C) very (D) a great many

135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.

(A) tighter (B) tighten

(C) tightly (D) tightness


