200字范文 > 漠北兵王当奶爸 超级兵王奶爸(林昆)…托词

漠北兵王当奶爸 超级兵王奶爸(林昆)…托词

时间:2023-01-26 03:25:15


漠北兵王当奶爸 超级兵王奶爸(林昆)…托词


漠北兵王当奶爸 超级兵王奶爸(林昆) 免拒费非读那漠北兵王当奶爸 超级兵王奶爸(林昆) 全滨文阅读法漠北兵王当奶爸 超级兵王奶爸(林昆) 全舱文免蝠费锡漠北兵王当奶爸 超级兵王奶爸(林昆) 在浪线瓤看番

“i’d prefer my sve to be decorated here. a piercing has gone beyond being desirable – i think it’s a necessity. i’d like to train you to the leash down here as well.” skinner tugged on mulder’s penis a couple of times and mulder felt a dizzy tingle of pleasure pass through his body. he had no wish for his dick to be pierced, and the idea of being pulled around on a leash attached to a penis piercing horrified him, but, at the same time, he did love the fact that his master was so interested in his body, and how it could please him. “i think i’d prefer you shaved during this vacation period. i’ll shave you myself right now,” skinner mused, as he pyed with mulder’s balls, weighing them in his hands. “all over, so you’re smooth like a seal. you can keep yourself oiled – i’ll enjoy catching you when you’re swimming.”

mulder scampered over and surveyed the contents of the cupboard like a kid eyeing candy. there was so much, he could hardly decide which to choose!

"you don"t like his writing? i"m surprised." mulder"s eyes were alight with curiosity. "in many ways i suppose i view myself as a masochist…" mulder began hesitantly. "does master not view himself as a sadist?"
