200字范文 > 先秦美学史 the aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

先秦美学史 the aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-28 21:16:20


先秦美学史 the aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

先秦美学史,the aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty

1)the aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty先秦美学史

1.Based on cultural anthropology,archeology,vessel study and philology,he created the unprecedented "Theory of Standard Devices" and "Theory of Fluctuation",which has been an epochal invention in the field of study onthe aesthetic history of the pre-Qin Dynasty.郭沫若的先秦美学史研究,卓越地将审美形式和审美意识及其美学史结论融汇在一起,有着浓厚的经验理性色彩。

2)history studies先秦史学


1.This paper has made a new study on Yuantian which the Preqin-history-field has disputed for many years.本文对先秦史学界争论多年的“爰田”问题从新的角度进行了研究。

2.New Approaches to the Study of "Ming" during the Pre-Qin Period;回到思想史:先秦名学研究的新路向

3.Learning of Shi-jing from Pre-Qin Period to Han Dynasties- From the Perspective of Interpretation History of the Poem Guan-ju;从《关雎》的阐释史看先秦两汉诗学

4.On the Historical Reasons for the Increase of Literary Elements in Historical Works in Pre-Qin Times;先秦历史著作中文学因素增长的历史原因

5."Historicalization" and "Consciousness" of Literature:On the Literary Characteristics in the Qin-Han Dynasty“史化”文学与文学“自觉”——论先秦两汉文学的特点

6.The Teaching of Historical Prose During Western Han and Eastern Han of Pre-Qin Period and Education for All-round Development of Middle School Student;先秦两汉史传散文教学与中学生素质的培养

7.On the Yi Studies and the School of Logicians in the pre-Qin times from the vision of Chinese logic history;中国逻辑史视野下的先秦易学与名辩学

8.The Studies on Zhuzi Philosophy in Pre-qin Days and Dynastic Legends in Early China of Sarah Allan论艾兰的先秦诸子哲学和古史传说研究

9.The Methods of Grasping the Historic Prose in the Pre-Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty Concerning the Chinese Language and Literature in Middle School;中学语文先秦两汉史传散文的解读方法

10.Confucius on ‘The Book of Song’,Xunzi and Pre-Qin Confucian Classics and the Continuity of Their Thoughts;《孔子诗论》、《荀子》及先秦儒学思想的历史脉络

11.On Logical Development and Historical Value of the Confucius Theory of Temperament in Pre-Qin Dynasty;论先秦儒家性情学说的逻辑发展及其历史价值

12.The Seeds and the Embryonic Literary forms in the Pre-Qin s History Biog raphy Works;先秦史传文学作品中的文体萌芽与雏形

13.On Guo Moruo′s Scientific Methodology \;in His Study of Pre Qin History;郭沫若在先秦史研究中使用的科学方法管窥

14.The Stylistic Rules and Layout of the Writings and Compilations in Pre-Qin Period, Western and Eastern Han Dynasties: Reflection upon Reading the "Study of Historical Data of Chinese Philosophy History "by Feng You-lan;先秦两汉的著编体例——冯友兰《中国哲学史史料学》读后感

15.The New Research on the History of Qin Dynasty--Reading of Mr. Xu Ri-hui s the Early Development History of Qin Dynasty;秦史研究新篇章——读徐日辉先生《秦早期发展史》

16.Brief Discussion On the Development of Folk Music From the pre-Qin to the Han Dynasty Based on Documents from Records of the Historian;从《史记》中的俗乐史料谈先秦、秦汉俗乐之发展

17.Again Understand the Achievements of Before Qin Geography──On Discussing the Last Big Fault in the DevelopmentGeographical history of China;重新认识先秦地理学的成就——兼论中国地理学发展史上一次大断裂

18.Records of Various States (《国语》,Guo Yu) Is the Historiographers;《国语》是史家——先秦史家研究之三


history studies先秦史学

3)Pre Qin aesthetics先秦美学

1.The linguistic concern ofPre Qin aesthetics came from the essence and system of Chinese ancient philosophy and formed a set of concepts, expressions and theories related to Chinese linguistic philosophy, which shows an inclination to aesthetic experience and emotional communication.中国先秦美学就已经把“言”的问题摆在重要的位置上。

4)The logical history of pre-Qin period先秦名学史

5)Confucian aesthetics in the pre-Qin period先秦儒家美学

6)history of early Qin dynasty先秦史


