200字范文 > 经济伦理学 Economic Ethics英语短句 例句大全

经济伦理学 Economic Ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-18 22:54:59


经济伦理学 Economic Ethics英语短句 例句大全

经济伦理学,Economic Ethics

1)Economic Ethics经济伦理学

1.Present situation and countermeasure of the economic ethics research of China;中国经济伦理学研究的现状和对策

2.Methodology ofEconomic Ethics;经济伦理学研究的方法论问题

3.The paper provides the insights into the economic ethics from two fundamental aspects of our socialist market economic competition-encouragement and restriction.对我国社会主义市场经济中竞争的两个基本方面(激励和约束)进行了经济伦理学的透视,指出了竞争是激励和约束的有机统一,激励是市场主体积极性、主动性、创造性的动力源,约束是市场主体规范经营、恪守信用的内在要求,揭示了激励和约束的伦理内蕴。


1.Business Ethics and Ethic Meaning of the Market Economy;经济伦理学及市场经济的伦理学意义

2.The Study Latitude of Economical Ethics --The relation between ethics and economics;经济伦理学的研究纬度——在伦理学与经济学之间


4.Thoughts of Economic Man: The Theoretical Basis of Economic Ethics;经济人思想:经济伦理学的理论基石

5.The Methodology of Economics - Ethics Research in Economy;经济伦理研究经济之道——经济伦理学高级论坛综述

6.On Some Questions in Study about Business Ethics in China --And Also on Nature of Branch of Learning of Business Ethics;中国经济伦理学研究中的若干问题——兼论经济伦理学的学科性质

7.The Contradiction of Market Economy Operation Structure and the Innovation of Economic Ethnics;市场经济运行结构中的矛盾与经济伦理学创新

8.Business ethics gives us the answer.经济伦理学为我们提供了答案。

9.The US constructed business ethics in the last century.20世纪美国创建了现行的经济伦理学。

10.Thus, the field of international business ethics emerged.因此,国际经济伦理学科开始出现。

11.Restructuring the Ethic Dimensions of Economics:-Reflections on the Relationship of Economy and Ethic and that of Economics and Ethics;重构经济学的伦理维度——对经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学关系的反思

12.What Economics Can Contribute to Ethics:After Reading Broom s Ethics Out of Economics;经济学对伦理学发展的作用——读布鲁坶的《走出经济学的伦理学》

13.The Agreement between Economics and Ethics--The Rationality of Economical Behaviors;经济学与伦理学的契合:经济行为的道德合理性

14.Ethics must prove that economic logic corresponds with ethical norms.伦理学必须证明经济逻辑与伦理规范相一致。

15.The essence of the "Adam Smith problem" is the relation between economics and ethics,economy and ethic.“亚当.斯密问题”的实质是经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的关系问题。

16.On the Economic Ethics in the 1884 Economics and Philosophy Manuscripts;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》经济伦理思想管窥

17.Industrial Ethic in Disguise of Wages;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》经济伦理思想探微

18.Ultimate Concern of Economics: An Inspection of the Ethical Traditions of Western Economics;经济学的终极关怀:西方经济学伦理传统的审视


business ethics经济伦理学

1.Business Ethics and Ethic Meaning of the Market Economy;经济伦理学及市场经济的伦理学意义

2.The Process and Trend of the Study of Business Ethics in Contemporary China;当代中国经济伦理学研究的进程和趋势

3.Following an analysis of recent events connected with the "Made-in-China" label,this paper discusses the development ofbusiness ethics in China and relevant issues.作者的结论是,中国经济伦理学面临两方面挑战,即:如何在尽可能短的时间内消除我国生产中存在的极少数的粗野制造现象以及如何通过公司和政府部门的管理确保员工、投资者和社会公众的利益。

3)Economic Ethics经济学伦理

1.Thoughts onEconomic Ethics of China in the New Era;新时期中国经济学伦理问题思考

4)economy of ethics伦理学经济

1.How can we avoid such a conflicting situation Ethical economy proposes some principles,including the principle of the threefold nature of the good;the principle of the double nature of ethical economy;the principles of ethical economy as theeconomy of ethics;and the principles of ethical economy as the .怎样解决两者之间的这种矛盾,伦理经济提出了若干基本原理,其中最重要的有:善的三重性(道德、效果和效率)原理;伦理经济的双重性(经济和伦理性质)原理;作为伦理学经济的伦理经济原理(如道德利益相容性原理、普遍利益权重原理等);作为市场经济的伦理预设的伦理经济原理(如契约第三方原理、双重效应原理、超动机原理等)。

5)Ethical Econmics伦理经济学

6)economics and ethics经济学与伦理学

1.The relations between economy and ethic and betweeneconomics and ethics are the important problems of the study between economical ethics.经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的关系是经济伦理学研究的重要课题。


