200字范文 > 农村建设用地 rural construction land英语短句 例句大全

农村建设用地 rural construction land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-30 10:32:45


农村建设用地 rural construction land英语短句 例句大全

农村建设用地,rural construction land

1)rural construction land农村建设用地

1.So need more urban construction land and lessrural construction land.随着工业化、城镇化的迅速向前推进,我国人口逐渐向城镇集中,城镇建设用地规模日益膨胀,而农村建设用地变化违背理论预期;因此,我国城乡建设用地变化的现实与理论预期存在矛盾和偏差。


1.Construction-land Consolidation of Countryside and Construction of Socialist New--Countryside a Case Study of Countryside in Wuzhong District;农村建设用地整理与社会主义新农村建设——以苏州吴中区农村为例

2.Issues and Countermeasures for Rural Construction Lands;农村建设用地存在的问题及整治对策

3.Management of Construction Land in Countryside and Its Countermeasures;浅析农村建设用地管理现状及其对策


5.Study on Coordination between General Land-use Planning and Land-use Planning of New Rural Construction;土地利用规划与新农村建设用地规划协调研究

6.Discussion on New Countryside Construction and Reasonable Use of Rural Housing Land;论新农村建设与农村宅基地合理利用

7.Study on the Rural Collective Non-farming Constructionland Transference;农村集体非农建设用地流转创新研究

8.Study on Intensive Rural Residential Land Use during New Socialist Countryside Development;新农村建设中农村居民点用地集约利用研究

9.Non-Agriculture Land Use in the Drive to Build New Villages: What is to Reform?;新农村建设中非农建设用地制度改革探讨

10.Yanbian Area of New Construction in Rural Areas Study on the Role of Rural Cadres延边地区新农村建设中农村干部作用问题研究

11.The role and status of rural water power in building new rural areas of mountain areas农村水电在山区新农村建设中的作用与地位

12.Rural Collective Construction Land Premium Assessment Base农村集体建设用地基准地价评估研究

13.The Research of the Patterns of Land Utilization for New Rural Construction in Hebei Province;河北省新农村建设土地利用模式研究

14.Research About Legal Problems Of Collective Land Used For Building In China Rural Areas;我国农村集体建设用地法律问题研究

15.A Study of Supporting System of Collective Constructive Land Conversion in Rural Areas;农村集体建设用地流转支撑体系探讨

16.Research on the Collective Construction Land Transfer in Rural Areas农村集体建设用地流转制度完善研究

17.Research on Evaluation of Intensive Use of Agricultural Land under the New Rural Construction;新农村建设背景下农用土地集约利用评价研究

18.A Discussion on the Mechanism of Use Right Transfer of Rural Collective Non-agricultural Construction Land;农村集体非农建设用地使用权流转机制的探讨


collective non-agricultural construction land农村集体非农建设用地

1.Meanwhile it is an inevitable requirement for the development of China s commercial economy to transfercollective non-agricultural construction land.土地的交易和流转,是实现土地资产价值和合理配置土地资源的重要途径,农村集体非农建设用地流转是我国商品经济发展的必然要求,其势在某些经济发达地区已不可遏止。

3)the village construction use ground usage power农村建设用地使用权

4)rural collective construction land农村集体建设用地

1.On Allocation Modes of Rural Collective Construction Land Development Rights:a Perspective of Principal-agent农村集体建设用地发展权配置模式分析:委托代理视角

2.In china, automatic conversion ofrural collective construction land is at present a common phenomenon,especially on the outskirts of cities.农村集体建设用地流转在我国各地尤其在大中城市的城乡结合部是一个普遍现象。

3.There are profound causes of interest in the practice of the direct entry to the land market forrural collective construction land.农村集体建设用地直接入市有深刻的利益动因。

5)Rural Construction Land Consolidation农村建设用地整理

1.Study on Motivation of Local Governors Executing the Policy ofRural Construction Land Consolidation;地方官员推行农村建设用地整理政策的驱动力研究

6)rural collective building land农村集体建设用地

1.On January 3, , the State Council promulgated The Circular on Promoting Economical and Intensive Utilization of Land, setting specific requirements on China s existing building land andrural collective building land.1月3日国务院颁布了《关于促进节约集约用地的通知》,对我国现有建设用地和农村集体建设用地的利用提出了明确的要求。


