200字范文 > 灌水次数 irrigation frequency英语短句 例句大全

灌水次数 irrigation frequency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-20 10:30:29


灌水次数 irrigation frequency英语短句 例句大全

灌水次数,irrigation frequency

1)irrigation frequency灌水次数

1.In order to clarify the effects ofirrigation frequency and potassium fertilization on population dry matter production and grain yield formation, two field experiments was carried out during - in Gaocheng County and - in Baoding with locally commercial winter wheat cultivar Henong 822 and Shixin 616 respectively.为明确灌水次数和施钾量对河北平原节水栽培条件下高产冬小麦群体物质生产特性和产量形成的影响,分别于-和-度在保定市和藁城市选用当地冬小麦推广品种(河农822、石新616)进行了灌水次数(0、1、2和3水,分别用W0、W1、W2和W3表示)和施钾量(K2O 0、112。

2.The experiments during the two winter wheat growing seasons were arranged as split plot arrangement, withirrigation frequency as main plots ( including 0, 1, 2 and 3 times during the growing period on the basis of suitable pre-sowing soil moisture, expressed as W0, W1, W2 and W3, respectively ), and nitrogen application amounts as split plots ( including N 0, 112.为明确水分和氮肥运筹对高产冬小麦群体物质生产特性和产量形成的影响,分别于-和-度在保定市和藁城市选用当地冬小麦推广品种(河农822、石新616)进行灌水次数和氮肥施用量的两因素裂区试验,研究了不同灌水次数(在保证底墒基础上全生育期灌0、1、2和3水,分别用W0、W1、W2和W3表示)和施氮量(0、112。

3.[Objective] This study intended to study whetherirrigation frequency,fertilizing quantity and colonization density were the major factors which caused cracking prematurely in spring cabbage leafy head.【目的】探讨灌水次数、追肥量和定植密度3个栽培因子是否为引起春甘蓝叶球过早裂球的主要因素。


1.Effect of Irrigation Frequency and Potasssium Fertilization Rate on Population Dry Matter Production and Grain Yield Formation of Winter Wheat灌水次数和施钾量对冬小麦群体物质生产和产量形成的影响

2.Effect of Irrigation Times and Nitrogen Application Rate on Population Dynamics and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat不同灌水次数和施氮量对冬小麦群体动态和产量的影响

3.Effects of Irrigation Amount and Times on Water Consumption Characteristics and Biomass of Alfalfa灌溉量和灌溉次数对紫花苜蓿耗水特性和生物量的影响

4.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数

5.Numerical Simulation and Frame Designing of Emitter s Labyrinth Channel;滴灌灌水器迷宫流道结构数值模拟与优化设计

6.Effects of Irrigation Parameters on the Soil Moisture, Heat, Solut Dynamics, and Crop Water Use under Drip Irrigation with Plastic Film Mulch;膜下滴灌灌水技术参数对土壤水热盐动态和作物水分利用的影响

7.Effects of Irrigation Frequency on Moisture and Salt Regime and Water Production Function of Cotton under Mulched Drip Irrigation;膜下滴灌灌水频率与水盐分布关系及棉花水分生产函数研究

8.Effect of Different Irrigation Frequency and Amount on Nitrogen Uptake,Translocation of Winter Wheat不同灌溉次数和灌溉量对冬小麦氮素吸收转移的影响

9.Designment of Hydrocyclone And Numerical Simulation喷灌用水力旋流器的设计与数值模拟

10.Parameter model of water-conducting device specification for indirect subsurface drip irrigation间接地下滴灌导水装置规格参数模型

11.Study on Border Irrigation Water Current Movement Mathmatical Simulation and Irrigation Technique Index in the West of Guanzhong;畦灌水流运动数值模拟与关中西部灌水技术指标研究

12.Study on Rice Water Production Function and Optimization of Irrigation Schedule of Cha Ha Yang Irrigation Area;查哈阳灌区水稻水分生产函数及其优化灌溉制度试验研究

13.Research on Regulation of Soil-Water Movement in Irrigation Design Parameters under Subsurface Drip Irrigation;地下滴灌灌水设计参数对土壤水分运动规律的影响研究

14.the ability of water conservation of bush, herbaceous and bryophyte was lower;灌木、草本、苔藓 3个层次涵蓄水分的能力较低 ;

15.2)the highest bird diversity is the secondary forest, and the lowest is the shrub meadow;2)次生林鸟类多样性指数最高,灌丛草地最低;

16.Quantitative Analysis of the Secondary Deciduous Bush-woods Vegetation in Tongchuan Area铜川地区次生落叶灌丛植被的数量分析

17.Study on the Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Movement for CN Irrigation;CN灌水条件下土壤水分运动的数值模拟

18.Numerical Simulation on Hydraulic Characteristics in Siphon Passage of Dockyard船坞虹吸灌水廊道水力特性的数值模拟研究


Irrigation times灌水次数

1.Yield was increased by rising number of irrigation times.通过播墒、灌水次数、播期对棉花的生长发育和产量的影响进行研究。


1.The result shows that the quality and the totall economical index of treatment with firstirrigation at 25d and secondlyirrigation at 50d after transplant,nitrogen dosage of 60kg per hectare are best.在云南保山潞江坝对香料烟不同灌水次数和施氮水平对烟叶品质和有关经济指标影响的试验表明,以烟苗移栽后25d第1次灌水,移栽50d后第2次灌水,施纯氮60kg/hm2的处理烟叶品质和综合经济指标最好。

4)irrigation amount per time次灌水量

1.8 m groundwater table(GWT) under 90 mm and 45 mmirrigation amount per time was investigated through disturbed soil columns by using tracer Br-in lab.为了阐明地下水埋深对土壤溶质运移的影响,通过室内均质土柱试验,以Br-为示踪剂,对90 mm和45 mm两种次灌水量下,1。

5)irrigation times灌溉次数

6)Irrigation and nitrogen application regimes灌水次数与施氮方式


