200字范文 > 信息政策研究 research on information policy英语短句 例句大全

信息政策研究 research on information policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-28 20:42:23


信息政策研究 research on information policy英语短句 例句大全

信息政策研究,research on information policy

1)research on information policy信息政策研究


1.A Review on the Information Policy Research in China我国信息政策研究评述(1999~)

2.Policy Study on Information Resources Standard System Development信息资源标准体系建设的政策研究

3.Study on Network Information Policy and Law System Construction in China;我国网络信息政策法规体系构建研究

4.Research on Government s Optimal Regulation Policy under Asymmetric Information;不对称信息下政府最优监管策略研究

5.Research on the Pattern of Government Decision-making Information Consultant Agency;政府决策信息咨询服务机构模式研究

6.On the Tactics of Arranging Information in the Official Administration of Universities in China;高校行政管理中信息整理的策略研究

parison Study on National InformationPolicy berween American,Japanese and Chinese;中美日三国国家信息政策的比较研究

8.The Problem and the Countermeasure Research on Information Publication of Fushun Municipal Government抚顺市政府信息公开问题与对策研究

9.The Discussion on Technical Policies and Standards for Urban Informationization城市信息化技术政策与标准研究初探

10.The Problem and the Countermeasure Research on Information Publication of D Municipal Government;D市政府政务信息公开问题与对策研究

11.On Policies Concerning the Public Services of Government Information Resources;政府信息资源公益性开发服务的政策问题研究

12.Research on the Government Information Resources Management Based on Government Decision-making基于政府决策的政府信息资源管理研究

13.Study on Policy Orientation of Information Service and Market;信息服务与信息市场政策取向之探究

14.Preliminary Research on Literature Information Analysis in the Field of Health Policy Research卫生政策研究领域文献信息分析的初步研究

15.On Evolution of Japanese Information and Communication Policy and It"s Inspiration to China (Ⅰ)日本信息通信政策研究及其对中国的启示(Ⅰ)——日本信息通信政策的变迁

16.Research on the Stock Price Transmission of our Country Monetary Policy Angling Information Theory;信息论视角下我国货币政策股票价格信息传导问题研究

17.Study on Policy and Practice of Information Resources Development and Utilization in Foreign Countries国外信息资源开发利用政策与实践研究

18.Study of International Compatibility in Chinas Information Policy and Law我国信息政策与法规的国际兼容性研究


A Study on Enterprise Information Policies企业信息政策研究

3)policy study政策研究

1.The appliedpolicy study,typical of scientific and practical properties,is an integral part of higher education researches as demonstrated in the persuasive eighth chapter — "Perspectives of policies" in the book "Fresh Views on Higher Education".作为一种应用性研究,政策研究因其科学性与实践性强的特征正日益成为高等教育研究的重要研究方向。

2.Developing a theory andpolicy study of working class movement must perfect an organizational net and take powerful measures As a research organization at the city & county level, the society should give priority to practical theory study and combine it with investigation and adhere to turning scientific and research results into practice in order to serve the trade union wor开展工人运动理论和政策研究 ,必须完善组织网络 ,采取有力的保证措施。

4)policy research政策研究

1.Xangxi sports industry capital market investment and financing development s present situation andpolicy research;陕西体育产业资本市场投融资发展现状与政策研究

2.Considerations on Improving and Strengthening Policy Research of Physical Education in China;改进与加强我国体育政策研究的思考

3.Considerations on the strengtheningthepolicy research of China s higher education;加强我国高等教育政策研究的若干思考

5)Policy analysis政策研究

1.A Study of Agricultural Land-use Policy Analysis According to the Idea of Building a New Socialist Countryside;社会主义新农村思想指导下的农村土地政策研究

6)Policy studies政策研究


