200字范文 > 昆曲社 kunqu troupe英语短句 例句大全

昆曲社 kunqu troupe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-05 17:05:39


昆曲社 kunqu troupe英语短句 例句大全

昆曲社,kunqu troupe

1)kunqu troupe昆曲社


1.Overview of Kunqu Troupes and Masters in Hangzhou Jiaxing and Huzhou in the Republic of China业余曲社半爿天——杭嘉湖民国时期昆曲社与曲家概述

2.The Translation of the Lines of Kunqu Opera in Relation to its Rules:A Case Study of "An Interrupted Dream" of "The Peony Pavilion"昆曲曲律与《牡丹亭》之《惊梦》曲词英译

3.the qudi is longer, and is often used to accompany Kunqu Opera.曲笛较长,常用于昆曲伴奏,

4.A graduator student of Shanghai Traditional Opera School, mainly acts "Wu Chou" (a buffoon who has acrobatic and fighting skills in Kunju Opera).上海戏曲学校首届昆曲班毕业,工武丑。

5.Classical Phonological Diagram and Musical Composition of Kunqu;等韵图在昆曲度曲理论中的运用探析

6.Aestheticism in Chinese Traditional Opera--On the Charming of Art in Kunqu Opera and its Heredity and Renovation;中国戏曲中的美——昆曲的艺术魅力及昆曲的传承与革新

7.Lin Weilin, director of Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Troupe, said that Kunqu should not become a “cultural relic”.浙江昆剧团团长林为林说,昆曲不应该变成“文物”。

8.Kun Opera, also called "Kunqu" originated in the Kunshan region of Jiangsu Province.昆剧,亦称昆曲,产生于明代嘉靖,隆庆年间(1552-1572)的江苏昆山。

9."It soon spread, and by the 17th century it was the supreme style of theatre in the country."与此同时,昆曲很快流行开来,到17世纪,昆曲在全国占据了主导地位。

10.Further on WEI Liang-fu"s Tone Reform--Reply to Mr. DAI He-bing on the Sound and Status of the Kunqu Opera再论魏良辅声腔改革——就昆曲语音、昆曲地位答戴和冰先生

11.She was graduated form Shanghai Traditional Opera School, mainly acts HuaDan(the young and lovely women).上海市戏曲学校首届昆曲班毕业,工花旦。

12."The theater world produced masterpieces to drama literature in the form of "zaju"and "Kunqu". "中国戏曲史上出现过许多杂剧和昆曲的杰作。

13.A great poet"s devotion to Kunqu opera--on Wu Weiye"s opera writing大诗人的昆曲情结——论吴伟业的戏曲创作

14.She is the gratuator of Shanghai Traditional Opera School.上海戏曲学校首届昆剧班毕业女小生。

15.A Preliminary Study on Musics in the Kunqu Opera the Western Chamber in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清昆曲《西厢记》音乐的初步研究

16.The Refinement and Great Libido--The Kunqu Opera s Esthetics Characteristic in“Lascivious Conation”;至雅大欲——昆曲水磨调“意淫”的审美特征

17.Cultural Mark of Kunqu Opera Theatrics:Poetic Charm and Painting Conception;昆曲舞台表演的文化印记:诗情·画意

18.《Qiong Lin Yan》, the Leather-silhouette show Edition and Kunqu Opera One Collected in the Shuang Hong Tang;双红堂藏皮影戏《琼林宴》与昆曲《琼林宴》


Kunqu Opera Community Research昆曲曲社研究

3)Guangling Kunqu opera school广陵昆曲学社

4)A study of Yangzhou s kunqu opera troupes扬州昆班曲社考

5)Kunqu Opera昆曲

1.Aestheticism in Chinese Traditional Opera——On the Charming of Art inKunqu Opera and its Heredity and Renovation;中国戏曲中的美——昆曲的艺术魅力及昆曲的传承与革新

2.On the Aesthetical Characteristics of ChineseKunqu Opera s Free Representation;论昆曲写意性的唯美化特征

6)Kun Opera昆曲

1.Artistic Connection between Huishan Pinch-mould Opera Characters andKun Opera;惠山手捏戏文与昆曲的艺术关联

2.Kun Opera and Nohgaku-On the Stage Structure and Performing Form of Sino-Japanese Traditional Opera;昆曲与“能”——试论中日传统戏曲的舞台结构与表演形态

3.The Role that Family Troupe Played in the Progress ofKun Opera;论家班在昆曲发展史上的意义


