200字范文 > 当代中国文学理论 the contemporary Chinese literary theory英语短句 例句大全

当代中国文学理论 the contemporary Chinese literary theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-27 18:27:38


当代中国文学理论 the contemporary Chinese literary theory英语短句 例句大全

当代中国文学理论,the contemporary Chinese literary theory

1)the contemporary Chinese literary theory当代中国文学理论


1.On the Reconstruction of the Deconstructed Contemporary Chinese Literature Theory论解构后的当代中国文学理论重新建构

2.Re-criticism to the Criticism of Anti-Essentialism of the Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory当代中国文学理论反本质主义批判的批判

3.Chinese Adaptation of Western Modern & Contemporary Literary Theories;试论西方现当代文学理论的“中国化”

4.Kuhn s “Paradigm” and Literary Theory of Modern China;库恩的“范式”与中国当代文学理论

5.Theoretical innovation on Chinese modern literary history;对中国现当代文学史理论创新的思考

6.An Inquiry Into the Essence Reality Theory in Chinese Modern Literary Theory;中国现当代文学理论之本质真实论批判

7.Impact of Freud s Psychoanalysis Theory on China s Contemporary Literature;论精神分析理论对中国现当代文学的影响

8.The Utilitarianism in the Studies of Chinese Contemporary Theory of Literature;中国当代文学理论研究中的功利化倾向

9.On Existentialism Tropism of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Teaching论中国现当代文学教学的生存论转向

10.His theory, therefore, offers a referential perspective for the reconstruction of contemporary Chinese literary theory.巴特的文本理论为中国当代文学理论的重建提供了借鉴。

11.On the Controversy on the Misty Poetry in the History of the Contemporary Chinese Literature;论中国当代文学史上的“朦胧诗”论争

12.The Theoretics Breakthrough of Biographical Literature --Comment on Quanzhan s An Introduction to Contemporary Biographical Literature;传记文学理论研究的突破——评全展《中国当代传记文学概观》

13.Constructing Contemporary Chinese Literary and art Theory (Symposium II);古代文学研究与当代文艺理论的建构——兼论马克思主义文艺理论的中国化问题

14.On the Occurrence and Development of Chinese Contemporary Literature Course简论中国当代文学学科的发生与发展

15.Autonomy and Understanding Dilemma in Theory --On the Bottleneck Hindering the Propulsion of Literary Theory in Contemporary China;理论的自律性和知性困境——论中国当代文艺学学科推进的瓶颈

16.On the "Eat" in Chinese Contemporary Literature;试论中国当代文学中的四种“吃”法

17.Cultural Criticism of Frankfurt School and Chinese Popular Culture;法兰克福学派的文化批判理论与当代中国大众文化

18.Frankfurt School of Thought Mass Culture Theory and the Examination of the China Mass Culture;法兰克福学派大众文化理论与当代中国大众文化的审视


Chinese modern literary theoretical criticism中国当代文学理论批评

1.The history ofChinese modern literary theoretical criticism can be classified into three periods.中国当代文学理论批评史分为三个时期 ;文化革命前十七年文学理论的特点之一是许多文学理论家以既清醒又混沌的心智为共同的思维特征和以社会学评论为主要方法 ;文化革命结束后经历了从恢复期到蜕变期到收获期的发展阶段 ,初步出现了百家争鸣的局

3)contemporary Chinese literature theory当代中国文艺理论

1.Discussion on the modernity development course ofcontemporary Chinese literature theory论当代中国文艺理论发展的现代性路向

4)new modern literature theory form with Chinese characteristics有中国特色的当代文学理论新形态

5)contemporary Chinese literary theory中国当代文论

1.Worshiped as model of Marxist literary theory, it played an essential role in the formation of the fundamental pattern of the contemporary Chinese literary theories, whose highly ideological characteristics and epistemological frame have both complex and diverse impact oncontemporary Chinese literary theory and criticism, even on the study of the ancient Chinese theories.前苏联文论是 2 0世纪中国文论最重要的理论资源之一 ,5 0年代被奉为马克思主义文学理论的典范 ,对中国当代文论基本理论格局的形成起到了关键性作用。

6)literary theory in contemporary China当代中国文论


