200字范文 > 所有权性质 Ownership英语短句 例句大全

所有权性质 Ownership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-11 19:37:13


所有权性质 Ownership英语短句 例句大全




1.Role of Government,Ownership Property and Cost of Equity;政府角色、所有权性质与权益资本成本

2.Ownership,Corporate Diversification and the Endogeneity of Capital Structure of China s Listed Firms;所有权性质、多元化和资本结构内生性

3.Study of the Essence of State-ownership based on the Management of State-owned Capital;国家所有权性质问题研究——针对国有资本的分析

4.Research on Development Model of Commercial Real Estate Based on Enterprise’s Proprietorship;基于企业所有权性质的商业地产发展模式研究

5.Properties and characteristics of proprietorship of human capital of professional sports and policy-orientated proposals;职业体育人力资本所有权性质、特点与政策建议

6.Study on the compensation of peasants who have lost their land according to the proprietary rights;从农村土地所有权性质看我国失地农民补偿

7.Check-and-Balance of Stock Ownership,Ultimate Ownerships and Inefficient Investment in Listed Firms in China;股权制衡、终极所有权性质与上市企业非效率投资

8.Ownership and CEO"s Pay Structure:An Analysis Based on Managerial Entrenchment所有权性质与高管现金薪酬结构——基于管理权力论的分析

9.The Stock Company:the Character of Its Property Rights and the Ownership System;股份制公司的产权特性及所有制性质

10.A Study Of the Common Right of Condominium Ownership in Property Law;《物权法》中区分所有之共有权的性质及实务意义

11.On the Nature of "Farmers Collective Land Ownership" in China;论我国“农民集体土地所有权”的性质

12.The Nature of Conditional Sale and Analysis in Mathematic Way;所有权保留的法律性质及其数理分析

13.Objective Regulation of Collective Land Ownership s Character;“集体土地所有权”性质之客观界定

14.On the Legal Nature and the System Design of the Ownership Retention;所有权保留的性质分析及其制度设计

15.The Legal Nature of the Object s Ownership Retention System;论标的物所有权保留制度的法律性质

16.The Analysis of the Recall Right Existed in Title Retention;所有权保留买卖中出卖人取回权的法律性质

17.From Public Power to Private Right: Reflection on the Legal Nature of Collective Land Ownership从公权回归私权——关于集体土地所有权法律性质的反思

18.The origin of capital is different, property is different, droit is different also.资金的来源不同,性质就不同,所有权也就不同。


corporate ownership property企业所有权性质

1.Taking 86 small and medium-sized listed companies in China which have disclosed R&D data on the annual report in as the research sample,this paper empirically studies the relationship betweencorporate ownership property and technological innovation dynamics.本文以我国披露研发数据的86家中小企业板上市公司为研究样本,对企业所有权性质与技术创新动力间的关系进行了实证研究。


4)essential ownership实质所有权

5)essence of the right of ownership所有权本质

1.For long time determinism of the system of ownership has been dominating the theoretic researches on theessence of the right of ownership.对所有权本质的理论研究中 ,长期以来 ,我们一直坚持所有制决定论 ,即把人类对物质资料的占有归结为所有制 ,并把所有制看作是决定所有权本质的经济基础 ,结果将所有权的本质简单地归结为由占有的经济状态决定 ,从而忽视了所有权就其本质而言是精神性的东西 ,而非物质性的东西。

6)The character of the ownership-reserved system所有权保留制度性质


