200字范文 > 爱情故事 love story英语短句 例句大全

爱情故事 love story英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-19 00:33:06


爱情故事 love story英语短句 例句大全

爱情故事,love story

1)love story爱情故事

1.Thelove story between Xiang Concubine and Yu and Xun is the oldest one in China,records of which can be traced back to ancient Chinese classics,such as Shang Shu,Shan Hai Jing,Meng Zi,Chu Ci,Shi Ji,and Lie Nu Zhuan.湘妃和虞舜的感情传说是中国最早的一个爱情故事。

2.As soon as the Americanlove story The Bridges of Madison County was published, it became popular in the world and A bridge craze spread across America and China.《廊桥遗梦》缘何具有如此魅力 ?本文认为这首先在于小说所叙述的美丽动人的爱情故事本身 ,源于爱的悲剧性、爱的激情、爱的真情 ;其次源于其朴实细腻、可视性、可感性极强的描写艺术 ,清丽优美、抒情而富有哲理的叙事语言 ;再次源于天时、地利、人和 ,即 :中美读者所处的不同的社会文化语境 ,读者阅读时相异的心理趋向和期待视

3.The Love story covered nearly one-fourths of the novel.作品中近四分之一篇什写男女爱情、婚恋故事,这些浪漫的爱情故事为我们营构了一个爱情王国。


1.a rubbish love story一个荒唐的爱情故事

2.Yee and LAN: A RomanceYee和LAN的爱情故事

3.I"m fed up with love stories.爱情故事我都看腻了。

4.a rather syrupy love-story颇为感伤的爱情故事.

5.One about seduction, and falling in love.一个关于诱惑、坠入情网的爱情故事。

6.A sentimental love story can be very touching.一个悲情的爱情故事是非常感人的。

7.Loue Story Centers on Truman Letters杜鲁门情书:上演新版《爱情故事》

8.I think it is a love story or something like that.我认为这是个爱情故事或是这一类的故事。

9.It"s a love story.Do you like reading?一个爱情故事。你喜欢阅读吗?

10.a love story that left us feeling misty and sad.一个令我们流泪和悲伤的爱情故事

11.And you know I don"t like love stories.而且我也不喜欢爱情故事的片子。

12.Do you like romantic love stories?你喜欢浪漫的爱情故事吗?

13.it is the subject of every love story.它是每一爱情故事的主题。

14.That we"ll separate. You"ll go to Law School.我们会分手。 你会去法学院。-----《爱情故事》

15.The play is really a love story.这出戏实际上是一个爱情故事.

16.There is a new demo of modern love story.现代爱情故事有了全新的演绎版。

17.A love story will be on for a change.一部爱情故事片将要上映。

18.A nice--cold end to their love affair.这真是一个爱情故事的冰冷结局。”


love stories爱情故事

1.In this paper,the writer makes a deep comprehensive analysis onlove stories between <the Arabian Nights>and <the Decameron>.爱情故事是《一千零一夜》与《十日谈》共同的亮点,由于文化背景和创作意图不同,二者呈现不同特征:阿拉伯民族情重爱浓的文化传统和伊斯兰教教义的束缚使《一千零一夜》的爱情故事重“情”不重“性”,而卜伽丘反禁欲主义、促进人性解放的决心则让《十日谈》的爱情故事重“性”不重“情”。

2.One reason that his works are so attractive is when we read his works we are always meeting our own experiences and are constantly surprised by some phrases which express what we think to be our own secret or discovery, especially in the appreciation of those beautifullove stories.莎士比亚笔下的爱情故事更是脍炙人口,吸引我们的不仅仅是其巧妙的情节设置,生动的语言,更重要的是蕴含的深远的意味。

3)love stories情爱故事

1.The characteristic and reason of fablelove stories in Yi Jian Zhi is analyzed in the paper.文章分析了《夷坚志》中的志怪情爱故事的特点及原因,认为在南宋底层社会,男女情爱出现了新的特点:此时女子地位也非十分低下,男女双方的关系是相对平衡的。

2.There were manylove stories in Zhiguai novels of the mid ancient China.中古志怪小说有大量情爱故事,它们以不同的类型反映了与现实相背离的虚幻世界中爱情的丰富性,从而揭示并肯定了压抑在那个时代的人性美。

4)a love story.爱情故事片。

5)the Folk Love Stories民间爱情故事



