200字范文 > 嗓音发声训练 Voice rehabilitation training英语短句 例句大全

嗓音发声训练 Voice rehabilitation training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-05 10:08:29


嗓音发声训练 Voice rehabilitation training英语短句 例句大全

嗓音发声训练,Voice rehabilitation training

1)Voice rehabilitation training嗓音发声训练

2)voice training嗓音训练

1.Therefore,it is every learner s aim to grasp the basic approach to singing as well asvoice training in order to develop his or her own power of understanding and improve singing level.因此 ,了解掌握学习歌唱的入门方法和常见的问题 ,探讨进行嗓音训练的方法 ,培养自己的歌唱悟性和利用语性来学习歌唱 ,使自己的声乐演唱达到完美境界 ,是每一个学习声乐演唱者的目标。


1.A Ponder on Heightening the Soft Palate in the Orgain Training;嗓音训练中e母音练习软腭位置的思考

2.On the Ways to Make Your Voice Sound Young For Good--The Protection and Training of Voice;如何永葆嗓音的青春——嗓音保健与训练

3.polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well - educated voice(H.W. Crocker III)彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音(H.W.克罗克III)

4.polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well - educated voice(bH.W. Crocker III)彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音(bH.W.克罗克III)

5.polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well-educated voice彬彬有礼而热情真挚的,具有一副训练有素的甜蜜嗓音

6.Her voice should be professionally trained.她在运嗓上应接受专业训练.

7.her voice is superbly disciplined; the colors changed wondrously slowly.她的嗓子受过很好的训练;色彩变化非常慢。

8.Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to is trained.有些人生就一副好嗓子, 有些人则需要训练.

9.The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation.老师训练学生发音。

10.Actors need training in diction.演员需要训练发音。

11.Q: What does the woman mean?弦外之音推测专项训练

12.Evangelist Professional Training Schoo福音传道专业训练学校

13.a pure note, voice, etc纯音、 纯正的嗓音.

14.Study on the Training of Tone Quality and Volume , Word, Breath and Feeling While Singing;歌唱中音质与音量、字、气、情训练的研究

15.a gentle smile (voice,etc.)柔和的微笑(嗓音)

16.The Significance of Basic Piano Techniques and the Strengthening of the Musical Scale,Arpeggio and Chord Practice重视钢琴基本技巧练习 加强音阶琶音和弦训练

17.a trained nurse; a trained voice; trained manpower; psychologically trained workers.经专门训练的护士;被训练过的声音;经专门训练的人力;经过心理训练的工人。

18.voice onset time嗓音起始时间 嗓音起始时间


voice training嗓音训练

1.Therefore,it is every learner s aim to grasp the basic approach to singing as well asvoice training in order to develop his or her own power of understanding and improve singing level.因此 ,了解掌握学习歌唱的入门方法和常见的问题 ,探讨进行嗓音训练的方法 ,培养自己的歌唱悟性和利用语性来学习歌唱 ,使自己的声乐演唱达到完美境界 ,是每一个学习声乐演唱者的目标。

3)vocal training声音训练

4)speech correction发音训练

5)Vocalization training发声训练

6)to practice on the organ练嗓音


