200字范文 > 明末清初 Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

明末清初 Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 13:46:14


明末清初 Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

明末清初,Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

1)Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty明末清初

1."Beauty Complex" of Dramatists inLate Ming and Early Qing Dynasty;论明末清初剧作家的“佳人”情结

2.Poetic Theory of Reviving Tang Dynasty Poetry of Yunjian School inLate Ming and Early Qing Dynasty;明末清初云间派的复古宗唐诗论

3.Current event plays appeared massively in the period of late Ming and early Qing dynasty,which was related to the fact of temporary existence,low quality,changing of people s esthetic requirements and damage of the governmental rulers.时事剧在明末清初时期大量出现,然而在传播过程中多半散佚。


1.On the Relations between Korea, Ming, Later Jin and Qing Dynasty in the Last Stage of Ming to the Early Period of Qing Dynasty;明末清初朝鲜与明、后金及清的关系

2.Similarities and Dissimilarities between Catholicism and Confucinism:A Comment on Chinese and Western Cultural Theories in the End of the Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of the Qing Dynasty天儒同异:明末清初中西文化学说述评

3.Plaything Pleasant to the Eye--Vogue of Literati Seal in the Late Ming Dynasty and the Early Qing Dynasty悦目之玩——明末清初的文人印章风气

4.Fang Yizhi-An Outstanding Thinker at the Turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties我国明末清初杰出的思想家——方以智

5.A Study of the Confucian Environment in the Late Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty and Catholic Culture论天主教文化与明末清初的儒学环境

6.The Development and Decline of Canton Catholicism during Late Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty明末清初广州天主教的发展及其衰落

ment on Wei Zhongxian Image in Vernacular Novel in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties;论明末清初白话小说中的魏忠贤形象

8.The Narrative Tendency of Nihuaben Novels at the Late-Ming-Dynasty and the Beginning-Qing-Dynasty;明末清初拟活本小说创作的叙事轨迹

9.Maidservant Characters in Talented Scholars and Lovely Ladies Romances at the End of Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of Qing Dynasty;明末清初才子佳人小说中的婢女形象

10.The Influence of Taizhou School on the Drawing Thinking of Later Ming and Early Qing Dynasties;泰州学派对明末清初绘画思想的影响

11.Brief Research on the Disciples of CHEN Zi-long at Songjiang Area in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty;明末清初松江地区“龙门”弟子考略

12.Poetic-featured Social in Qinhuai Region during the Late Ming and the Early Qing Dynasties;明末清初秦淮诗妓与文人之“诗交”

13.The Inheritance that the Sequels of Journey to the West from the End of the Dynasty Ming to the Beginning of the Dynasty Qing;明末清初《西游记》续书对原著的继承

14.The spread and flourish of Christianity in Jiangnan area during Late-Ming and Early-Qing;明末清初天主教在江南的传播与发展

15.The Jiangnan Art Market and Art Dealers in the Late-Ming and Early Qing Period;明末清初江南艺术市场与艺术交易人

16.View on the Reasons of the Prosperity of the Romances about Gifted Scholars and Beautiful Girls;论明末清初才子佳人小说兴盛的原因

17.Translation and Cultural Communication of Late Qing and Early Ming Dynasty;明末清初的翻译活动与中西文化交流

18.Sexual Violence Sustained by Women in Wars in Late Ming and Early Qing Periods;明末清初战争中女性遭受性暴力探析


Late Ming and Early Qing明末清初

1.Also on the Relationship Between Land Surveys and the Community Self-Monitoring System in Huizhou inLate Ming and Early Qing;也论明末清初徽州地区土地丈量与里甲制的关系

2.Mao Qiling ,born in Xiaoshan of Zhejiang province, was a famous scholar inLate Ming and Early Qing.毛奇龄,浙江萧山(今属杭州)人,明末清初的著名学者,学宗王阳明,以考据见长,著述之丰堪称清初第一,学者称其为西河先生。

3.Learn from each other in previous outstanding research results, based on ancient China romantic literary tradition,will be the macro-cultural studies focus on the late Ming and early Qing specific social background.选择明末清初才子佳人小说,这个在学术界争议颇多的论题作为学位论文题目,目的在于学习并借鉴前人优秀研究成果,立足于中国古代“才子佳人”文学传统的传承,将宏观的文化研究聚焦于明末清初特定的社会背景,挖掘此类小说的深层精神文化价值。

3)late Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty明末清初

1.Views on the social changes in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty and the learned people s concept of chastity;时代变化与士人贞节观念关系探析——以明中期至明末清初的归有光和归庄为个案

2.In thelate Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty,Qian Qianyi rotateed increasingly many teachers,his poetics advocation of both Tang poem and Song poem built on the basis of rethinking Ming dynasty poem,expanded people s imitated target,had made new valuation to Tang poem and Song poem.明末清初,钱谦益转益多师、唐宋兼宗的诗学宗尚建立在反思明代诗学的基础上,扩展了人们的师法对象,对唐宋诗做出了新的评价。

3.Liang Peilan s political choice was closely related to his notion to situation of late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty.他积极入仕新朝,与他对明末清初的局势的认识有着一定的联系。

4)late Ming and early Qing Dynasties明末清初

ment and Biography of Monk Zhangxue - Master ofGuizhou Zen Sect in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties;明末清初贵州禅宗大师丈雪和尚评传

2.Yu Huai was a well-known literature writer inlate Ming and early Qing Dynasties.余怀是明末清初的一位著名文学家。

5)the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty明末清初

1.Differentiation of Anti-Christianity Ideology Between Scholar-officials inthe late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty and Scholar-officials in Modern China;明末清初士大夫与近代士大夫反基督教思想异同辨析

6)late Ming Dynasty,Qing Dynasty,and early period of Republic of China明末、清朝、民初


《衡方碑》册(明初拓本)Hengfang Bei ce(Mingchutaben)《衡方碑》册(明初拓本) 中国汉“卫尉卿衡方碑”原石的明代初期拓本。剪条装,共69页,每页3行,行5字。纵24厘米,横14.5厘米。此碑书法结体宽博阔绰,沉厚淳重,行密格满,字取横势,笔尚方折,笔致古健丰腴,遒劲雄伟,是汉隶方整一体的代表作品之一。 此本为传世最旧拓本。以往诸家著述,皆以为此碑最旧为明拓本,以碑文第 6行“将”字未损及“南”字清晰等为明拓本的考据,并说碑阴漫漶,经清嘉庆初黄易洗石后精拓,才发现碑阴有字。此本不仅第6行“将”、“南”不损,而且碑阳全篇较一般拓本少损20余字,定为明代初期所拓。碑阴、碑额皆同时所拓,碑阴可辨者70余字,尤为稀有,并可证明碑阴之字为黄易发现的说法不确切。 此本旧为叶氏平安馆所藏,有叶志诜、翁方纲等藏印19方,后为方若所得,方氏于此本之后,再跋、三跋予以更正说明,尤有言未能尽之意。现藏故宫博物院。 “衡方碑”为建宁元年 (168)九月立,碑原在山东汶上县郭家楼,清雍正八年(1730)汶水泛决,碑仆陷,庄人郭承锡等出资复建。今置山东省泰安岱庙汉柏院。碑额阳文隶书“汉故卫尉卿衡府君之碑”,碑文隶书23行,行36字。文末另起一行书“碑”字,其下有小字隶书2行,“门生平原乐陵朱登字仲帝”,多以为是书碑者朱登款识。艾志高
