200字范文 > 新村运动 new village movement英语短句 例句大全

新村运动 new village movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-07 01:05:13


新村运动 new village movement英语短句 例句大全

新村运动,new village movement

1)new village movement新村运动

1.The New-village Construction in Jiaxing and the Referential Meaning of the Korean New Village Movement;嘉兴新农村建设及韩国新村运动的借鉴意义

2.Korean Female in the View of New Village Movement新村运动视野下的韩国女性

3.South Korea snew village movement causes SouthKorea from a backward agricultural country to a modernized country.韩国的新村运动使韩国从一个落后的农业国家成长为一个现代化国家。


1."New Community Movement" in South Korea Being Instructive for the New Village Construction in China;韩国新村运动对中国新农村建设的启示

2.Enlightment of the "New Community Movement" from South Korea and its Inspiration to New Countryside Construction in China;韩国“新村运动”及其对我国新农村建设的启示

3.New Village Movement in Korea and its Enlightenment to New Countryside Construction in China;韩国新村运动及对我国新农村建设的启迪

4.Enlightenments of Korean New Countryside Movement to Building Chinese New Countryside;韩国新村运动对我国新农村建设的启示

5.The New-village Construction in Jiaxing and the Referential Meaning of the Korean New Village Movement;嘉兴新农村建设及韩国新村运动的借鉴意义

6.Inspiration of New Village Movement in South Korea to Construction of New Countryside in Gansu;韩国新村运动对甘肃新农村建设的启迪

7.On the Saemaul Undong Movement in Korea and Its Inspiration to China s New Countryside Construction;论韩国新村运动对我国新农村建设的启示

8.Rural Supporting Policies in South Korea"s Saemaeul Movement and Its Implications for Building a New Socialist Countryside in China韩国新村运动中的农村支援政策及其对中国新农村建设的启示

9.Developing Rural Human Resources in Chongqing by Using the Experience of New Countryside Movement in Korean;韩国新村运动对重庆农村人力资源开发的启示

10.Successful Experience, Enlightenment and Reference in "the Movement of Residential District "of Korea;韩国“新村运动”的成功经验、启示及借鉴

11.The Spiritual Strength of New Village Movement in the South Korean;韩国新村运动中体现出来的精神力量

12.An Inspiration of Korea New Village Movement to New Socialist Countryside in China;韩国新村运动对中国建设社会主义新农村的启示

13.Innovation of the Provision System of Rural Public Goods and the International Reference:New Village Movement in South Korea as Example;农村公共产品供给制度创新与国际经验借鉴——以韩国新村运动为例

14.The New Village Movement in South Korea and its Inspiration to the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside in China;韩国新村运动及其对我国建设社会主义新农村的启示

15.From Korea to China:a Study of the Paths for China s Rural Reform;从韩国新村运动瞻望中国新农村建设的路径选择

16.A Comparative Study Between the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside in Korean Minority Area and a New Countryside Movement in South Korea and Experience Drawing;朝鲜族地区新农村建设与韩国新村运动比较及经验借鉴

17.A Study of the Enlightenments from the“New Rural Campaign”in Korea;韩国“新村运动”对我国社会主义新农村建设可持续发展的启示

18.Building Socialist New Countryside in Shaoxing:The Korea Inspiration;韩国新村运动对绍兴社会主义新农村建设的启示


new village campaign新村运动

1.Connotation ofnew village campaign in South Korean was casting away poor to become rich,its basic spirit was"diligent,self-support and cooperation",and its extend meaning was through education to train and arouse national citizen s go-aheadism and raise national citizen s overall quality.韩国新村运动的内涵就是脱贫致富,基本精神是“勤勉、自助与协作”,引申意义就是通过教育,培养、激发国民进取、向上的精神,提高国民整体素质。

2.South Korea initiated the New Village Campaign from 1970s.韩国自1970年发起新村运动,国家立法支持农业保险的发展,通过农协建立良好的运行模式,建立了补贴和费率优惠机制,强制投保与引导投保相结合,建立国家再保险体系和比较健全的管理体系,使城市和农村社会发展更加协调,为经济持续健康发展奠定了很好的基础。

3.The meaning and feature,cause and background,basic content and development stage,organization construction and government role of thenew village campaign in South Korea are stressly stated in the paper,and the primary frame of theoretical system ofnew village campaign in South Korea is sketched out.在广泛搜集近年来有关资料的基础上,重点概述了新村运动的涵义与特征、起因与背景、基本内容与发展阶段、组织机构与政府作用等问题,初步勾画了韩国新村运动理论体系的初步性框架。

3)New Community Movement新村运动

1.Enlightment of the "New Community Movement" from South Korea and its Inspiration to New Countryside Construction in China;韩国“新村运动”及其对我国新农村建设的启示

2."New Community Movement" in South Korea Being Instructive for the New Village Construction in China;韩国新村运动对中国新农村建设的启示

3.Research and Revelation ofNew Community Movement in South Korea韩国新村运动调查研究与启示

4)the Saemaul Movement新村运动

1.Based on the analysis of the origin,process and functions ofthe Saemaul Movement,this article found that the essence ofthe Saemaul Movement was educating,rather than the prevailing analysis in the perspective of economy.通过对新村运动的起源、过程和作用的分析,本文发现,韩国新村运动的本质是教育,而非目前普遍流行的经济之说。

2.Based on the analysis of the origin,process and functions ofthe Saemaul Movement,this article aims to explore that the essence ofthe Saemaul Movement was educating,rather than the prevailing analysis from the perspective of economy.韩国新村运动是一场教育运动,而非目前普遍流行的经济发展运动。

5)Saemaul Undong Movement新村运动

1.The whole process of the initiation,execution and restricting factor rescission and goal realization of Saemaul Undong movement was analyzed.从管理学的角度对韩国新村运动的细节进行分解,对新村运动发起、执行、制约因素解除、目标实现等整个进程进行分析认为我国新农村建设可以通过目标管理的方式,通过强化执行力等措施最终达到"生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主"的发展目标。

6)new village movement新农村运动


南美洲运动会和南十字运动会19在巴西举行过1届南美洲运动会,参加者限于南美洲国家。1978年在玻利维亚举行过 1届南十字运动会,参加国有阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭8国。
