200字范文 > 儒家传统公私观念 traditional public&private notion of Confucian英语短句 例句大全

儒家传统公私观念 traditional public&private notion of Confucian英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-06 08:54:31


儒家传统公私观念 traditional public&private notion of Confucian英语短句 例句大全

儒家传统公私观念,traditional public&private notion of Confucian

1)traditional public&private notion of Confucian儒家传统公私观念

1.Thetraditional public&private notion of Confucian plays an important role in the Chinese traditional culture .儒家传统公私观念在中国传统文化中占有相当重要的地位,它以崇公抑私为主导价值,在一定程度上决定了中国人的文化品格并规定着中国历史的走向。


1.The Influence of Traditional Public&Private Notion of Confucian on Chinese Today Civil Awareness Cultivating儒家传统公私观念对当代中国公民意识培育的影响

2.View Chinese Traditional Landscape Conception from Private Gardens in Southern Yangtze River从江南私家园林看中国传统景观观念

3.The Confucian Ideas of Traditional Morality and Socialist Construction of Morality;儒家传统道德观念与社会主义道德建设

4.Influence of Traditional Idea of Public and Private Interest on Culture Construction of Present Chinese Citizen传统公私观念对当代中国公民文化建设的影响

5.An Exploration on the Impact of Confucianism on Traditional Idea of Marriage and Child-bearing, and Ethnic Related to Family儒家学说对传统婚育观念和家庭伦理关系影响探讨——兼论对儒学几个观念的理解和再释

6.The Localization and Negative Influence of Traditional Idea of Public and Private;浅析传统公私观念的局限及其消极影响

7.On Value Orientation of Chinese Legal Tradition--In Terms of Confucian Idea of Valuing Loyalty over Money;论中国法律传统的价值导向——以儒家的“重义轻利”观念为视角

8.The traditional Confucian honesty advocates people being honest and keep his word,which is also necessary for network society.儒家传统的诚信观念倡导人们诚实守信、真实不欺,网络社会同样需要儒家的诚信意识。

9.The Origin and Evolution of the Confucianist Concepts of Patriarchal Clan System and Filial Piety and Fraternal Love儒家宗法、孝悌的道统观念及其生演

10.Management of Cross-cultural Shock in MSN: on the Perspective of Confucianism;从中国传统儒家人性观谈跨国公司的文化冲突管理

11.People s Natural Source--On the Confucianists Traditional Ecological Ethic View;人的自然之源——论儒家传统生态伦理观

12.The Man of Wisdom Delights in Water:Wisdom in the Early Confucian Tradition;智者乐水:早期儒家传统中的智慧观

13.Mencius View of The Spring and Autumn and the Traditional Confucian Political Passion;孟子的《春秋》观与传统儒家的政治激情

14.On the Outlook on Morality of the Pre-Qin Assassins and the Confucianist Tradition论先秦刺客的思想道德观与儒家传统

15.By Confucianist Tradition Righteousness Advantage View and the Good Faith View and Modern Transforms;论儒家传统义利观和诚信观及其现代转化

ments on Confucianists Ideas About Development;儒家发展观:科学发展观的传统哲学底蕴

17.Confucian aesthetic education thought is the source and core of the Confucian school aesthetic education thought settles the basic value concept and ideological way for Chinese traditional aesthetic education.孔子美育思想是儒家美育思想的源头与核心,奠定了中国传统美育的基本价值观念与思想方法。

18.The Methodology of Traditional Confucian Education Thoughts and Its Modern Value;传统儒家教育观的方法论基础及其现代价值


traditional opinion of public and private interest传统公私观念

1."Exalt public and disparate private interest" is the major content intraditional opinion of public and private interest.传统公私观念以"崇公抑私"为主要内容,它长期影响历代中国人的政治思维和政治品格,以及中国的社会结构和制度建设。

3)the Confucius thoughts儒家观念

1.To certain degree,the Confucius thoughts still have important influence upon modern China s legal government and become a great obstacle for China s legal government development.儒家观念对古代中国司法产生了举足轻重的影响,并且直接导致了古代中国程序法治的缺失。

4)Confucian traditional values儒家传统价值观

5)sense of public and private公私观念

1.As a basic spiritual phenomenon in human society,thesense of public and private has different implications.不同的公私观念都分别指向不同的问题旨趣。

2.Thesense of public and private is an important issue in the social theory history in our country.公私观念在我国社会学说史上是个非常重要的问题,对先秦时期公私观念的研究,学者们分歧最大的地方是它的起源问题。

6)Confucian tradition儒家传统

1.Under the strong pressure of the West, the complex relationship betweenConfucian tradition and the western liberalism was established, which was not existed originally.在西方强势的压力之下,儒家传统与西方自由主义这两个原本并无关系的理论要素产生了难以否认却又难以认清的复杂关系。

2.There have been abundant findings in the research on core values in China,but no special research on the core values of theConfucian tradition and its structure.目前学界在核心价值观的研究方面取得了丰硕的成果,但对于儒家传统的核心价值观体系及其结构方面的专题研究则尚未见到。


