200字范文 > 信息生产方式 information production mode英语短句 例句大全

信息生产方式 information production mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-27 06:03:42


信息生产方式 information production mode英语短句 例句大全

信息生产方式,information production mode

1)information production mode信息生产方式

1.The influence of network on university library displays mainly in global information environment,openinformation production mode and modern information service etc.网络环境对高校图书馆的影响主要表现在全球化的信息环境、开放式的信息生产方式、现代化的信息服务手段三个方


1.Evolution and Innovation of Transformation and Economic Information Production Method;转型与经济信息生产方式的演化创新

2.The Necessity and Possibility of Reform in Accounting Information Production Mode;论传统会计信息生产方式的弊端及其改革

3.Mode of Production, Mode of Informationand Port-modern Philosophical Trend of Thought;生产方式、信息方式与后现代哲学思潮

4.The Impact of the Information Communication Technology on Scientific Knowledge Production Modes信息通信技术对科学知识生产方式的影响

5.A comparison of information production of blog and professional media operation;博客信息生产与专业媒体运作方式的比较

6.On Emergence of the Mode of Production of Information and the Development of Marxism Ethic;论信息化生产方式的产生与马克思主义伦理的发展(下)

7.On Emergence of the Mode of Production of Information and the Development of Marxism Ethic;论信息化生产方式的产生与马克思主义伦理的发展(上)

8.The information superhighway will have unimaginable influence on the means of communication among people.4信息高速公路将对人们相互间的交流方式产生难以想象的影响。

9.The Investigation of Management Pattern and Methodology in Oilgathering Production Information Based on GIS;基于GIS的油田集输生产信息管理模式与方法研究

10.By Using Middleware and Internet Brows Technology Construct Production Real Time Information System;采用中间件技术开发B/S方式的生产实时信息系统

11.Discussion issuing modes of defective vehicle product recall information;缺陷汽车产品召回信息发布方式探讨

12.Study on Production System s Information Model in Make-To-Order;订单式生产企业生产系统的信息模型研究

13.In the process of the message from producer to arbitrator, the message should be communicated with event-triggered traffic by producer.在生产者到仲裁者的通讯过程中,生产者以事件触发的方式传送信息;

14."Individual is the Message", the Mobile Phone Media Achieves a New Life Style;“个人即信息”,手机媒体成就新生活方式

15.Inform-based Learning Mode from Existing Perspective of Learning;学习生存性视域中的信息化学习方式

16.The Impact of Different Expression of Information on the College Students" Faith Attitude不同信息表征方式对大学生诚信态度的影响

17.The spread of information technology has changed the way people live and work and made relations among countries and civilizations more complicated.信息化改变了人们的生活和生产方式,也使国与国和不同文明之间的关系变得更加复杂。

18.Research on Method of Put Human Element into Product s Information Transmit;产品信息传达中注入人文要素的方式研究


life styles in information age信息化生活方式

3)producing information生产信息

1.System design ofproducing information statistics and analysis in modern surface mine;现代露天矿山生产信息统计分析系统设计

2.On the basis of analyzing the present status and development trend of real-time information system in the fields of enterprise automatic producing, the dissertation researches and develops an extensible and flexible enterpriseproducing information service system based on OPC and EJB .现代企业生产信息化是实现全球化制造的重要课题。

4)production information生产信息

1.Onproduction information of sports consumable in China;我国体育消费品生产信息的研究

2.As concerns how to creat the machining list of profiled bar that accords with the shipyard sproduction information, the thesis discusses the problem and introduces how to creat the machining list of profiled bar in details.在用先进造船软件Tribon的新版本M1进行船舶船体生产设计后 ,对如何生成符合船厂生产信息中的型材下料表进行了全面的论述。

5)manufacturing information生产信息

1.Amanufacturing information management system has been jointly developed,directing against some enterprise′s characteristics.针对某企业的特点 ,联合开发了生产信息管理系统软件平台。

6)information production信息生产

1.A Study on Relation between Banking Market Structure and Information Production;银行业的信息生产和市场结构关系研究

2.The writer analyzes the production activity of human being from the angle of natural science,and points out that human production activity is not material production activity but aninformation production one.文章阐述了信息对发展生产力的作用 ,从自然科学角度对人类的生产进行了分析 ,指出人类的生产不可能是物质生产 ,而只能是信息生产 ,强调在新的信息环境下 ,要对图书馆的发展、属性、服务等重新认识 ,才能使图书馆的信息最大化地转化为技术和生产力。


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl
