200字范文 > 一年级小学生英语口语练习


时间:2020-12-09 00:59:46




Do you usually watch TV after dinner?


1、:Michael: Do you usually watch TV after dinner?迈克尔:你平时吃完晚饭后看电视吗?Susan: No,I don‘t.苏珊:不,我不是。

Michael: When do you usually watch TV?迈克尔:你通常什么时候看电视?

Susan: I usually watch TV before dinner.苏珊:我经常在晚饭前看电视。

2、:Woman: Does your mother usually go shopping every day?女:*妈常常每天去购物吗?Man: No,she doesn’t.男:不,她没有。

Woman: When does she go shopping?女:她什么时候去购物?

Man: She goes shopping every weekend.男:她每周周末去购物。

3、:Man: What does your father usually do on Sunday?男:你的爸爸星期天经常做什么?Woman: He usually washes his car.女:他洗他的车。

Man: What does he do after that?男:他之后做什么?

Woman: He usually watches TV or reads a newspaper.女:他通常看电视或读报纸。【打电话】

Attendant: Hello.服务员:你好。

June: I‘d like to change my reservation for flight on September 12.简尼:我想变更一下我预订的9月12日的飞机票。

Attendant:Can you tell me your name and flight number?服务员:你能告诉我您的姓名和航班吗?

June: My name is June Park and my flight number is 322.简尼:我的名字叫简尼帕克和我的航班是322。

Attendant: What date and flight number would you prefer.服务员:你想要哪天的飞机票和哪趟航班。

June: Is there an earlier flight than that?简尼:有比那早一些的吗?

I’d like to fly on the 11th.我想要11日那天的航班。

Attendant: Well,I‘ll check it out now. Hold on please.服务员:嗯,我现在查查看。等请稍。

June: Okay.简尼:好的。

Attendant:Hello,we have a ticket for a flight on the 11th morning.服务员:您好,我们有一张11日上午的飞机票。

Is this available for you?需要留给你吗?

June: Yes,I’d like make that reservation.简尼:是的,我想要预留这张机票。【挑衣服】

Mom: What are you doing now?妈妈:你在做什么?

Boy: I‘m choosing my clothes for going out.男孩:我在选择穿什么衣服出去。

Mom: Where are you going?妈妈:你要去哪里?

Boy: I’m going to the birthday party of my friend.男孩:我要参加我朋友的生日派对。

Boy: I need to dress up for the party.男孩:我需要打扮一下去参加派对。

Mom: So did you choose the clothes?妈妈:所以你选择这些衣服吗?

Boy: Well,I‘m thinking of wearing this striped shirt and shorts.男孩:嗯,我想穿这件条纹衬衫和短裤。

Mom: Isn’t it a little cold to wear those shorts?妈妈:穿那些短裤是不是有点冷?

Boy: Kind of,but I‘d love to wear these today.男孩:是的,但我今天想穿这些。

Mom: If you say so,I can’t help it.妈妈:如果你这么说,我也没有办法。

Mom: But you should wear long socks instead.妈妈:可是你应该穿上长袜子。

Boy: Okay,I‘ll do that.男孩:好吧,我会做到这一点的
