200字范文 > 小学三年级下册英语期中考试测试题


时间:2023-04-25 12:37:33




一、默写前10个字母大小写。Writing. (5%)



1.中国__________ 2.女孩__________ 3.姐妹__________ 4.under___________ 5.pupil___________


( ) 1. A. cat B. she C. he

( ) 2. A. girl B. boy C. new

( ) 3. A. USA B. student C. pupil

( ) 4. A. China B. teacher C. Canada

( ) 5. A. father B. family C. mother


( )1.Where are you from ?A . Hi Mr Jones

( )2 .Hi Amy.B. I ’m from the USA.

( )3.Let’s go home!C. She is my sister.

( )4.Who’s that girl?D. Yes , she is.

( )5.Is she your mother ?E. OK. 五、英汉配对。Match.(10%)

1、Silly me!A.你好!

2、Have a good time!B.我真傻!


4、Yes,she is.D.我是英国人。

5、I’m from the UK.E.是的,她是。 六、单选题。Choose.(10%)

( )1.Who’s that boy?

A.My brother. B.My sister. C.My mother.

( ) 2.Nice to meet you!

A.Good morning! B.Hello! C.Nice to meet you

( ) 3.We have a new friend today.

A.Welcome! B. Thank you! C.watch TV

( )4. Where are you from?

A.Boy or girl? B.Oh no! C.I’m from China

( )5. Who’s this man?

A.She’s my sister. B.She’s my mother. C.He’s my father


Hello,I’m Sarah.Look,this is my family.This is my father.He is tall .

He likes cats.This woman is my mother.She is thin,she is a teacher.

She likes bears.This girl is me.I am short.I like rabbits.

( )1、My father is _____

A、tall B、thin C、short

( )2、My mother is _____

A、fat B、short C、thin

( )3、My mother is a _____

A、teacher B、student C、doctor

( )4、My father likes _____

A、monkeys B、bears C、cats

( )5、Who is this girl? She is _____

A、Sarah’s sister B、Sarah C、Sarah’s friend


一、选出你所听到的单词。Listen and choose.(10%)

( )1、A. on B. under ( )2、A. Canada B. China ( )3、A. dad B. father ( )4、A. map B. boat ( )5、A. desk B. car ( )6、A. sister B. brother ( )7、A. she B. he ( )8、A. ball B. toy ( )9、A. new B. and ( )10、A. man B. woman

二、选出你所听到的句子。Listen and choose.(10%)

( )1.A.Hi,I’m Amy. B. Hi, I’m Mike.

( )2.A.It’s in your desk. B. It’s on your chair.

( )3.A.I am the student. B. I am the teacher.

( )4.A.Who’s that man? B. Who’s that woman?

( )5.A.Let’s go home. B. Let’s go to school.

三、给句子排队。Listen and order.(10%)

( )1、No, it isn’t..

( )2、Yes, it is. Thanks.

( )3、Where is my cap?

( )4、Is it in your bag?

( )5、Is it in your toy box?
