200字范文 > 人教版小学英语五年级上册第三单元复习题


时间:2020-04-13 08:34:39




( )1. A. tall B. strong C. delicious( )2. A. Monday B. chicken C. Friday( )3. A. maths B. sandwich C. music( )4. A. sweet B. hot C. onion( )5. A. salad B. fruit C. hamburger二、根据提示语,将方框中的单词归类。

A.apple B. onion C. beef D. banana E. pear F. chicken G. tomato H. carrot I. peach J. fish1.水果类:__________________________




( )1. What’s your favourite ________? ——Salad.

A. food B. fruit C. colour( )2. I love ice cream. It’s ________.

A. sweet B. hot C. fresh( )3. What would you like to eat?

A.I like some fish and noodles. B.I have some fish and noodlesC.I’d like some fish and noodles.

( )4.Here you are. ——________

A. No. B. Thanks. C. Great.( )5.What’s you favourite fruit?

A. apple B. tea C. hamburger( )6. I’m ________. Let’s go to the restaurant to eat something.

A. angry B. hungry C. thirsty( )7. The food is________sweet. It’s not healthy.

A. to B. two C. too( )8. Carrots and onions are ________.

A. meat B. vegetables C. fruits( )9. I’d like rice and vegetables ________lunch today.

A. for B. at C. on( )10. I like carrot juice. ________fresh and healthy.

A. It’s B. It C. They’re( )11. 当你问别人“你想吃什么”时,你说:________

A.What would you like to eat? B.What would you like to drink? C.What do you like?( )12.当你告诉别人“今天午饭我吃洋葱和牛肉”时,你说:________

A.I have potatoes and mutton for lunch today. B.I have onion and beef for lunch today. C.I have green beans and pork for lunch today.( )13.当你告诉别人“我想吃鱼肉和三明治”时,你说:________

A.I have fish sandwich. B.I’d like fish sandwich. C.I like fish sandwich.( )14. 当你对别人说“这种食物很美味”时,你说:________

A. It’s fresh. B. It’s delicious. C. It’s healthy.( )15. 当你对别人说:“我最喜欢的食物是鸡肉”时,你说:________

A.I ‘d like chicken. B.I have some chicken. C.My favorite food is chicken.四、根据问句选择答句。


( )1. What’s your favourite food?A. Me too.( )2. I like banana.B. Beef.( )3. What’s your favourite fruit?C. Pears.( )4.What would you like to drink?D. I’d like some milk. 第二组( )1. What do you have for breakfast today?A. My favorite food is fish.( )2. What would you like for lunch?B. No, we have cabbage and mutton.( )3. What’s your favorite food?C. I have pork and cabbage for breakfast.( )4. Do you have any noodles?D. I’d like some fish and noodles. 五、选择适当的单词完成下列句子。on healthy eat delicious favourite hot1. We have noodles________ Thursdays.

2. I don’t like pepper(辣椒)。 It’s too________.

3. I love vegetables and fruit. They’re ________.

4. What’s your________food?

5. ——What would you like to ________? ——Bread and hot dag.

6. The chicken is ________.
