200字范文 > 新人教版|八年级下册Unit1单元自测题 覆盖所有重难点 必做!

新人教版|八年级下册Unit1单元自测题 覆盖所有重难点 必做!

时间:2021-01-04 14:35:11


新人教版|八年级下册Unit1单元自测题 覆盖所有重难点 必做!




Unit1 What"s the matter?

Ⅰ. 根据句意和提示在横线处填入适当单词.

1.Let’s go there on f_____, so we can enjoy the scenery.

2.There are several _____(knife) on the shelf.

3.People feel w_____ after a long illness.

4.Tom makes his mother a_____ because he spends too much time on computer games.

5.France is a w_____ country.

6.I don’t know the _____(mean) of the new word.

7.She made a great _____(decide) after graduation.

8.Many people lost their _____(life) in the serious accident.

9.The baby kept on _____(cry) until the mother came back.

10.He left the classroom without _____(say) anything.

Ⅱ. 完成句子。

1.What’s the matter with you?(改为同义句)

_____ _____ with you?

2.Do youhave a fever?(作否定回答)

_____, _____ _____.

3.You should eat something.(改为否定句)

You _____ eat _____.

4.I think you have a healthy lifestyle.(改为否定句)

I _____ _____ _____ _____ a healthy lifestyle.

5.Having breakfast is important.(改写同义句)

_____ important _____ _____ breakfast.

6.I think he is a smart man.(改为否定句)

I _____ _____ he _____ a smart man.

7.Having a healthy lifestyle is very important.(改为同义句)

It is important _____ _____ a healthy lifestyle.

8.Put your hands in the cold water.(改为否定句)

_____ _____ your hands in the cold water.

9.I spend lots of time on my homework.(改为同义句)

I spend _____ _____ _____ time _____ my homework.

10.I have a sore back.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

—_____ _____ have a sore back?

—_____, _____ _____.

Ⅲ. 单项填空

1.—What’s the matter ___ your bike?

—It doesn’t work.

A. of B. with C. to D. about

2.There is something wrong with my ___. I can’t see you.

A. eyes B. arms C. ears D. feet

3.He said he was a policeman, but nobody ___ him.

A. believed B. saw C. thought D. found

4.The exam is coming. Many students feel ___.

A. relaxed B. thirsty C. stressed D. funny

5.—___ did the stomachache start?

—About one hour ago.

A. How B. Why C. When D. Where

6.If you often feel uncomfortable, you ___ lie down and have a rest.

A. must B. would C. might D. should

7.I have a bad ___. I must go to see a dentist.

A. headache B. fever C. toothache D. cold

8.—My grandmother is ill in hospital.


A. What a pity B. She is unhealthy

C. That sounds unlucky D. I’m sorry to hear that

9.This kind of medicine ___ you feel better soon.

A. stays B. gets C. hopes D. helps

10.Nowadays students have ___ homework. They have no time to play games.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。

We know good health and happiness are important in life. Here are some ways to make them easy.

Eat a balanced diet. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, some grains and a little bit of meat.

Exercise twice or three times a week.

Get enough sleep. It is best to get eight hours of sleep a day.

Keep yourself busy. It stops you from having bad habits. Also, you can work around the house, spend time with your pet, do a sport, or do a hobby you enjoy.

Go out and make friends. Spend time and have fun with them. Talk with them, but you must be sure not to talk about anything bad. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy themselves.

1.___ ways are mentioned for keeping healthy and happy.

A. Seven B. Five C. Four D. Six

2. ___ is a bad habit according to the passage.

A. Playing sports

B. Cleaning the house

C. Looking after your pet

D. Talking about bad things with your friends

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. We must exercise every day.

B. Sleeping eight hours every night is enough.

C. Keeping yourself busy is bad for your health.

D. We should make friends with all kinds of people.


I. 1. foot 2. knives 3. weak 4. angry 5. western 6. meaning 7. decision 8. lives 9. crying 10. saying

Ⅱ. 1. What’s wrong 2. No; I don’t 3. shouldn’t; anything 4. don’t think you have 5. It’s; to have 6. don’t think; is 7. to have 8. Don’t put 9. a lot of; doing 10. Do you; No; I don’t

Ⅲ. 1-5 BAACC 6-10 DCDDB






