200字范文 > 【度假酒店-曲线-现代】三亚鲁能JW万豪酒店景观改造 / 水石设计

【度假酒店-曲线-现代】三亚鲁能JW万豪酒店景观改造 / 水石设计

时间:2023-02-19 20:10:41


【度假酒店-曲线-现代】三亚鲁能JW万豪酒店景观改造 / 水石设计


Thanks SHUISHI for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by SHUISHI.

水石设计:“ 本项目是一个酒店景观升级改造项目,我们在仔细考察项目周边环境及原有景观风格之后,对景观翻新改造提出了更高的要求:能够对滨海景观利用到极致 ”。三亚鲁能JW万豪酒店位于海南省三亚市的大东海湾旁。大东海沙滩平坦细软,缓缓延伸,长达千米。“水暖沙白滩平”早已使大东海蜚声海内外,成为冬泳避寒胜地,是三亚开发较早、较成熟的海滨度假区。

SHUISHI:“This is a hotel landscape upgrading project. Having carefully examined the surrounding environment and the original landscape style of the project, we put forward higher requirements for the renovation of the landscape: maximizing the utilization of coastal landscape.” JW Marriott Hotel Sanya Dadonghai Bay is located by the Dadonghai Bay, Sanya City, Hainan Province. The Dadonghai beach is flat and soft, stretching gently up to a kilometer long. As a winter resort, Dadonghai has been famous at home and abroad for its “warm water, white sand and flat beach”. It is an early developed, mature seaside resort in Sanya.

▼景观设计将近海面完全向游客打开,将周围环境与酒店景观相融合,以“跌水”尽可能消除高差,使视野开阔 Open the offshore area completely to tourists, with the hotel landscape integrated with the surroundings,eliminate the height difference with “water fall” to broaden the field of vision.

▼总平面图 Plan

▼酒店改造鸟瞰图 Aerial view of hotel reconstruction


Although the original site is near the sea, it keeps no connection with the seascape because of the existing spatial form. The plants have even blocked the sight of the sea. This site has great limitations on the design. The primary issue of the design is to solve the obstructed view from the original site in the hotel environment.On the basis of the open view of the sea, we are thinking about how to form a new design language, to discard all objects and unfold a full picture scroll of nature to the tourists.With the design, we hope to have a natural, immaterial, dynamic structure to merge with the sea.

” 身在海边,如果我们不能感受到海风的吹拂,视线不能延续直到海面,这样的场所就不具有临海的特质,我们就需要重新找到和大海对话的方式。”

“While we stay by the sea, if we can’t feel the breeze of the sea, or extend our sight to the sea, such a place won’t have the seaward characteristics. We need to recover a way to talk to the sea.”


The creation should conform to the spatial form of the natural elements of the seaside, letting people interact with the sea. Finally, the designer is inspired by the sea breeze to present a zigzag shaped, frozen breeze-like structure with dynamic, irregular lines.

▼由动态的、不规则的线条构成的海风构筑 Structure with dynamic, irregular lines.


The landscape design is based on the analysis of the wind and light environment of the seaside. To guide the sight line to the sea, we have designed a mirror-like waterscape between the site and the sea. The see breeze-like artistic structure lies in the water and light.


The static artistic structure is reflected on the water surface, giving a dynamic sense to the static space. Here, the nonobjective sea is transformed into variable light, shadow and wind, as if people see the sea again when sitting, lying, and walking.

▼静止的艺术构架倒映在水面上 The static artistic structure is reflected on the water surface.

▼艺术构架模型在真实环境中的演示 Demonstration of the artistic framework model in real scenery.

▼灯光模拟海洋生物发光的自然现象,让海的意境更加强烈 Lighting simulation of the natural phenomena of marine bioluminescence, which makes the artistic conception of the sea more intense.

▼艺术构架模型展示 Demonstration of the artistic framework model


客 户:鲁能集团




项目规模:18,000 ㎡






Project name:JW Marriott Hotel Sanya Dadonghai Bay

Client: Luneng Group

Project site: Sanya, Hainan province, China

Design time:Sep. —Nov.

Completion year:

Project scale: 18,000 ㎡

Project type:Hotel landscape

Design Company: SHUISHI

Work content: Landscape design

Design department: Landscape Technology R&D Center – Design Department Ⅶ

Photography: Lin Lv

项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project



