200字范文 > 陕西历史博物馆 · 宋元明清文物|Shaanxi History Museum【10】

陕西历史博物馆 · 宋元明清文物|Shaanxi History Museum【10】

时间:2022-06-17 02:19:16


陕西历史博物馆 · 宋元明清文物|Shaanxi History Museum【10】


武士画像砖|Brick with Design of Warrior Portrait|宋|安康市西关出土(上排左一、二)

秧歌舞画像砖|Brick with Design of "Yang Ge" Dancer|北宋|甘泉县高哨出土(上排右一)

陶武士俑|Pottery Figure of a Warrior|宋(960-1279)|勉县**寺出土(下排左一)

彩绘陶立俑|Painted Pottery Figure of a Standing Man|北宋(960-1127)|兴平市出土(下排左二)

彩绘陶仆从俑|Painted Pottery Figure of a Servent|北宋(960-1127)|兴平市西郊西月斯村出土(下排左三)

彩绘陶仆从俑|Painted Pottery Figure of a Sitting Man|北宋(960-1127)|风县出土(下排左四)


陶骆驼|元|Pottery Camal(上排左一)

陶龙|元|Pottery Dragon(上排右一)

铜权|元|渭南市出土|Bronze Weight(下排左一)

铜火铳|元|馆藏|Bronze Blunderbuss(下排中)

八思巴文印|元(1271-1368)|馆藏|Bronze Seal with "Ba Si Ba" Characters(下排右一)

陶马车|Pottery Horse and Chariot|元(1271-1368)|西安市曲江出土(右)



Bronze Mold for Printing Currency


The earliest chinese paper currency, also called "jiao zi" or "qian yin", appeared in Song Dynasty, and was used as credit certificate. The Jin government imitated Song to issue and to circulate paper currency, and made it one of the most important currecies of their country. This bronze plate was the mold for printing paper currency, with three characters "yi shi guan" on the centrl top , six characters reading"people who counterfeit money will be put to death" on the left squuare and seven graph characters on the bower part indicating its circulating area, money exchage agency and seal of issuing office etc.

陶武士俑|Pottery Figure of a Warrior|宋(960-1279)|勉县**寺出土(上排左一)

彩绘陶立俑|Painted Pottery Figure of a Standing Man|北宋(960-1127)|兴平市出土(上排左二)

彩绘陶仆从俑|Painted Pottery Figure of a Servent|北宋(960-1127)|兴平市西郊西月斯村出土(上排左三、四)


彩绘陶仪仗俑群|Painted Honor Guards


俑群共三千余件,是明秦简王死后随葬的仪仗队。俑手中原持木质道具已朽,踏板下墨书俑名70余种,有清道旗、金鼓旗、白泽旗、告止幡、信幡、戈、戟、弓箭、 笙、笛、箫、板、琵琶、抬轿、跟驾、梅花灯、各样伞、扇等,阵容庞大,浩浩荡荡。

The figures, altogether more than 300 pieces, are the funerary guards of honor of Prince Qinjian of the Ming Dynasty. They originally held in their hands wooden staves, which have been rotten away. At the bottom of each of the pedestal is written in ink the name of the respective figure. there are more than 70 kinds of names, such as Qingdao(keeping clear) Flag, Jingu(gong and drum) Flag, Baize(lucky animals) Flag, Gaozhi (no admittance) Flag, Xin (official title) Flag, as well as spear, halberd, bow and arrow, sheng (reed pipe wind instrument), Di (bamboo flute), Xiao(vertical bamboo flute), Clappers, Pipa, Sedam Carrier, footman, Plum-blossom Lantern and various kinds of umbrellas, fans, etc. The formation is enormous and imposing.

鎏金铜文官像|Gilded Statue of Civil Official



光绪乙亥乡试题纸|Examination Paper of the Guangxu Reign|清光绪元年(1875)|馆藏



An Account Book for Land Measurement


This account book was made in the ninth year of Wanli Regeign, recording the land management of government, without its exact provenance. It used regular forms to clearly register the shapes, location, scale and names of the owners of each patch of field, land, mountain, pond and grave. the government used it as guide to collect taxes supplemented by yellow account listing the male numbers of every family.

祭红碗| 清雍正(1723-1735)|馆藏|Scarlet-red-Glazed Bowl
