200字范文 > 被吐槽前男友太多?艾玛·沃特森在《Vogue》这么回应了……


时间:2021-09-07 10:55:03






Emma Watson has opened up about her dating life - and that she struggles to meet potential suitors because of her fame.Talking to British Vogue, The Bling Ring actress admitted that dating apps aren"t an option for her and that she relies on being set up."Dating apps are not on the cards for me," she said. "I’m very lucky in the sense that, because I went to university, and because I’ve done all these things out of film, my friends are really good at setting me up. Really good.’在采访中,艾玛还提到了自己的前任们。她原先以为分手后大家做不了好朋友,后来却发现并非如此。

“And what’s really nice is that even things that haven’t worked out romantically, some of my best friends are people I went on dates with.”“真的很棒的一点是,虽然做不成恋人,但我的几个前任却成了我最好的朋友。”如今,艾玛表示自己是单身,并且十分享受单身生活。

“I never believed the whole "I"m happy single" spiel . . . It took me a long time, but I"m very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered”“我之前从来都不相信‘我是个快乐的单身贵族’这种套话……我在很长时间里都是这么认为的,但我如今过着快乐的单身生活。我称这种状态为‘和自己交往’。”话虽如此,但明年4月就要迎来30岁生日的她,也感受到了“奔三”的恐惧和困惑……

“I realize it"s because there is suddenly this bloody influx of subliminal messaging around. If you have not built a home, if you do not have a husband, if you do not have a baby, and you are turning 30, and you"re not in some incredibly secure, stable place in your career, or you"re still figuring things out . . . there"s just this incredible amount of anxiety.”“我意识到,因为周围突然涌入了这些潜意识的信息。如果你没有成家,如果你没有老公,如果你没有孩子,而你就30岁了,你的职业生涯也不够稳固安全,你还在规划一切……这会带来大量的焦虑。”而年少成名也让她一度感到晕头转向,觉得一度和家人们“脱了节”。

“"I’ve had to ask, ‘Am I still your daughter?’ Because it’s felt so weird sometimes, it got so big sometimes.”“我不得不问:‘我还是你们的女儿吗?’因为有时候这真的很诡异,有时候明星光环真的太大了。”但对于自我身份的归属感和家人的支持,让她找到了内心的平静。

“I belong to a family. I come from a place, I have roots”“我属于一个家庭,我来自一个地方,我有家可归。”看来,就算是大家羡慕的“童年女神”,成长的烦恼与困惑也不少啊……综合来源:Daily Mail, Popsugar
