200字范文 > 泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名-詹姆斯库克大学位列201-250


时间:2022-01-24 14:12:19








大学总校长Professor Sandra Harding表示,这一排名反映了大学优异的研究水平。“这一结果表明,大学在诸多学科领域都有高度的竞争力和卓越的研究。大学因其开创性的研究而受到国际认可,与世界上最大、最成功的大学相比,我们的表现仍然非常出色。”

Professor Harding说道,“跻身全球前250所大学之列是一项巨大的成就,我要向辛勤工作的学术人员、专业人员和技术人员致敬,他们的辛勤工作促成了如今的排名。”詹姆斯库克大学在全球拥有三座热带校区,其中一座就是咱们的新加坡校区,这意味着大学在新加坡提供纯正的澳大利亚教育。大学始终倡导“学生第一”的理念,因为学生是我们存在的意义。我们为所有学生的成功做好准备,不仅在课堂上,而且在他们的生活中,在他们的家庭和事业中。同时,大学珍视在过去里与我们密切合作的战略合作伙伴,我们期待未来几年的深入合作。大学将一如既往地与所有学生、校友、合作伙伴和教职员工共同努力,通过优秀的毕业生和执着的科学探索,为全球热带地区创造更美好的未来。

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James Cook University has strengthened its standing as a world-class research and teaching university, withanauthoritative globalrankinglisting JCU in the top 250 of the world’s universities.

TheTimesHigherEducation(THE) World UniversityRankingshasranked JCU 201-250 out of nearly 1400 institutions worldwide.

It’s the third year in a row the University has been recognised among the world’s top 250 universities.

Within its overallranking, JCU has been rated particularly strongly in terms of the global impact of its research.The University is ranked 90thin the world for“citations”, reflecting its research influence and role in spreading new knowledge and ideas.

JCU Vice Chancellor, Professor Sandra Harding said the ranking reflects the very high standard of research undertaken by the University.

“Across a broad range of disciplines, these results demonstrate that the University is a highly competitive, research-intensive university.

“JCU is internationally recognised for its ground-breaking research and we continue to perform very strongly when compared to the world’s largest, most successful universities.

“To be ranked among the world’s top 250 universities is a tremendous achievement and I want to pay tribute to our hardworking academics and professional and technical staff whose hard work lies behind this ranking,” Professor Harding said.

The World University Rankings ranked nearly 1,396 research-intensive institutions worldwide, comparing their performance in five key areas of higher education excellence: teaching, research, citations, industry income, and international outlook.

