200字范文 > The difference between Chinese food and American food

The difference between Chinese food and American food

时间:2021-07-21 20:38:05


The difference between Chinese food and American food

Good evening everyone ! I’m zhangjingjie and I’m here to talk with you about the difference between Chinese food and American food. I think Chinese food is one of the best food around the world.

Firstly, I’ll give you an example. As a matter of fact , the figure between Chinese and American is quite different .By and large, Chinese usually is thin while American is fat by which we can draw a conclusion that Chinese food is more healthy than American’s .

The are some reasons .You know a country’s history, a place’s climate, one’s taste , ways to cook ,if the food you eat is fresh and so on .All will effect your health .

But today I’m here meanly to tell you about the importance of balanced diet. In my opinion of view, I think the mean reason lead to the different figure between Chinese and American is the balance of diet.

First of all, most Chinese must know that in Chinese table, you can see one soup and four dishes. Sometimes the soup can be Zicai soup or sometimes tomato soup .And the dishes must consist of one meat or fish and others vegetables. For example, pea, pumpkin, onion, like that. Then after there is a saying goes like that: an apple a day, keep doctor away. Fruit, meat, vegetables and so on, and from now, you may be have got my idea . Yes, what I want to say is that all these food on the table is like a whole .They included all necessary substances we need which can keep us in a healthy way.

But as for American food. American isn’t attach much importance to what they eat. They eat a lot of fast food. They want to save time. They usually eat the same food and less to change. That’s why they sometimes fat. They need a balanced diet and they should pay more attention to what they eat. After all, healthy is all.

That’s all. Think you!
