200字范文 > 老外眼里中国人的十大特征 最后一个竟然是...

老外眼里中国人的十大特征 最后一个竟然是...

时间:2024-06-08 02:28:03


老外眼里中国人的十大特征 最后一个竟然是...

You do not use a dryer to dry clothes.


You hang clothes out on the balcony to dry them under the sun. All your clothes are done in just a few hours and you do not have to worry about the dryer ruining them.

你把衣服晾在阳台上晒干。 所有的衣服都会在几个小时内全部晾干,你不必担心烘干机会毁了它们。

You can cook any dish with a pan and a rice cooker.


We do not have ovens and toasters at home. They use a lot of energy and the food they make is not healthy. Besides, a rice cooker and a pan are less time-consuming than an oven. There is no need to buy baking utensils and ingredients, and we do not even have to boil the hot water to cook rice, meat, vegetables, pasta soup, and potatoes.

我们家里通常没有烤箱和面包机。 这些电器会消耗大量的能源,并且它们做出的食物不健康。 此外,电饭锅和平底锅比烤箱更省时。 我们不需要买烘焙用具和材料,我们甚至不需要烧开水来煮米饭、肉、蔬菜、意大利面汤和土豆。

You drink hot water and loose-leaf tea.


You used to drink hot water and herb tea in China to keep your body warm. Now, you have to deal with the frustration of having ice-cold water on a cold December morning.

你在中国常常喝热水和草药茶来保暖。 现在,你必须面对在寒冷的十二月早晨喝冰水带来的挫败感。

You love to eat stir-fried tomatoes with eggs.


It is the first and the easiest dish you learned to cook, and it tastes delicious.


You ignore traffic laws.


If you drive, you do not wait at the red lights and yield to other road users. You honk your horn at them to ask them to get out of the way. No one cares if you run through the red lights or have honked your horns all day. If you walk, you do not wait for cars stop for you at traffic lights and pedestrian crossing, because they never will.

你驾车的时候不等红灯就让路给其他的道路使用者。 你对着他们按喇叭,让他们让开。 没有人在乎你是否闯红灯或者整天按喇叭。你步行的时候不会在红绿灯和斑马线前等着汽车停下来,因为他们永远不会。

You prefer to sleep on a hard mattress.


You cannot sleep on soft beds; you even got rid of your soft mattress to sleep instead on the bed frame. You immediately crushed out on your hard bed when you return home.

你不喜欢睡在柔软的床上,你甚至把软床垫扔掉睡在床架上。 当你回到家的时候,你立刻就能在你硬硬的床板上睡着。

You recognize fake currency notes.


The first thing you do when you receive RMB 50 and RMB 100 notes is, to look at them under a bright light and check if the money is real. There are many counterfeit Chinese notes circulating around, and, at first glance, they all look real. It is always safe to check them before putting them in your wallet. Sometimes, you are surprised by the number of fake notes you find.

当你收到人民币50元和100元的钞票时,你要做的第一件事对着灯光看它们,看看这些钱是不是真的。 中国的市面上流通着许多假币,乍一看,它们看起来都是真的。 在把它们放进你的钱包之前,最好先检查一下。 有时候,你会惊讶于你发现的假钞的数量。

Wexin and WeChat have become a significant part of your life.


It seems like everyone in China has Wexin and WeChat, just like everyone in the USA has Facebook. You always stay tuned in to updates from your Wexin and WeChat account, even in the middle of important family dinners.

貌似每个中国人都有微信,就像每个美国人都有 Facebook 一样。 就算是在非常重要的家庭聚餐中,你也总是关注你微信和最新消息。

You are pressured to get married after graduating from university.


If you do not get married by age 30, you are labeled as a leftover, and you will be educated on the importance of establishing a family at every family and friend gathering. You will also preach others who are not married before 30.


You are fed up with the low efficiency of the medical care system in other nations.


In China, you went to the hospital, were seen by doctors, received your diagnosis, and got your medicine. Unless it was life-threatening, the whole process could take as short as 30 minutes. In other countries like Canada, you do not understand why you have to wait in the Emergency Room for three hours for a bad cold.

在中国,你去医院,看医生,得到了诊断,拿到了药。 除非有生命危险,否则整个过程可能只需30分钟。 在其他国家,比如加拿大,你都不明白为什么因为重感冒要在急诊室等三个小时。


