200字范文 > 【国际租赁】富国银行将扩展与斗山集团供应商融资关系(English attached)

【国际租赁】富国银行将扩展与斗山集团供应商融资关系(English attached)

时间:2019-02-11 02:16:23


【国际租赁】富国银行将扩展与斗山集团供应商融资关系(English attached)

富国银行(Wells Fargo)将其与斗山集团(Doosan)及其业务(包括小型机械制造商和分销商山猫公司)的供应商融资关系延长至12月。

斗山集团最近与富国银行供应商金融服务公司达成的协议加强了其融资计划,并为美国和加拿大的数百家经销商及其数千名客户提供有竞争力的全面融资解决方案。本月,一些斗山和山猫经销商齐聚华盛顿特区,参加由富国银行赞助的第10届年度交易商论坛(Dealer Forum)。

富国银行金融服务部负责人吉姆·凯利(Jim Kelly)说:“这个计划建立在提供以客户为中心的产品和服务以及技术驱动的解决方案的良好记录之上,以便更快、更轻松地完成更多的交易。很荣幸斗山看到了我们的价值,并相信我们会为其以及美国和加拿大的斗山和山猫经销商网络提供服务。”

,富国银行通过收购GE Capital同斗山和山猫建立了联系。GE Capital自1969年以来一直为总部位于北卡罗来纳州西法戈的山猫公司提供设备融资,其中还包括斗山品牌建筑设备的融资。

斗山工程机械金融解决方案公司总裁埃德·赫瑟林顿(Ed Hetherington)说:“富国银行已经证明,它可以向斗山公司、我们广泛的经销商及其客户网络提供有竞争力的融资解决方案和尖端技术,帮助他们取得财务上的成功。寻求保持和扩大市场份额的同时,富国银行在战略中起着关键作用。”




Original Article

Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Extends Financing Relationship w/Doosan

Wells Fargoextended its vendor financing relationship withDoosanand its businesses – includingBobcat Company, the compact machinery maker and distributor – through December .

Doosan’s recent agreement with Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services strengthens its financing program and provides competitive, comprehensive financing solutions for hundreds of dealers and thousands of their customers across the United States and Canada. The announcement comes as a number of Doosan and Bobcat dealers gather in Washington, D.C. this month for the 10th annual Dealer Forum, sponsored by Wells Fargo.

“This program is built on strong track record of providing customer-centric products and services as well as technology-driven solutions to get more deals done faster and with ease,” said Jim Kelly, head of Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services. “We are honored Doosan sees our value and trusts us to deliver for them as well as their network of Doosan and Bobcat dealers across the U.S. and Canada.”

Wells Fargo acquired the Doosan and Bobcat relationship in through its purchase of GE Capital, which had financed equipment for West Fargo, N.D.-based Bobcat Co. since 1969. The relationship expanded to include financing for Doosan-branded construction equipment in .

“Wells Fargo has proven it can deliver competitive financing solutions and cutting-edge technology to Doosan, our broad network of dealers and their customers to help them succeed financially,” said Ed Hetherington, president of Doosan Infracore Financial Solutions. “As we look to retain and grow market share, Wells Fargo plays a key role in our strategy.”

Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services helps manufacturers, dealers, and distributors manage their equipment inventory, enhance sales opportunities, and serve their customers through a full range of financing programs designed for their specific business needs.

Headquartered in West Fargo, ND, Bobcat Company is a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of compact equipment, including skid-steer, all-wheel steer and compact track loaders; compact excavators; mini track loaders; VersaHANDLER telescopic tool carriers; utility vehicles; Toolcat utility work machines and attachments.


审校:张 媛

