200字范文 > 现役球员季后赛最高得分仍由小托马斯保持 他能否在奇才重振雄风?

现役球员季后赛最高得分仍由小托马斯保持 他能否在奇才重振雄风?

时间:2023-01-17 16:58:40


现役球员季后赛最高得分仍由小托马斯保持 他能否在奇才重振雄风?

Out of all the current NBA players, Isaiah Thomas holds the record for most points in a playoff game.

53 points on 68.5% TS right after his sister died. Phenomenal.

For reference, he eclipses LeBron (51), Westbrook (51), KD (50), Lillard (50), Carter (50), Curry (47), AD (47), Aldridge (46), Harden (45), Kawhi (45), and Giannis (41).




Some other active players:

Dwight Howard (46)

Paul Millsap (45)

Derrick Rose (44)

Nikola Jokic (43)

Jrue Holiday (41)

CJ McCollum (41)









And Millsap would"ve gotten more than 45 if Brad Stevens didn"t decide to put Smart on him late in that game.

That"s actually a true story.



Wow that’s pretty impressive for a guard on a post player even if millsap is undersized for a big man, dude is still an animal



Smart is just a dog, he has that Rodman mentality where he will matchup with anyone



Just waiting for him to finally go Rodman hair.



That would be cool



We really had a top 5 defense that year with IT, Sully and Amir in our starting lineup lol.



Goes to show what ridiculous defenders Smart, Bradley and Crowder were at the time.



Man, I don’t like the Celtics but I hope Smart stays in Boston. It’s seems like everyone loves him there with him doing Honey Dew ads and going on New England radio shows for interviews.

兄弟,虽然我不喜欢凯尔特人但我希望斯马特能留在凯尔特人。看上去好像那里的每个人都很喜欢他,他为Honey Dew(餐饮品牌)拍广告、去新英格兰爱国者队的电台做访谈节目。


People forget how good the King of the Fourth was for a couple seasons. It hurts that injuries have knocked him back as far as they did, but he was a stone cold killer during his time with the Celtics.

I hope we get to see it again.



A lot of fans (including Celtics fans) attributed his success to Brad Stevens. Seems like people are starting to come around on that now and recognize that IT"s final season in Boston was truly special



Stevens definitely gave IT the opportunity and system to thrive but IT was the one on the court making it rain and hitting shots when it mattered most.



A lot of credit should go to Ainge. He tried to get IT for years prior to actually getting him.

But yeah, IT is kinda why we"re being a little bit underrated this season. Kemba is gonna do the same things IT did



IT had Al. This team having no defensive bigs is gonna bite ‘em unless they make a trade/pick-up, or Timelord makes a big jump.

IT thrived in Boston, but he was an exciting player who contributed on the offensive end in Sacramento, too. He wasn"t just some scrub before he joined forces with Stevens.

小托马斯有霍弗德。而现在这支球队没有防守,除非他们做出交易或者时间领主(Timelord ,罗伯特-威廉姆斯绰号)能够飞速成长,否则的话他们的内线下赛季会被人蹂躏。



People seem to forget he was getting 20 PPG in his final year in Sac. Crazy thing was he was the 3rd option, behind Boogie and Gay, on most nights.



Plus with nearly 6 FTA and over 6 assists, all in his third year? That’s burgeoning star territory.



He gonna rock DC I believe in IT



I got him to have a come back year this year.



People are quick to forget how much of a monster IT was for a couple of years. It hurts me to see how injuries messed up his career, but I"m always going to root for the guy.



He was so fun to watch then



His confidence was unmatched. KOT4Q was an absolute pleasure for sure.



I think that’s a solid gamble, if he can look decent to begin with, Washington is gonna give him a bigger green light than anywhere else in the league can give him, tanking or not.



I also think Lonzo is up for a break out year now he’s finally out of LA and away from the distractions



I’m not so sure ‘distractions’ were ever really a problem. It’s being injured for large portions of his first two seasons.



My brother died in a car accident almost exactly one year after Thomas" sister did. I still struggle some days but it was especially tough to find motivation to do anything for the first few months, particularly as I was finishing up my last semester at college. Whenever I was feeling like I just couldn"t handle it or do anything I would watch IT"s highlights from that game and figure that it he could do that in the playoffs, I could finish up my degree. Or I could go hang out with people. Or I could just get out of bed. To me this game is nothing short of incredible and why IT will always be my favorite player.



That hit me hard. My condolences, and good luck.



Hey man i know it gets harder than words can explain, but finding solace in something you love is a beautiful thing. Stay up bro!



I hope you get to meet IT one day



How can we make this happen?



He sometimes does QnAs on his Twitter. May be a long shot, but I’ve seen him do them somewhat often so OP could try to tweet at him, even if it’s just a reply such as “stay strong bro” or something like that

他有时候会在推特上做问答,或者是long shot(抽奖?),我看到有时候他经常会做这些,所以我们可以在在推特上艾特他,尽管他可能只会回复一句类似于”坚强,兄弟“这样的话。


I tweeted at him


