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新闻特快 · Esposide 8

时间:2021-05-04 17:03:03


新闻特快 · Esposide 8










Huawei Technologies Co recently has unveiled(v.推出)its much-anticipated(期待已久的)in-house(公司内部的)operating system Harmony OS, which marks the Chinese technology giant making huge strides(大步)in building its own software ecosystem.

4 features to be expected

The Harmony is the next-generation system based on microkernel(微内核)to ensure the safe usage of terminal devices and it can be distributed to all scenarios(终端场景). Besides, more efficient IPC technologies will be put into practice to improve the fluency of operating system.


Both the offshore and onshore exchange rates of the RMB fellbeyond 7on last Monday. Meanwhile, the US has identified China as"a currency manipulator"(货币操纵国)by the US administration, experts said.

Experts: IMF report proves China not manipulating yuan

The latest report by International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded that the exchange rate of RMB was "broadlyin line with(与…一致)medium-term fundamentals", and the Chinese monetary authority barely intervened in the foreign exchange market.

China has no need to manipulate currency

1)In the first half of this year, China"simportsfrom the United States weredown 25.7%from those recorded in the same period last year, while itsexportsto the United States recorded adecrease of only 2.6%. That’s anindication(n.表明;象征)of how dependent the U.S. market is on Chinese goods. But to many American importers, Chinese products are simplyirreplaceable(adj.不能代替的).

2)China has no interest incurrency manipulation(汇率操控;货币操控)as it is simply not in line with the country"s need for quality-development. China"s economic growth is now mainly driven bydomestic consumption(国内消耗), which contributed60%to GDP growth in the first six months of this year.

In any case, artificialdepreciation(n.贬值)of the RMB does no good for the transformation of Chinese enterprises. The contribution of net exports to China"s economic growth has been very limited.


Depreciation strategies are divided intoshort-term immediate depreciationandprogressive depreciation. The former can quicklystabilize(v.稳固) expectations but is lackingequilibrium(n.平衡;均衡)exchange rate levels, while the latter may cause sequential(adj.按次序的)expectations depreciation, leading to capital outflows(n.外流;流出量), the institute noted. What China’s central bank does is the former.

Despite the devaluation of RMB, market expectations remain relatively stable, and the depreciation has certain positive impacts on minimizing the damage oftrade friction(贸易摩擦)caused to China"s domestic economy.

The U.S. accusation that China is manipulating its currency isnot helpful toWashington"s goal ofcrippling(v.损害) China’seconomy. Instead, it is verylikely to damage the U.S. government’scredibility(n.可信性;可靠性)in the internation


Recently China has been enraged(激怒)by the action that the U.S out of line(举止不当)labelled China as a currency manipulator(操纵者)after the yuan breaching(打破)the 7 which marked against the greenback(美钞)for the first in more than a decade.

Nature Behind The NAME

It was a one-sided designation(名称)given by the U.S. towards the huge fluctuation(波动)which is nothing unusual in the market. Actually this was not the first time. Early in and , China’s central bank used $1 trillion(万亿)in foreign exchange to maintain the value of the yuan in currency depreciation(通货贬值). However, the U.S. didn’t utter(说出)even a word, not to say the funny name “currency manipulator”, as it thought the Chinese intervention(干涉)complied with(遵从)its own interests.

What might happen next?

Most of the public were wondering whether there will be anescalation(恶化)of conflicts between the U.S. and China, some professions show an optimistic attitude towards the situation. They believe that we have to prepare for the worst in order to strive for the best by paying more attention on stabilizing domestic economic growth since no one might know what might happen on a wilful(任性的)country like America.


China and Japan has held a new round of strategic dialogue on Saturday (August 10) in Japan after seven years. Launched in May , the upcoming event – the 14th round of the dialogue – will be the first of its kind since June .

Tightening ties

In May , Chinese Premier Li Keqiang paid an official visit to Japan. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid an official visit to China five months later. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended a summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies in Japan"s Osaka in late June.

what"s the attitudes of both sides?

Both leaders agreed that China and Japan should focus on consensus(一致)while managing differences. The two sides pledged(保证)to strive for solid results in third-party market cooperation.


New Facekini Designs Hit the Beaches of Qingdao

Zhang Shifan designed the first facekini more than a decade ago. The unusual piece of swimwear caught on in the coastal city of Qingdao and Zhang has been rolling out(设计)new, colorful iterations(反复)each year which do much more than just cover the face.









脸基尼,中日篇——Lucy 甘璐

RMB篇——Winnie 黄永怡

美利坚,华为篇——Cain 谢千惠

编辑:Cain 谢千惠

审阅:Cain 谢千惠 Winnie 黄永怡


Chinadaily,CGTN,新法制报,人民日报英文客户端,China wire
