200字范文 > VOA慢速 | "水果姐"热门单曲被判抄袭

VOA慢速 | "水果姐"热门单曲被判抄袭

时间:2019-12-09 18:03:35


VOA慢速 | "水果姐"热门单曲被判抄袭

Katy Perry’s "Dark Horse" Copied Christian Rap Song“水果姐”热门单曲被判抄袭A jury in Los Angeles found that Katy Perry"s popular song "Dark Horse" had copied a Christian rap song by a little-known artist.洛杉矶一家陪审团裁决凯蒂·佩里的流行歌曲《Dark Hourse》抄袭了一位不知名艺人在创作的基督教说唱歌曲。The decision came five years after Marcus Gray and two songwriters first brought legal action against Perry and her team. They said that "Dark Horse" stole from "Joyful Noise," a song Gray released under the stage name Flame.这一裁决是在马库斯·格雷和两位词曲作者首次对佩里及其团队提起法律诉讼5年后作出的。他们称《Dark Hourse》抄袭了《Joyful Noise》,这是格雷用艺名Flame发行的一首歌曲。"Dark Horse" spent four weeks atop the Billboard Hot 100 and earned a Grammy nomination for Perry. She also performed the song during her Super Bowl halftime show.《Dark Hourse》在美国公告牌百强单曲榜霸榜4周,佩蒂因此赢得了一次格莱美奖提名。她还在超级碗中场秀演唱了这首歌。The jurors found that all of the defendants - six songwriters and four companies that released the song "Dark Horse" – were responsible for breaking copyright rules. A defendant is the person or company that is being accused of wrongdoing in court.陪审团裁决《Dark Hourse》的6名词曲作者和4家发行公司都对侵权一事负责。被告是指在法庭上被指控犯法的个人或公司。Audio comparison音频比较Gray"s lawyers argued that the beat and instrumental line, or musical patterns, in "Dark Horse" were similar to that of "Joyful Noise." Gray wrote the song with Emanuel Lambert and Chike Ojukwu.格雷的律师认为,《Dark Hourse》中的节拍和音乐元素与《Joyful Noise》雷同。格雷跟伊曼纽尔·兰伯特以及希克·奥朱古共同创作了这首歌曲。Perry"s musical expert told the jury that the musical patterns in the dispute were as simple as the 19th-century song "Mary Had a Little Lamb." The song is commonly sung to get children to sleep.佩蒂的音乐专家对陪审团表示,存在争议的音乐节拍就跟19世纪的歌曲《玛丽有只小绵羊》一样简单。这首歌通常作为摇篮曲。Her lawyers compared the patterns to "the alphabet of music that should be available to everyone." They argued if they were to be copyrighted, it would hurt music and all songwriters.她的律师将这些节拍与“大家都应接触到的音乐字母表”进行了比较。他们认为,如果这些都要受到版权保护,会伤害到音乐和所有词曲作者。The jury of six women and three men disagreed. They thought that the beat and instrument line at the center of "Joyful Noise" were original enough to be copyrighted.由6名女性和3名男性组成的陪审团不认可这一主张。他们认为《Joyful Noise》的主要音乐节拍是原创的,这足以受到版权保护。Perry and her team of songwriters also said that none of them had heard Gray"s song or even heard of him before the lawsuit. They also said they did not listen to Christian music.佩蒂和她的词曲团队还声称,在诉讼前他们都没听过格雷的歌曲,甚至都没听过这号人物。他们还自称没有听基督教音乐。However, Gray"s lawyers showed that Perry and her songwriters could have heard the song. "Joyful Noise" has millions of plays on YouTube and Spotify and was included on an album that was nominated for a Grammy award. Gray"s team also pointed out that Perry started her career singing Christian music.然而,格雷方律师表明,佩里和其词曲团队可能听过这首歌。《Joyful Noise》在Youtube和Spotify的播放量高达数百万,甚至被收入在一首获得格莱美奖提名的专辑当中。格雷的团队还指出,佩里的职业生涯就始于基督教音乐。The jury will now have to decide how much money Katy Perry and other defendants owe Marcus Gray and his team for violating copyright rules.陪审团现在必须裁决佩蒂及其他被告侵犯格雷及其团队版权所赔偿的具体金额。I"m John Russell.约翰·罗塞尔为您播报。
