200字范文 > 剪纸是我国的传统艺术 它起源于古代 完全就是一种艺术品!

剪纸是我国的传统艺术 它起源于古代 完全就是一种艺术品!

时间:2024-01-29 22:35:49


剪纸是我国的传统艺术 它起源于古代 完全就是一种艺术品!


Paper-cut is our traditional custom in China, especially during the festival, lights are colored, windows are pasted with red and red beautiful patterns, New Year"s Day this project has become our daily life, Xiaobian remember when she was a child at Grandma"s house, she will do some paper-cut when she is idle, not only on glass, to decorate the white walls of the house will also paste some, it seems very much. The Festival looks good. Every time I see it, my mood gets better. The eighteen years of the lunar calendar will soon be over. Are you ready? Talk about some origins of paper-cut!


Paper-cut can be traced back to the 2nd century AD in China. Everyone knows who the invention of paper is. As paper becomes cheaper and cheaper, paper-cut has become one of the most important types of Chinese folk art. Later, this form of art spread to other parts of the world, different regions adopt their own cultural style.


Because incisions are usually used to decorate doors and windows, they are sometimes referred to as window flowers, window flowers or window paper-cut. Paper-cut is glued to the outside of the window, so the light inside will shine into the negative space of the incision. Usually, works of art are made of red paper, because red is related to celebration and happiness in Chinese culture, but other colors are also used. Usually, paper-cut works of art are used for festivals such as Spring Festival, weddings and childbirth. Papercuts always symbolize luck and happiness.


Chinese paper-cut originated from the activities of sacrificing ancestors in ancient times and is a traditional part of Chinese culture. According to archaeological records, it originated in the 6th century, although some people believe that its history can be traced back to the Warring States Period (about 3 BC), as early as before the invention of the paper. At that time, people used other thin materials, such as leaves, silver foil, silk and even leather, to carve hollow patterns. Later, when paper was invented, people realized that it was easy to cut, store and discard. Paper became the main material of such works of art. In the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1912), this art witnessed its most prosperous period. For more than a thousand years, people (mainly women) have been cutting paper as part of their leisure activities. They created different types of paper-cut and sharing, and passed this traditional craft on to their children, making this traditional artistic style more and more popular and still in practice.


Paper is a material prone to mildew and decay. In southeastern China, rainfall usually falls in May and June, which makes paper mildewed and rots rapidly. As a result, people in the southeast did not keep them, and it was difficult to find paper-cuts since then. On the contrary, the weather in Northwest China is usually dry, which makes it possible to find paper-cut production in the Northern Dynasty in Turpan, Xinjiang Province.


When paper-cut spread to Tang Dynasty, the skill of handicraft became mature. Paper-cut is not only a handicraft, but also a work of art, because it can express this idea through patterns. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, paper-cut experienced a peak period of development. Folk paper-cut has a wider range of dissemination and rich means of artistic expression. Paper-cut is used to decorate doors, windows and walls to show happiness and festivals.


Sharing is a virtue, sharing is a pleasure, learning to share, happy others!








