200字范文 > I am a single mom and have a child. Knowing that I could not 21 to get him anything at all

I am a single mom and have a child. Knowing that I could not 21 to get him anything at all

时间:2020-06-23 20:28:07


I am a single mom and have a child. Knowing that I could not 21 to get him anything at all


I am a single mom and have a child. Knowing that I could not 21 to get him anything at all for his birthday, I felt broken-hearted. 22 I decided to post a(n) 23 on “Wish Upon A Hero” website for people to 24 my son birthday cards. I knew he loved to 25 the mailbox and always asked if there was anything for him. I 26 that if he could get a few cards, it would make him smile and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn be so 27 that I wasn able to get him anything. The cards just started 28 in and my little sweetie was 29 excited! Every day more and more cards came and this went30 for about three weeks. The smile on his face and the sparkle in his eyes brought me to 31. At the end of November, he started thinking about Christmas and he 32 knew that there would not be much under the tree for him due to my 33,but it didn seem to 34 to him. All he talked about was how much he wanted to make other children 35. He decided that what he wanted to do was earn money to buy Christmas cards and send them to other children from 36 families. My son went out daily to make money. Not only did he make the money to buy the cards, but he also made enough money to buy all the stamps and lollipops (棒棒糖) to put in the 37. He sent out about 100 cards. Doing this 38 him the same smile and sparkle in his eyes as the birthday cards that he had received did. I was and am so 39 of him. My son and “Wish Upon A Hero” have given me renewed 40 that there are still people in this world that care about others.

【小题1】A.agreeB.pretendC.expectD.afford【小题2】A.InsteadB.HoweverC.SoD.Besides【小题3】A.pictureB.jobC.wishD.advertisement【小题4】A.showB.sellC.designD.send【小题5】A.checkB.produceC.addressD.receive【小题6】A.explainedB.thoughtC.regrettedD.promised .【小题7】A.angryB.curiousC.upsetD.strange【小题8】A.breakingB.happeningC.pouringD.improving【小题9】A.absolutelyB.eventuallyC.generouslyD.attentively【小题10】A.awayB.offC.upD.on【小题11】A.surpriseB.difficultyC.respectD.tears【小题12】A.alreadyB.stillC.evenD.never【小题13】A.supportB.strengthsC.financesD.instructions【小题14】A.matterB.objectC.belongD.refer【小题15】A.understandB.changeC.continueD.smile【小题16】A.ordinaryB.poorC.familiarD.distant【小题17】A.mailboxB.houseC.cardsD.stamps【小题18】A.savedB.broughtC.owedD.taught【小题19】A.proudB.carefulC.awareD.full【小题20】A.excuseB.suggestionC.doubtD.hopeD




【小题1】作者无力“承担”给孩子购买任何生日礼物的费用, 伤心欲绝。


【小题1】作者把自己的“愿望”发布在网络上, 希望能得到网友的帮助。


【小题1】作者的儿子喜欢“查看”邮箱, 希望里面有寄给自己的东西。

【小题1】作者“认为”如果儿子能收到几张卡片, 心中也许能得到慰藉。


【小题1】根据下文内容可知贺卡源源不断地寄来。此处 pour 表示 “涌来”。

【小题1】上文提到作者的儿子喜欢查看邮箱, 此时贺卡雪片般飞来, 由此可知他是“极其”兴奋。

【小题1】这种情况“持续”了大约三个星期。go away“离开”; “离开” go off“熄灭;走火”;go up“增长”。

【小题1】作者因为自己无力给孩子购买生日礼物而感到愧疚, 所以看到他脸上的微笑和眼里闪耀着的光芒时,禁不住“泪水”涟涟。

【小题1】作者的儿子知道自己家的窘况, 而且上文也提到了作者没有给他买生日礼物, 由此可知他“已经”知道了不会有太多的圣诞节礼物。



【小题1】上文提到网友送给他的贺卡让他高兴不己, 所以他也想给其他孩子带去“微笑”。

【小题1】作者的儿子因为贫穷而接受了别人的恩惠, 所以他想帮助其他“贫苦的”家庭的孩子。

【小题1】他要把卡片邮寄给穷人的孩子, 因此要把棒棒糖放在“卡片”中。



【小题1】作者的儿子和“Wish Upon A Hero”这个网站使作者重新燃起了世界上仍然有人关心他人的“希望”。
