200字范文 > A boy of 14 has become the youngest student to win a place at Cambridge University. Arran

A boy of 14 has become the youngest student to win a place at Cambridge University. Arran

时间:2023-11-11 02:22:45


A boy of 14 has become the youngest student to win a place at Cambridge University. Arran


A boy of 14 has become the youngest student to win a place at Cambridge University. Arran Fernandez, who was 16at home by his father, Neil, will 17 a mathematics degree at Fitzwilliam College next month and he hopes to have a career as a research mathematician to 18 the Riemann hypothesis(黎曼猜想) that has confused the brightest minds. It will make him the youngest Cambridge student 19 14-year-old William Pitt the Younger studied there in 1773.

Last night the child genius said: “I am looking forward to going to the 20 . I have started the first-year books21 and it is all right, not too 22 . I can understand it. I am excited about going to Cambridge, 23 I am used to making records about being the youngest in education. It isn’t the youngest moment that is so important to me-- 24 I’m more interested in going to Cambridge than comparing 25 with other people who go there.”

But 26his age he will not be able to 27 many of the alcohol-fuelled festivities(庆典) traditionally28 to Freshers’ Week. “I don’t think I’m missing too much fun,” he insisted. “Even if I was 18, I wouldn’t want to go out29 . ”

Arran, 30 plans to join the bird-watching society instead and go boating while at university, was five when he 31the youngest person to be 32a GCSE (General Certificated of Secondary Education), after passing maths. He was offered the33to learn at Cambridge in , when he was 14, on the condition he gained an A-level in physics, which he34 with an A+ grade. Arran had already gained an A grade in further maths last year.

Cambridge also asked him to attend three GCSEs in subjects which were not related to maths and physics to35 his knowledge. He gained A+s in English literature and French and an A in English language this summer.

【小题1】A.educatedB.equippedC.arrangedD.evaluated【小题2】A.runB.operateC.endD.start【小题3】A.work outB.make outC.help outD.break out【小题4】A.beforeB.afterC.sinceD.but【小题5】A.festivitiesB.lecturesC.contestsD.literature【小题6】A.especiallyB.alreadyC.hardlyD.gradually【小题7】A.difficultB.easyC.interestingD.boring【小题8】A.thereforeB.butC.additionallyD.and【小题9】A.fortunatelyB.merelyC.actuallyD.mentally【小题10】A.itB.themC.themselvesD.myself【小题11】A.because of B.instead of C.except forD.as for【小题12】A.pick outB.join inC.pick upD.join up【小题13】A.addedB.addictedC.relatedD.encouraged【小题14】A.smokingB.singingC.drinkingD.dancing【小题15】A.whoB.whichC.thatD.he【小题16】A.turnedB.seemedC.grewD.became【小题17】A.presentedB.awardedC.rewardedD.submitted【小题18】A.tendencyB.treatyC.profitD.opportunity【小题19】A.improvedB.achievedC.reservedD.represented【小题20】A.reduceB.improveC.broadenD.insureA




【小题1】A纵观全篇可知,Arran Fernandez并没有去过学校,一直都是爸爸在家教他。此处用了被动语态。equipped“装备”;arranged“安排”;evaluated“测评”;

【小题1】D 此处表示,Arran Fernandez下个月开始,将开始在Fitzwilliam College学院主修数学学位。

【小题1】A他想解决黎曼猜想。work out“解决”;make out“制定出”;help out“帮助……走出困境”break out“爆发”。

【小题1】C 这将会使得他成为自1773年以来最年轻的剑桥大学的学生。

【小题1】B festivities“庆典”;lectures “学术讲座”;contests“比赛”; literature“文学”。根据题意,大学的课程主要是学术讲座。

【小题1】B already“已经”,常和现在完成时的肯定形式连用。

【小题1】A 由后文的I can understand it.可知这些课程并不难。


【小题1】C 但是此时此刻,Arran真正在乎的是他能够去剑桥大学

【小题1】D 而不是拿自己和别人比。Compare……with 把……和……作比较。

【小题1】A 但因为他年纪太小,所以很多的酒精燃料的庆典他都不能参加。because of“因为”;instead of“用……来代替”;except for“除……之外”;as for“就……而言”。

【小题1】B pick out“挑选”;join in“参加”;pick up“捡起来”;join up“联结”

【小题1】C 上文的酒精燃料的庆典是包含在新生周中的。在英国的大学,学校设定了一个新生周,在新生周里,学生们被要求去参加一系列的社交活动。例如:舞会、泡吧等

【小题1】C 由上文的酒精可知,此处应填drinking“喝酒”。

【小题1】A 此处考查非限制性定语从句。先行词是Arran,指人,故用who.

【小题1】D 当他成为最年轻的被授予普通中等教育证书的学生时,他还只有5岁。

【小题1】B award“授予”;

【小题1】D 在他通过了数学考试之后,他获得了去剑桥大学的opportunity机会。

【小题1】B achieved“获得”;此处指Arran获得了很好的成绩。

【小题1】C broaden one’s knowledge “拓展某人的知识”。
