200字范文 > This is my third storyWhen I was seventeen I 36a quote (引文) that went something like I

This is my third storyWhen I was seventeen I 36a quote (引文) that went something like I

时间:2022-11-24 17:55:05


This is my third storyWhen I was seventeen  I 36a quote (引文) that went something like   I


This is my third story.When I was seventeen, I 36a quote (引文) that went something like, If you live each day 37it was your last, someday youll most certainly be right. Since then, for the past thirty-three years, Ive looked 38the mirror every morning and asked myself, If today were the last day of my life, what would I do ? And when there was no answer for too many days in a 39, I know I need to change something.

About a year ago I 40from cancer.The doctors told me it was incurable, and that I should 41to live no longer than three to six months.They advised me to get my 42in order, which is doctors code (代名词) for prepare to 43.Later when the doctors 44the cells taken from my pancreas (胰腺) under a microscope, they found it turned out to be a very rare form of cancer that is 45with surgery.I had the surgery and, 46, Im fine now.

This was the closest Ive been to facing 47, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades.Death is the destination we all 48.No one has ever escaped it.And that is 49it should be, because death is very likely the single 50invention of life.It clears out the old to make 51for the new.Your time is limited, so don waste it living 52life.Don let the noise of others opinions drown out ( 盖过) your own inner 53.And most importantly, have the courage to 54 your heart and intuition (直觉).They55 already know what you truly want to become.Everything else is secondary.

【小题1】A.wroteB.describedC.expressedD.read【小题2】A.now thatB.even thoughC.as ifD.as long as【小题3】A.inB.atC.throughD.on【小题4】A.rowB.minuteC.senseD.word【小题5】A.recoveredB.keptC.fellD.suffered【小题6】A.desireB.prepareC.expectD.wait【小题7】A.officeB.affairsC.moneyD.documents【小题8】A.workB.dieC.actD.start【小题9】A.witnessedB.noticedC.confirmedD.viewed【小题10】A.curableB.possibleC.acceptableD.suitable【小题11】A.immediatelyB.graduallyC.thankfullyD.hopefully【小题12】A.cancerB.deathC.lifeD.success【小题13】A.shareB.desertC.admireD.avoid【小题14】A.whenB.whileC.asD.since【小题15】A.oldestB.bestC.newestD.worst【小题16】A.preparationsB.progressC.plansD.way【小题17】A.yourB.anyone elsesC.hisD.someone elses【小题18】A.voiceB.worldC.heartD.trouble【小题19】A.touchB.followC.openD.accept【小题20】A.otherwiseB.anywayC.somehowD.thereforeD






【小题3】习惯用语,盯着镜子看look in the mirror

【小题4】in a row 意为连续的,句意为当连续很多天都没有答案的时候,我知道我需要改变点什么了。

【小题5】上下文,根据后文的it was incurable可知是作者患有癌症,即suffer from遭受……疾病的折磨

【小题6】句意理解,此处意为我应当不会活着超过三到六个月,expect意为预料,预计 desire 渴望 prepare准备 wait等待



【小题9】根据under a microscope 可知,是通过显微镜观察/检查从胰腺里取出的细胞。View 意为观察,检查 witness意为目击 notice意为注意到 confirm意为证实

【小题10】上下文,根据后文的I had the surgery可知,医生发现他的癌症是可治愈的,所以才会做手术。



【小题13】上下文,根据No one has ever escaped it每个人都逃不了的,所以是每个人都共同分享的。

【小题14】as it should be 为固定短语,意为应当(如此)

【小题15】上下文,根据下文It clears out the old to make 51for the new可知,这里讲的是好的方面,所以是最好的发明。

【小题16】句意理解,句意为死亡可以清理掉老的,给新的让路,即make way for


【小题18】下上文,根据the noise 可知,此处为内心的声音


【小题20】同上,somehow 以某种方式,不知何故 otherwise否则 anyway无论如何 therefore因此
