200字范文 > I was driving in the car. It was raining. The car suddenly slid (滑) off of the36road and t

I was driving in the car. It was raining. The car suddenly slid (滑) off of the36road and t

时间:2020-10-27 13:32:43


I was driving in the car. It was raining. The car suddenly slid (滑) off of the36road and t


I was driving in the car. It was raining. The car suddenly slid (滑) off of the36road and turned upside down. The roof of the car was damaged and my37was trapped in the window. I could not move it38the glass on my face and the pressure from the roof. I was39.It was still raining and I was afraid that the ditch (壕沟) I was in would40 with water. I was also afraid that the car would41as I could smell gasoline.

Then two male truck drivers came to me and tried to42me.They got a car jack and_43the top of the car and released me. Then they 44me out of the car. Two young women stepped forward and45to take me to the hospital. I immediately realized that I was_46hurt.I had hurt my back and I was in a lot of47.At the hospital,I was X­rayed and the48told me that there was something serious.The49on my face were also done with and I was given pain50.

This51in the South in 1958,a time of segregation (种族隔离)52 “black” people and “white” people. As it happened,the two men and the two women who were so53to help me were all African Americans. Whoever they are,I54life has been good and kind to them as they were to me. I am always thankful to them and I will never55them.

【小题1】A.cleanB.wetC.whiteD.wide【小题2】A.handB.footC.headD.body【小题3】A.except forB.thanks toC.ahead ofD.because of【小题4】A.tiredB.comfortableC.scaredD.surprised【小题5】A.put onB.show upC.hold onD.fill up【小题6】A.catch fireB.set offC.make a differenceD.break down【小题7】A.seeB.helpC.answerD.encourage【小题8】A.liftedB.brokeC.burnt.D.checked【小题9】A.threwB.kickedC.pulledD.pushed【小题10】A.refusedB.offeredC.wishedD.pretended【小题11】A.seriouslyB.strangelyC.slowlyD.commonly【小题12】A.pityB.sadnessC.luckD.pain【小题13】A.manB.womanC.doctorD.helper【小题14】A.cutsB.smilesC.signsD.expressions【小题15】A.instructionB.medicineC.trainingD.treatment【小题16】A.changedB.disappearedC.occurredD.began【小题17】A.afterB.withC.forD.between【小题18】A.kindB.worriedC.carefulD.eager【小题19】A.doubtB.hopeC.thinkD.imagine【小题20】A.fightB.fearC.forgetD.scoldB




【小题1】从上文It was raining可知道路很湿。

【小题2】从下文的the glass on my face使我不能动,说明我的头被卡在车窗上。


【小题4】下文连续使用了I was afraid 。。。 I was also afraid that 。。。说我的担心,说明我很害怕。


【小题6】从下文的I could smell gasoline我闻到汽油了推断出我生怕汽车会起火。B出发,启程C起作用,有影响D抛锚,均不合题意

【小题7】联系下文hey got a car jack。。。and released me,可知两个卡车司机过来是来帮助我。



【小题10】句意,两位妇女走上前,主动提出送我到医院。offer to do sth主动提出做某事,A拒绝C希望D假装不合题意。







【小题17】那个时期黑人和白人之间是种族隔离时期.between... And在。。。和。。。之间。



