200字范文 > 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(共10题 满分10分)【小题1】He arrived at his

用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(共10题 满分10分)【小题1】He arrived at his

时间:2020-01-18 00:02:15


用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(共10题 满分10分)【小题1】He arrived at his



【小题1】He arrived at his hometown, tired and dusty (dust), on Sunday night.

【小题2】I was most grateful (grate) to John for his kindness of sending me the book immediately.

【小题3】The teacher seems to dislike (like) the idea of testing children in such a narrow way to find out who is the most excellent.

【小题4】The actual (actually) price was lower than I had thought.

【小题5】I’m not really a country girl, but I suppose I’m gradually (gradual) getting used to looking after the animals.

【小题6】From the changing expression (express) on speakers’ faces and the tones of their voices, they can tell lies from truths.

【小题7】They’ll trade with eastern (east) European countries.

【小题8】I never know that encouragement is so powerful (power) that it can change a person.

【小题9】When I travell with my friends, my parents are always concerned (concern) about me.

【小题10】The mother looks at the door frequently (frequent), wishing the children’s coming.



【小题1】和tired并列的应该是形容词: dusty

【小题2】most后面修饰形容词grateful,句型:be grateful to sb 对…感激

【小题3】从后面的句子:the idea of testing children in such a narrow way to find out who is the most excellent.可知老师不喜欢这种想法: dislike

【小题4】修饰price用形容词 actual

【小题5】修饰动词:getting used to looking after the animals.应该是副词 gradually


【小题7】修饰European countries可知是形容词eastern


【小题9】考查词组:be concerned with对…担心

【小题10】修饰looks at the door 用副词frequently

用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(共10题 满分10分)【小题1】He arrived at his hometown tired and dusty (dust) on Sun
