200字范文 > Surrounded by the towns of Davidson Huntersville and Cornelius Lake Norman is a man-made

Surrounded by the towns of Davidson Huntersville and Cornelius Lake Norman is a man-made

时间:2019-01-02 21:27:08


Surrounded by the towns of Davidson  Huntersville and Cornelius  Lake Norman is a man-made


Surrounded by the towns of Davidson, Huntersville and Cornelius, Lake Norman is a man-made lake. It is also the largest lake in the state covering a shoreline of more than 500 miles. State Park on the lake gives a chance for different water activities.

People, both tourists and locals, come to the area on weekends, where during the peak season a large crowd arrives to relax and have fun. A great activity for kids is education except fun. The tour covers aquatic(水生的) life, especially that seen at Lake Norman. Since it is more of an educational one it also covers other important knowledge about water.

Those wanting to go boating are seen off into the lake on canoes and pedal boats which are rented on hourly basis. The charges are $5 per hour increased by $3 for every additional(附加的) hour. The boats can be kept on the lake all day from 10 in the morning till 5 in the evening during the summers. Both canoes and pedal boats can seat 2 to 4 people.

The park also set up a group tent camp, where a site can hold about 25 people. People from all over the country come here to catch some fishing action, obviously hoping to catch some fish as well. The inner park lake is also great for fishing, though it offers a smaller area compared to Lake Norman. Those here for adventure like to go for biking and hiking on the trails inside the park.

Lake Norman is a great place to spend time with family and friends. People come here on vacation or simply to kick back after a week’s work and relax.

【小题1】From the passage we learn that Lake Norman is .A.the second largest lake in the USA B.surrounded by the town of DavidsonC.not a natural one but made by peopleD.about five hundred metres long【小题2】A large number of people came to the park .A.to watch the performances hereB.during the peak seasonC.to have sports games D.all the year round【小题3】In what way does the park attract children except having fun? A.Learning a lot. B.Catching fish.C.Going hiking. D.Going cycling.【小题4】How much will you have to pay at least if the five of you want to go boating a day? A.28 dollars. B.36 dollars.C.23 dollars.D.46 dollars.【小题5】If you want to save more money you can .A.stay in the hotel that is near the parkB.come to the park in summer or springC.stay in the tent of the park for the nightD.fish in the small lake in the parkC



解析:本文是一则广告,介绍了Lake Norman里的一系列的活动,既有教育意义也让让人很放松很轻松。

【小题1】C 细节题。根据文章第一句Surrounded by the towns of Davidson, Huntersville and Cornelius, Lake Norman is a man-made lake.说明这是一个人工湖,故C正确。

【小题2】B 细节题。根据文章1,2行People, both tourists and locals, come to the area on weekends, where during the peak season a large crowd arrives to relax and have fun.说明很多人都在高峰季节来到这里,故B正确。

【小题3】A 细节题。根据文章第二段A great activity for kids is education except fun. The tour covers aquatic(水生的) life, especially that seen at Lake Norman. Since it is more of an educational one it also covers other important knowledge about water.说明在这个湖泊上的很多的活动都是有很强的教育作用,故A正确。

【小题4】D 计算题。根据The charges are $5 per hour increased by $3 for every additional(附加的) hour. The boats can be kept on the lake all day from 10 in the morning till 5 in the evening during the summers. Both canoes and pedal boats can seat 2 to 4 people. 说明5个人要坐两条船。一条船上午10点到下文5点是7个小时,第一个小时5元,后面3元一小时。一条船一天是23元,那么两条船就是46元,故D正确。

【小题5】C 推理题。在帐篷里过夜就不需要去宾馆消费了,故可以节省部分钱,同时在帐篷里过夜也有自己的好处,可以近距离地体验野外生活,故C正确。
